Saidee Medical Hall
Md. Hasan Ali Nabin Udyokta
Brief Bio of Promoter: Name : Md. Hasan Ali Address: Kashtola, Ghatail, Tangail. Mother : GB Borrower Educational Qualification: Diploma in Pharmacy Education loan : None Date of Birth:
Mother’s Information: Name: Mrs. Hasna Begum Center No.: 29 (Female) Member ID: 2705 Group No. : 03 Branch: Brhammon shason. P.O: Kalihati P.S : Ghatail District : Tangail Grameen Bank Joining date: Outstanding Loan: Nil
Experience & Present Activities :
Present Occupation : Currently running a Pharmacy. Experience : Six Years
Project Summery: Running a Pharmacy business with an experience of six years. All kinds of medicines are available. Whole seller and Retailer of medicine. Provide regular and emergency services to the community.
Project Objectives: Self employment for the promoter and expand the business. Create employment opportunity for others. To provide best quality medicine in the community. Contribute in improving of socio-economic condition.
Project Cost: Existing Business Capital 2, 50,000 Fridge 25,000 Stabilizer 4,000 Furniture 10,000 Medicines 2, 11,000 Total investment required: 5, 00,000 Source of funds: Own equity: 2, 50,000 (50%) Being sought: 2, 50,000 (50%) Total: 5, 00,000
Existing Business : ParticularsTK (BDT) MonthlyYearly Expense Azitthromicin (26 x 500)13,00015,6000 Ciprocin (12 x 450)5,40064,800 Omiprazole(4 x 3000)12,0001,44,000 Isumiprazole (4 x 2500)10,0001,20,000 Cuiri club (10 x 348)3,48041,760 Amto Plus (12 x 220)2,64031,680 Calciam (100 x 132)13,2001,58,400 Seforoxim (22 x 500)11,0001,32,000 Premtoplazol (4 x 2500)10,0001,20,000 A to Z (80 x 158)12,6001,51,200 Various Medicine76,6809,20,160 Rent2,00024,000 Electricity5006,000 Transportation2,00024,000 Others3,00036,000 Total Cost1,77,50021,30,000 Revenue (+14% profit) Azitthromicin (30 x 450)13,5001,62,000 Ciprocin (14 x 500)7,00084,000 Omiprazole(5 x 2500)12,5001,50,000 Isumiprazole (5 x 2450)12,2501,47,000 Calciam (114 x 120)13,6801,64,160 A to Z (91 x 150)13,6501,63,800 Seforoxim (25 x 550)13,7501,65,000 Various Medicine1,06,84012,82,080 Total1,93,17023,18,040 Net Profit15,6701,88,040
Financial Projection (BD TK): ParticularsMonthly1 St Year2 nd Year3 rd Year Expense Azitthromicin (26 x 1000)26,0003,12,0003,27,6003,43,980 Ciprocin (12 x 800)9,6001,15,2001,20,9601,27,008 Omiprazole(4 x 5000)200002,40,0002,52,0002,64,600 Seforoxim (22 x 900)19,8002,37,6002,49,4802,61,954 Various Medicine2, ,11,23633,71,798 Rent2,00024,00025,20026,460 Electricity5006,0006,3006,615 Transportation2,50030,00031,50033,075 Salary8,00096,0001,00,8001,05,840 Others4,00048,00050,40052,920 Total Cost3,47,25041,67,00043,75,35045,94,117 Revenue Azitthromicin (30 x 900)27,0003,24,0003,40,2003,57,210 Ciprocin (1 x 950)13,3001,59,6001,67,5801,75,959 Omiprazole(5 x 5,500)27,5003,30,0003,46,5003,63,825 Seforoxim (25 x 1120)28,0003,36,0003,52,8003,70,440 Various Medicine2, ,90,40034,54,92036,27,666 Total 3,70,00044,40,00046,62,00048,95,100 Net profit 22,7502,73,0002,86,6503,00,983 Pay Back 1,20,000
Risk Factor & Risk Management: Risk Factor Theft. Local Competition Political unrest Credit Sales Risk Management Behaved well with customers. Proper Security measure will taken Quality medicine Avoiding Credit sales
Md. Hasan Ali & Grameen Shakti SamaJik Byabosha Ltd. THANK YOU