WHO ARE WE? Who is BYOCOAT Enterprises, Inc. (BEI)? ByoCoat Enterprises, Inc. (BEI) develops, manufactures, and sells patented and patent pending long-term efficacy anti-microbial products designed for use in a variety of industries. The Company’s products enhance profitability to the end user by limiting detrimental effects to productivity associated with the presence of pathogens. The company’s consultative sales approach attracts customer-focused distributors to serve these industries and to target markets where our unique application process and product efficacy offers a critical value in food safety, human safety, shelf life and increased crop yields. A partial list of these industries include: hospitals, prisons, municipalities, health centers, schools, and both refrigerated and dry goods transportation including conex). Company History The Company was organized in March 2004 under the Business Act of Puerto Rico and PRIDCO guidelines and is a corporation known as Byocoat Enterprises, Inc. BEI continues to develop novel, patented formulations relative to poultry, agriculture, food processing (pre-packaging pre-cooked anti biofilm formation) and general use for bacteria, viruses, mold, algae and fungi. Products are fully registered under EPA compliancy guidelines and patents have been granted in both the USA and around the world. Extensive testing has been conducted in a variety of venues, locations and conditions to confirm the efficacy of this suite of solutions. In the wake of the highly publicized spinach problem in Salinas, CA during the Sept/Oct 2006 post harvest season, where three deaths occurred and several hundred reported food borne illness due to pathogenic contamination, BEI refined its sanitation process called “ByoSafe” to address the unsanitary conditions in the nations transportation system. As the product suite continued to develop, the application uses became more extensive with the types of units, buildings, materials and business’s that could benefit from these solutions. Understanding the seriousness of this problem, in 2006 BEI continued to develop additional solutions, patented the product suite methodically and tested extensively to provide a comprehensive program to treat everything from a kitchen counter top; a garden or agricultural food crop; a hotel room; a prison; library; day care center; hospital, hospital rooms, waiting areas, morgues, kitchens, laundry facilities or operating rooms
ByoSafe™ WHAT IS THE ByoSafe™ PROCESS? A Proprietary Process Specifically Designed to Provide: –Clean –Safe –Odor Neutral –Sanitized and disinfected –Sanitizing Components Are Approved By The EPA and California Department of Rodenticides & Pesticides For Use On Food Contact Surfaces Non Toxic and safe on ALL surfaces BYOSAFE process utilizes BEI patented products BYOSAFE is a patented solution (EPA registered)
WHAT COMPRISES THE SOLUTION? ByoCoat TS 300Anti-microbial formulation designed for use as a sanitizer within plant operations; cold storage facilities, food processing facilities, and a wide array of cleaning situations. TS 300 is effective in use in hospitals, prisons, senior centers, day care centers, gyms, libraries, public washrooms, public court houses; any location or venue with a public assembly is a candidate for the benefits both short and long term of the TS 300 patented solution. It comprises two parts (See bottles)
HOW IS THE ByoSafe™ PROCESS DIFFERENT? A Proactive Approach to Inhibiting Cross Contamination for all types of Surfaces, shopping carts, handling containers, baskets, empty shelving, storage areas, shipping/receiving areas and preparation surfaces (meat, deli, fruits, vegetables) A Precise Application Process with No Excess Run-Off No Contaminated Water to Collect and Treat No Toxic Chemicals Released into the Environment Includes but not limited to the following Organisms Controlled: Bacteria –Listeria –E-Coli –Salmonella –Staphylococcus –Streptococcus Viruses –Avian Infectious Bronchitis Virus –Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis Molds
Increased Spray Coverage Demonstrated Original Black Ball Electrostatic Sprayer Turned Off Electrostatic Sprayer Turned On Our Proprietary Electrostatic Delivery System Ensures Complete 360ºSurface Coverage Application Time is a fraction of conventional methods. Use of the space/surface can resume within 10 minutes of treatment ByoSafe™ All Designated Personnel Trained and Certified as ByoSafe™ Applicators
WHAT DO WE KILL? What types of pathogens do we help with? (Not an exhaustive list) Kills Molds & Bacteria including but not limited to: Listeria E-Coli Salmonella Staphylococcus StreptococcusViruses Avian Infectious Bronchitis Virus Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis Mycobacterium tuberculosis var: bovis (BCG) Pseudomonas aeruginosa Trichophyton mentagrophytes Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus faecalis (VRE) Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Herpes Simplex Virus Types 1 and 2 Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Human Coronavirus (not associated with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome or SARS) Influenza A2 Virus