DCPS Teaching and Learning Framework This slide should be on the screen when participants enter the room. (1min) Say: Good morning, and welcome back to Day 2 of the Teaching and Learning Framework Training. Day Two
Teaching and Learning Framework Welcome and Norms Essential Questions What is the Teaching and Learning Framework and what does it mean for me? How can I deliver a relevant, engaging, and rigorous curriculum focused on the DC Content Standards? How do we create and maintain an engaging and productive learning environment? (1 min) Say: Here are the Essential Questions that will guide our training . Please take a moment to review these. District of Columbia Public Schools
Today’s Outcomes Explore the purpose of assessment. Teaching and Learning Framework Welcome and Norms Today’s Outcomes Today participants will: Explore the purpose of assessment. Create an assessment for an instructional unit aligned to the level of Bloom’s Taxonomy for the standard. Create objectives aligned to clustered standards for an instructional unit. (1-2 min) Say: Here are our outcomes for today’s training session. Please take a moment to review each one. At the conclusion of our training today, we will review each outcome to ensure coverage. Do: Allow time for participants to read objectives silently. District of Columbia Public Schools
Agenda Lunch Welcome & Norms DCPS Teaching & Learning Framework Teaching and Learning Framework Agenda Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Welcome & Norms DCPS Teaching & Learning Framework Standards-Based Instructional Design Process Planning Instructional Units Prioritizing Standards Lunch Clustering Standards Writing Essential Questions Closure & Feedback Welcome & Norms Planning Instructional Units Aligning Assessments Lunch Planning Daily Lessons Writing Lesson Objectives Closure & Feedback Welcome & Norms Reinforcing Positive Behavior & Redirecting Off-Task Behavior DC Student Discipline Code Instructional Behavior Management (IBM) Plan Reflection & Feedback Lunch (1 min) Say: Refer participants to the three day agenda. We’ll return to this slide often as we progress through the day. District of Columbia Public Schools
Teaching and Learning Framework Welcome and Norms To accomplish the goals for this session, please adhere to these courtesy practices: Participate actively Honor time limits Be open to new ideas Use vibrate mode on mobile phone Trust the process (1-2min) Say: Here is a reminder of our norms; I want to thank you for your courtesy as we continue to move through our training. Do: Allow time for participants to read norms silently. District of Columbia Public Schools
Clock Buddies Find buddies for 3:00, 6:00, 9:00 & 12 o’clock. Teaching and Learning Framework Welcome and Norms Clock Buddies Find buddies for 3:00, 6:00, 9:00 & 12 o’clock. For each buddy, write one another’s name in the same time slot. You will meet with your buddies at various times throughout the day. (1-3 min) Say: Our pairing strategy for today is called Clock Buddies. We’ll use this strategy to meet and greet some different people today as well as select several partners to work with throughout the day. Here is how it works: Your clock template has four designated hours-12:00, 3:00, 6:00, and 9:00. You will have 8 minutes to find a partner in the room that meets the criteria for each designated hour. Once you’ve identified your partner. Have him or her sign his or her name under the appropriate hour on your sheet and you sign your name under the appropriate hour on their sheet. Keep your sheet as a reminder of your selections for use later today. (8-10 min) Do: Walk audience through the steps for selecting clock buddies and give them 8 minutes to identify partners for the designated hours. District of Columbia Public Schools
Agenda Lunch Welcome & Norms DCPS Teaching & Learning Framework Teaching and Learning Framework Agenda Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Welcome & Norms DCPS Teaching & Learning Framework Standards-Based Instructional Design Process Planning Instructional Units Prioritizing Standards Lunch Clustering Standards Writing Essential Questions Closure & Feedback Welcome & Norms Planning Instructional Units Aligning Assessments Lunch Planning Daily Lessons Writing Lesson Objectives Closure & Feedback Welcome & Norms Reinforcing Positive Behavior & Redirecting Off-Task Behavior DC Student Discipline Code Instructional Behavior Management (IBM) Plan Reflection & Feedback Lunch (1 min) Say: Refer participants to where we are on the agenda. District of Columbia Public Schools
DCPS TEACHING AND LEARNING FRAMEWORK Teaching and Learning Framework Assessment DCPS TEACHING AND LEARNING FRAMEWORK PLAN Create standards-based unit plans and assessments Increase Effectiveness Assess Student Progress (1-3 min) Say: Here is where we are in the framework. Say: The second step in Standards-Based Instruction after Prioritizing and selecting standards is designing the assessment piece. This is the summative assessment students will complete to demonstrate their mastery of the unit. District of Columbia Public Schools
