T32 Training Program in the Biology of Cancer T32 Training Program in the Biology of Cancer Larry H. Matherly, Ph.D. Director, Cancer Biology Graduate Program Department of Oncology November 15, 2012
Provides foundation for T32 CA Founded in 1987 Based in the Department of Oncology (2010) at WSU Broad-based curriculum in state-of-the-art molecular and cell biology research with strong specialization in cancer Unique interface of graduate program with clinical activities in the KCI cancer hospital Cancer Biology Graduate Program Shermaine Mitchell-Ryan (Y4)
Cancer Biology Graduate Program Currently 57 interdisciplinary faculty Areas of research interest broadly include tumor biology, tumor immunology, cancer prevention, carcinogenesis, cancer therapeutics, molecular genetics, population studies, and cancer metatasis Seema Shah (Y3)
Cancer Biology Graduate Program 30 trainees 29 domestic trainees 29 domestic trainees 12 males, 18 females 12 males, 18 females 2 MD/PhD trainees 2 MD/PhD trainees 5 URM trainees 5 URM trainees ~4-5 recruits per year ~4-5 recruits per year 4 trainees currently supported by F30/F31 fellowships >97% completion rate 4.7 years to completion Aaron Burr (Y3)
More than 70 PhD alumni have progressed to postdoctoral training positions in universities, research institutes, and pharmaceutical firms At least twelve hold academic rank of at least Assistant Professor Many others in pharma, other professional positions Dr. Johnathan Whetstine, Dr. Matherly, and Dr. Jeffrey Taub Cancer Biology Graduate Program
T32 CA “Training in the Biology of Cancer” Currently in year 26 Last competitive review in February 2012 Received perfect score of 10 Received perfect score of 10 Renewed for years Renewed for years faculty members 2 junior faculty, 2 clinical faculty 2 junior faculty, 2 clinical faculty Supports 6 predoctoral trainees/year Draws from Departments of Oncology and Pharmacology
T32 Stategies Focus of training program Interdisciplinary, topical, unique niche Interdisciplinary, topical, unique niche Pre- and postdoctoral trainees Pre- and postdoctoral trainees Relation to other training programs Pre- and postdoctoral training grants (e.g., R25, T32) Pre- and postdoctoral training grants (e.g., R25, T32) Other support mechanisms (GRAs, individual F31-type fellowships) Other support mechanisms (GRAs, individual F31-type fellowships) Benefits to trainees Separate from other departmental/institutional programs Separate from other departmental/institutional programs
Game plan for T32 Program director should have active extramurally supported research program Experience in education, administration, and mentorship Experience in education, administration, and mentorship Associate Director with similar qualifications Internal and external advisory committees
Game plan for T32 Diverse, well funded, generally experienced mentors Include faculty of different ranks Include faculty of different ranks May require co-mentors May require co-mentors Evidence of faculty collaboration Evidence of faculty collaboration Documented training history (trainee publications, grants, professional appointments, etc.) Documented training history (trainee publications, grants, professional appointments, etc.) Evaluative process for mentor selection and replacement Evaluative process for mentor selection and replacement
Game plan for T32 Robust applicant pool (highly selective) Domestic (“training grant eligible”) Domestic (“training grant eligible”) Not all local Not all local 5 year history of applicant numbers (applied, enrolled, completed degree) 5 year history of applicant numbers (applied, enrolled, completed degree) Qualifications of most recent applicant pool and current trainees (institution, GPA, GREs) Qualifications of most recent applicant pool and current trainees (institution, GPA, GREs) MD/PhD trainees MD/PhD trainees Good recruitment strategies Graduate fairs Graduate fairs Undergraduate research fellowships Undergraduate research fellowships Recruiting day Recruiting day Strong discriminators of success Strong discriminators of success
Game plan for T32 Diversity recruitment Track record on recruitment and retention Track record on recruitment and retention Specific recruiting plan Specific recruiting plan ABRCMSABRCMS Partner with minority institutionsPartner with minority institutions AlumniAlumni IMSDIMSD “Dean’s Diversity Fellowship”“Dean’s Diversity Fellowship” Summer undergraduate programsSummer undergraduate programs Must justify number of training slots Particular focus (e.g., MD/PhD) Particular focus (e.g., MD/PhD)
Game plan for T32 Robust trainee selection criterion Nomination and competition Nomination and competition Ratio of nominees/trainees Ratio of nominees/trainees For predocs, no support for first year For predocs, no support for first year Distribution of trainees to mentors Retention and graduation rates 100% of training slots filled 100% of training slots filled Focus on underrepresented minorities Focus on underrepresented minorities Plan to evaluate trainee progress Annual review (2 year max support) Annual review (2 year max support) Exit interview Exit interview
Game plan for T32 Must document training facilities, key equipment, and types of departmental or interdepartmental interactions among trainees and faculty Plans to address issues of institutional geography and trainee access to scientific, educational, and clinical resources
Game plan for T32 Must provide evidence of institutional support Cost sharing, tuition/benefit coverage Cost sharing, tuition/benefit coverage No faculty salaries allowedNo faculty salaries allowed 40% tuition costs not covered for predocs40% tuition costs not covered for predocs Insurances exceeding $2000 not coveredInsurances exceeding $2000 not covered Stipend and tuition support for years prior to and following T32 support Stipend and tuition support for years prior to and following T32 support Infrastructure (facilities, cores, specimens, grants management, purchasing, etc.) Infrastructure (facilities, cores, specimens, grants management, purchasing, etc.) Other support (program staff, recruiting costs, travel to scientific conferences, etc.) Other support (program staff, recruiting costs, travel to scientific conferences, etc.) Documentation is essential Documentation is essential
Game plan for T32 Unique features of training plan Unique curriculum (e.g., didactic courses, clinical rounding, qualifying exams, etc.) Unique curriculum (e.g., didactic courses, clinical rounding, qualifying exams, etc.) Other training opportunies (networking, symposia, seminars, etc.) Other training opportunies (networking, symposia, seminars, etc.) National/international meetings, special workshops, local meetings (GSRD, Graduate Student Forum), etc. National/international meetings, special workshops, local meetings (GSRD, Graduate Student Forum), etc. Clinical interface Clinical interface Transition to individual fellowships Transition to individual fellowships Practical training (traditional/non-traditional, grant and fellowships, lab management, etc.) Practical training (traditional/non-traditional, grant and fellowships, lab management, etc.) Special populations (women, minorities) Special populations (women, minorities)
Game plan for T32 Responsible conduct of research Mandatory Mandatory Didactic course Didactic course Documented curriculum Documented curriculum Participating faculty Participating faculty Record of participation Record of participation
Game plan for T32 Trainees must continue to be productive in field and advance up professional ladder 10 year follow-up (professional appointments, publications, grants, honors) 10 year follow-up (professional appointments, publications, grants, honors) Evidence of career progression Evidence of career progression Open to interpretationOpen to interpretation Publications, grants, honors, positions, etc.Publications, grants, honors, positions, etc. Plan for trainee follow-up Plan for trainee follow-up Tracking and solicitationTracking and solicitation Alumni visits Alumni visits
Game plan for T32 Effect of training program on curriculum and/or research orientation Impact on faculty productivity Impact on faculty productivity Foster collaborations Foster collaborations Institutional visibility Institutional visibility Faculty and trainee recruiting Faculty and trainee recruiting Value of training-related expenses Training costs Training costs Travel and professional development Travel and professional development Special programs Special programs
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