Committee Report Senate Academic Affairs Committee (SAAC) March 10, 2015 Latasha Wade, Pharm.D. School of Pharmacy and Health Professions 1
Overview of Curriculum and Course Proposals Course changes: –(4) from English and Modern Languages –(4) from Rehabilitation Services –(7) from Pharmacy –(6) from Human Ecology –(11) from Technology Program change –(1) from Education (substantive change) –(1) from Technology (substantive change) New Program: –(1) from Engineering and Aviation Sciences 2
Review of Curriculum Change Proposals (February 2015) 3
English and Modern Languages Proposals Proposal documents received by SAAC on December 1, 2014 –Reviewed December 13 th -16 th –Committee voted electronically December 17th and approved all requested changes Overview of course changes –Change ENGL 488 (Peer Tutor Workshop) to permanent number ENGL 467 –Change the ENGL 490 (Senior Capstone in English) to a required course for English majors –Change ENGL 388E (Intermediate Chinese) to permanent number CHIN 102 –Make CHIN 102 an option for Discipline C (language) under Curriculum Area I Arts and Humanities 4
Motion to Approve, Discussion, and Vote Course change proposals from the Department of English and Modern Languages 5
Rehabilitation Proposals Proposal documents received by SAAC on December 1, 2014 –Reviewed December 13 th -16 th –Committee voted electronically December 17 th and approved all requested changes Overview of course changes –RECN 640 (change to course title and course description) From Assessment and Vocational Evaluation to Psychological Assessments and Measurements New course description places emphasis on testing and assessment –RECN 641 (change to course title) From Vocational Counseling and Job Placement to Principles and Practice in Career Counseling and Development 6
Rehabilitation Proposals cont. Overview of course changes –RECN 642 (change to course title and course description) From Case Management of Severe Disabilities to Techniques of Interviewing and Case Management New course description incorporates concepts related to client counseling in addition to case management –RECN 715 (change to course title) From Psychiatric Rehabilitation: Practice, Assessment, and Management to Psychiatric Rehabilitation: Diagnosis and Psychopathology 7
Motion to Approve, Discussion, and Vote Course change proposals from the Department of Rehabilitation Services 8
Pharmacy Proposals Proposal documents received by SAAC on December 16, 2014 –Reviewed December 23 rd -January 30 th –Committee voted on February 2 nd and approved all requested changes Overview of course changes –Addition PHAR 609: Therapeutics of Self-Care and Over-the-Counter Products o 2-credit required course to be taken in the fall of the SP-2 year –Eliminations PHAR 573: C-Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience I (4-credit) o Required practicum taken in December of SP-1 year PHAR 673: C-Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience II (2-credit) o Required practicum taken in May/June of SP-1 year 9
Pharmacy Proposals cont. Overview of course changes –Modifications PHAR 571/572: Introductory Pharmacy Practice I/II (2-credits each) o Increase both to 5-credits o Modify structure from 8 hours every other week throughout the fall/spring semester to 8 hours/day, 5 days/week for 3 weeks at the end of the fall/semester semester o Make focus of the course community and institutional pharmacy practice, respectively PHAR 671/672: Introductory Pharmacy Practice III/IV o Modify structure from 8 hours every other week at a practice site to every other week with a specific patient o Change focus of the course from a practice site to a particular population (geriatrics) 10
Motion to Approve, Discussion, and Vote Course change proposals from the School of Pharmacy 11
Education Proposals Proposal documents received by SAAC on December 9, 2014 –Reviewed December 23 rd -January 30 th –Committee voted on February 2 nd and approved all requested changes Overview of curriculum changes (substantive) –Increase the number of credit hours required for the M.Ed. in Counselor Education from 48 to 60 (both specializations) –Change the name of the Community Counseling specialization to Clinical Mental Health Counseling –Modify the program curriculum such that all courses are required (no electives) –Department seeking CACREP accreditation 12
Education Proposals cont. Overview of course changes –Title and associated catalog description changes CNED 601 o From Introduction to Counseling to Introduction to School Counseling CNED 602 o From Introduction to Community Counseling to Introduction to Clinical Mental Health Counseling –Title, associated catalog description, and credit hour changes CNED 677 o From Internship in School Counseling to Internship in School Counseling I; from 1-3 credits to 3 credit course CNED 679 o From Internship in Community Counseling to Internship in Clinical Mental Health Counseling I; from 1-3 credits to 3 credit course 13
Education Proposals cont. Overview of course changes –Title, associated catalog description, and credit hour changes CNED 697 o From Advanced Internship in School Counseling to Internship in School Counseling II; from 1-3 credits to 3 credit course CNED 699 o From Advanced Internship in Community Counseling to Internship in Clinical Mental Health Counseling II; from 1-3 credits to 3 credit course −New courses (all 3 credit courses) CNED 632: College and Career Readiness Counseling CNED 635: Diagnosis & Psychopathology 14
Education Proposals cont. Overview of course changes −New courses (all 3 credit courses) CNED 636: Substance Abuse Counseling CNED 637: Treating Emotional Disturbances CNED 671: Practicum in School Counseling CNED 672: Practicum in Clinical Mental Health Counseling CNED 675: Professional Knowledge, Skills, and Practices 15
Motion to Approve, Discussion, and Vote Curriculum change proposals from the Department of Education 16
Review of Curriculum Change Proposals (March 2015) 17
Human Ecology Proposals Proposal documents received by SAAC on January 23, 2015 –Reviewed February 3 rd -27 th –Committee voted on March 2 nd and approved all requested changes Overview of course changes –Add to Fashion Merchandising minor FMCT 203: Introduction to Fashion Forecasting FMCT 351: Fashion Buying & Merchandising II FMCT 371: International Trade & Retailing Issues –Change prerequisite from Math 109 to Math 102 or higher FMCT 341: Fashion Buying & Merchandising FMCT 382: Textiles II –Remove Math prerequisite FMCT 351: Fashion Buying & Merchandising II 18