Teaching and Learning Framework PLAN 2 Teaching and Learning Framework Assessment Teaching and Learning Framework PLAN 2 WHY THIS IS IMPORTANT By “planning with the end in mind,” effective teachers logically group content standards into units of study, identify essential questions to guide student learning, and design summative assessments for those units. Long-term planning also ensures sufficient allocation of instructional time to various skills and concepts throughout the year. (1-3 min) Say: Planning is essential and assessment is the first step in planning instruction. The work of coaches this year is to support teachers as they implement the “teach” portion of the framework. Locate this section in the framework. Have participants read/review on their own, then talk with an elbow partner. District of Columbia Public Schools
Teaching and Learning Framework INCREASE EFFECTIVENESS 1 Teaching and Learning Framework Assessment Teaching and Learning Framework INCREASE EFFECTIVENESS 1 WHY THIS IS IMPORTANT Assessing student progress allows effective teachers to determine standards mastery, to evaluate lesson effectiveness, and to make informed decisions about students’ needs. (1 min) Say: As we all know, assessing student progress is an important criteria for ‘Increasing Effectiveness’. Again, have participants locate these pages in the framework. Provide time to review/read and time to talk with an elbow partner. District of Columbia Public Schools
Teaching and Learning Framework Assessment Planning instructional activities is easier after we have selected or created an assessment. Assessment details can be recorded here on the Unit Plan Capture Sheet. (Day 1, page 9) (1-3 min) Say: We’ve done a lot of work with standards here in DCPS and a lot of things have changed with each administration. We want to build on the work that was started with Doug Reeves and now focus on the instructional design process. This process is much easier when we know what our assessment is before we begin teaching. This also helps assure that our instruction will be aligned to our assessment. Say: Whether you are driving to California, flying to Florida, sailing to the Caribbean, baking a cake, building a house or fixing a car – you need to know what it is you need to accomplish before you can figure out how to do it. District of Columbia Public Schools
Standards-Based Instruction Teaching and Learning Framework Assessment Activity-Based Instruction Standards-Based Instruction Select Topics Select Standards Plan Activities Align Assessments (1-3 min) Say: We saw this same exact slide earlier. This switch in the middle is what we want to focus on. We want to plan with the end in mind and set goals for our students. Give Assessments Design Instruction District of Columbia Public Schools
Assessment In the Day 2 section, locate page 3. Teaching and Learning Framework Assessment Assessment In the Day 2 section, locate page 3. Complete the left-hand side of the T-Chart. Create an inventory of all the assessments you have used in your classrooms. We will return to the right hand side of this document later. (1 min) Say: We all come to this session with our own toolbox full of assessments. Some of us bring years and decades of experience, while others of us are new to teaching, but have spent just as much time as the rest of us sitting on the other side of the teacher’s desk completing assessments. Take two minutes to make a list of assessments you have used, or think you will use as a teacher this year. (3-5min)Do: Direct participants to the Assessment Design Capture Sheet and ask them to complete the left hand column only. (3-5 min) Do: Ask for some participants to share out. District of Columbia Public Schools
Assessment is… In the Day 2 section, locate page 4. Teaching and Learning Framework Assessment Assessment is… In the Day 2 section, locate page 4. Complete the prompt: ‘Assessment is…’ Step One ( 1 min) Say: In a minute we are going to read a short article about assessment, but before that let’s take a look at our capture sheet ‘What Is Assessment.’ (1 min) Say: Take a minute on your own to respond in writing to the prompt ‘Assessment is…’ In your own words write down what you think assessment is. This is not a quiz. There is no right or wrong answers– this is just an opportunity to reflect quietly. (3-5min) Do: Allow participants time to write their definitions. (3-5 min) Do: Ask for some participants to share out. After sharing for just a minute—Okay, we’ll now read a short piece about assessment. District of Columbia Public Schools
Assessment Briefing In the Day 2 section, locate page 5. Teaching and Learning Framework Assessment Assessment Briefing In the Day 2 section, locate page 5. Read ‘Assessment Briefing.’ Stop reading at ‘The Four Assessment Methods.’ Step One (1 min) Say: Locate the article ‘Assessment Briefing.’ This is a short article about assessment. You only need to read the first half from the top of page X to where it says ‘The Four Assessment Methods. Do: CLICK to next slide and read instructions BEFORE participants read. District of Columbia Public Schools
Mining for Information Teaching and Learning Framework Assessment Mining for Information After you have finished reading: Record new ideas and facts gathered from your reading in the box. Exchange thoughts and ideas from the reading with an elbow partner. Create a revised definition of assessment with your partner. Step Two (1 min) Say: Use the box in the middle of your capture sheet to record any new insights you gained from the reading. How does this information reinforce what you already know about assessment? What is new for you? How has this article changed your thinking around assessment? Step Three (1 min) Say: Find an elbow partner. If there is an odd number of people at your table it is okay to have one triad. Exchange the thoughts you collected and recorded in the blank box. Take a few minutes to explain these new ideas and facts to each other. Step Four (1 min) Say: On the bottom of your graphic organizer is a prompt – ‘Assessment is…’ Create a revised definition with your elbow partner based on your conversation with after your reading. (10 min) Do: Allow participants time to complete all the steps. (3-5min) Do: Ask participants to share some of their revised definitions. Be sure to ask how the revised definition may have changed from their original definition. District of Columbia Public Schools
Instructional Strategy Review Teaching and Learning Framework Assessment Instructional Strategy Review Mining for Information Targets multiple learning styles and engages students with the content five times What instructional purpose does this strategy serve? What learning styles are addressed? How could it be modified for other purposes? (1 min) Say: The capture sheet we just used is called ‘Mining for Information.’ I love this activity because it asks students to engage with the material 5 times. This is also an excellent way to target multiple learning styles. Students work individually and collaboratively. The box in the middle provides an opportunity to list observation, write, draw, outline, or create a diagram. (You might try and see if participants can determine the different ways they engaged with the reading material before presenting the answers.) (3-5 min) Say: How could you adapt this for your classroom and your students? District of Columbia Public Schools
Two Types of Assessment Teaching and Learning Framework Assessment Two Types of Assessment Summative Assessment Assessments at the end of unit … Summarize what students have or have not learned in a unit or series of lessons. Inform instruction and teaching decisions. Formative Assessment Assessments before or during the instructional process … Are ongoing and routine. Provide many opportunities to assess student progress and provide feedback. Can be used to diagnose student needs. (3 min) Say: Now that we have reviewed the importance of assessment we are going to take a look at the two main categories of assessment that we all use. What’s the difference between SUMMATIVE and FORMATIVE? (illicit responses from group) Summative assesses what students have learned. Formative assesses how students are learning. (1 min) Say: The one important thing both of these share is that either type of assessment informs your instruction. The results of summative and formative assessments have implications for the decisions we make as teachers. These results tell us what is working and what is not working. District of Columbia Public Schools
We will use a Jigsaw strategy to learn more about these four methods. Teaching and Learning Framework Assessment Selected Response Constructed Response Assessment Methods We will use a Jigsaw strategy to learn more about these four methods. Performance Personal Communication (1 min) Say: So we all know what the two kinds of assessments are, but from the lists we created earlier it is quite clear that there are more than two kinds of assessment. Let’s take a look at the four various methods of assessment. CLICK (1 min) Say: All of the assessments we mentioned early will fit into one of these four categories. These are the four categories mentioned in the teacher evaluation rubric. Neither of these are better or worse as methods of assessment – but they must be aligned to the standards you are trying to assess in order to be effective. Adapted from Student Involved Classroom Assessment (R. Stiggins). District of Columbia Public Schools
Assessment Jigsaw In the Day 2 section, locate pages 6 & 7. Teaching and Learning Framework Assessment Assessment Jigsaw In the Day 2 section, locate pages 6 & 7. Each table will be assigned one method of assessment. (1 min) Say: We are going to do a Jigsaw activity in order to dig a little deeper into each method of assessment. I’m going to assign each table group one of the methods of assessment. Your table’s job is to enumerate clearly what we are asking for up here on the Powerpoint. (3-5 min) Do: Assign each group a different testing method. Note: Depending on the size of the audience there may be two, three or six tables covering one method – simply divide the 4 methods evenly among tables. District of Columbia Public Schools