Motion to Approve, Discussion, and Vote Course change proposals from the Department of Human Ecology 19
Technology Proposals – Architectural Engineering Technology Proposal documents received by SAAC on January 15, 2015 –Reviewed February 3 rd -27 th –Committee voted on March 2 nd and approved all requested changes Overview of curriculum changes (substantive) –Establish a new concentration as part of the B.S. in Engineering Technology – Architectural Engineering Technology No program duplication in the USM 36 credits in core courses for concentration Supported by existing faculty; request for 0.3 FTE $500/year for years 2-5 requested for library support services Department seeking ABET accreditation in AY
Technology (AET) Proposals cont. Overview of course changes −Establish a new prefix for courses associated with AET concentration (ETAE) −New courses (all 3 credit courses) EDTE 109: Quantitative Methods for Technology ETAE 251: Architectural Design I ETAE 253: Architectural Design II ETAE 362: History of World Architecture ETAE 366: Architectural Design III ETAE 466: Architectural Design IV 21
Motion to Approve, Discussion, and Vote Course change proposals from the Department of Technology (Architectural Engineering Technology) 22
Technology Proposals – Mechanical Engineering Technology Proposal documents received by SAAC on January 15, 2015 –Reviewed February 3 rd -27 th –Committee voted on March 2 nd and approved all requested changes Overview of course changes –Update catalog description for program To reflect actual degree awarded –Revise course descriptions ETME 303: Machine Design I ETME 395: Industrial Practice ETME 499: Undergraduate Research in MET 23
Technology (MET) Proposals cont. Overview of course changes –Add two courses to MET concentration (1-6 credit hours) ETME 299: Undergraduate Research in MET ETME 399: Undergraduate Research in MET 24
Motion to Approve, Discussion, and Vote Course change proposals from the Department of Technology (Mechanical Engineering Technology) 25
Engineering Proposals – Renewable Energy Systems Engineering Proposal documents received by SAAC on October 22, 2014 –Reviewed November 3-28 th February 3 rd -27 th –SAAC recommended and requested a number of modifications to the proposal –Committee voted on March 2 nd and approved revised proposal Overview of curriculum changes –Establish a new graduate program – M.S. in Renewable Energy Systems Engineering Traditional instruction delivery format Full-time and part-time options available 26
Renewable Energy Systems Engineering cont. Program overview –30 credit hour, thesis option 21 credits of required core courses 3-6 credits of master’s thesis 3-6 credits of electives –33 credit hour, non-thesis option 21 credits of required core courses 3 credits of master’s project 9 credits of electives −Sample required courses ENME 604 Heat and Mass Transfer ENGE 632 Solar Energy Systems −Sample elective courses ENEE 623 Introduction to Smart Grids ENME 614 Wind and Hydroelectric Power 27
Renewable Energy Systems Engineering cont. Program overview –Faculty needs Seven current full-time faculty qualified to teach in program Requesting 5 additional faculty to supplement teaching o 2 full-time 1-electrical engineering 1-mechanical engineering o 3 part-time 1-mechanical engineering 1-chemical engineering (strong electrochemistry background) 1-systems engineering –Space needs Adequate facilities available on campus (engineering building) –Funding requested to cover faculty salary/fringe, instrumentation and equipment for 4 new labs, and ancillary expenses 28
Renewable Energy Systems Engineering cont. Environmental scan –Job market 119,016 jobs in solar energy sector in 2012 o Sector was expected to grow by 17% in 2013 o Total number of new jobs in solar energy only estimated to be 290,000 by 2030 –Institutions with similar courses of study No other institutions in the USM offer degree programs in renewable energy systems engineering Closest similar program offered by Penn State (B.S. in Energy Engineering) 29
Renewable Energy Systems Engineering cont. Proposal modifications recommended and requested by SAAC –Update the MHEC Academic Program Proposal cover sheet –Consider adding topics related to the social, economic, and environmental impact of renewable energy to a course, select courses, or create a new course that addresses this area –Update course prefixes and numbers for ENGE so they are consistent with course prefixes and numbers used elsewhere in the proposal and in the individual new course proposal documents 30
Renewable Energy Systems Engineering cont. Proposal modifications recommended and requested by SAAC –In the proposal narrative (page 4): List the total number or range of credit hours a student must complete for core, elective, and thesis/project courses Change “Engineering Specialization Courses” to “Engineering Elective Courses” for consistency with how these courses are referred to in the Typical Plan of Study List ENGE 696 and 697 under a separate category of required courses and add the word ‘or’ between them –In Section H of the proposal narrative (page 11), include a statement regarding the number of full-time and part-time faculty being requested –In Table 2 Expenditures (page 13), revise the budget to reflect the number FTEs associated with the department’s request for two full-time and 3 part-time faculty 31
Motion to Approve, Discussion, and Vote New program proposal from the Department of Engineering and Aviation Sciences 32
Current and Final Review Window Current and final review window: March 10 th – April 3 rd –All complete, curriculum change proposals received by March 6 th will be reviewed during this window –Proposals approved by the SAAC will be presented at the Senate meeting on April 14 th **Please Note** New program and substantive change proposals will be submitted to MHEC/USM by the Office of the Provost when AY submission schedule is determined and the submission window opens. 33
Current and Final Review Window cont. Curriculum/course proposals received from: –Kinesiology –Criminal Justice –Social Sciences –EML –Fine Arts –Technology –Honors program Department chairs will receive an confirming receipt of documents by SAAC along with information pertaining to the SAAC review, SAAC meeting, and Senate meeting 34
Questions? Latasha Wade, Pharm.D. 35