Table groups will be asked to report out. Teaching and Learning Framework Assessment Assessment Jigsaw In your group, create a poster that includes: Your assessment method (e.g. Selected Response.) A definition of your assessment method. A list of assessment examples for this method. A list of the pluses and minuses of using this method. The levels of thinking (Bloom’s Taxonomy) that are best measured by this method. A sample standard that could be assessed effectively using this method. Table groups will be asked to report out. (1 min) Do: Read directions aloud from PowerPoint. (10-15 min) Say: Let’s take about ten minutes to create our posters. District of Columbia Public Schools
Jigsaw Summary In the Day 2 section, locate page 8. Teaching and Learning Framework Assessment Jigsaw Summary In the Day 2 section, locate page 8. Record information from your colleagues’ presentations onto your Jigsaw Summary Sheet. (1 min) Say: Before we proceed I want to make sure everyone has their Jigsaw summary sheet. Use this sheet to record what your colleagues have to say about each assessment method. (10-15min) Do: Invite groups to share their poster with the audience. 3 minutes per group. You will need to decide if you have time for every group to present, or just one group per type of assessment. After all presentations are completed, draw attention to following slide—which reinforces the importance of alignment to the standard. District of Columbia Public Schools
Aligning Assessment In the Day 2 section, locate page 9. Teaching and Learning Framework Assessment Aligning Assessment In the Day 2 section, locate page 9. This document is a tool to help you align your assessments to the content standards. (1 min) Say: The key thing to remember here is ALIGNMENT – Constructed Response is not better than Selected Response – but it may be better suited to assess a particular objective or standard. It is important that the assessment is ALIGNED to the standard and the rigor with what you want your students to know and be able to do. (1-2min) Say: Some of you may recall the emphasis the district put on Constructed Response questions last year. We focused our work on encouraging higher order thinking skills. The data we saw all around the district highlighted poor scores on Constructed Response questions because our students, from 3rd through 10th grade, were retelling.. The prompts are analytical and evaluative in nature, but most of our classroom tasks are limited to retelling so that is what our students do. They do exactly what we ask them to do. We need to carefully match our assessments with Bloom’s Level to make sure we are asking students to do what we need them to do. District of Columbia Public Schools
Refer back to your T-Chart on page 3. Categorize the assessments you listed on the left into the appropriate box on the right. Multiple Choice Essay Book Report Poster Speech One on one check in (2 min) Say: Refer back to your T-Chart we started earlier. What methods of assessment do you use? Now that you’ve learned about these four bucket areas, place each of the kinds of assessments you’ve used in the appropriate space in the right column. (3-5 min) Do: Allow participants time to complete right column. As you click…each of these assessments on the left will move into the appropriate place! Adapted from Insight Education Group, Inc. 2008 District of Columbia Public Schools 24 24
Clock Buddies Find your 9:00 clock buddy. Reflection: Teaching and Learning Framework Assessment Clock Buddies Find your 9:00 clock buddy. Reflection: What methods of assessment do you use? What methods of assessment do you not use? What did you learn about the assessments you use? 10 min) Do/Say: Read the instructions for the Clock Buddies strategy as follows. Using the clock buddy, have participants get up and move to talk about the guiding questions above. We hope the conversation will illuminate that sometimes we use the same assessment all the time. How do help each other to move beyond just one type? District of Columbia Public Schools
Instructional Strategy Review Teaching and Learning Framework Assessment Instructional Strategy Review Jigsaw T-Chart Compare, contrast, categorize and identify content Creates ownership of learning, facilitates in-depth interaction with content, facilitates objective-driven group work What instructional purpose does this strategy serve? What learning styles are addressed? How could it be modified for other purposes? ( 1 min) Say: The pivotal point in my teaching career was when I learned strategies that let students move around the room and talk to each other with purpose. I found that even the most talkative and restless students appreciated having a job to do – especially when they had the opportunity to be an expert about something. Say: How could you adapt this for your classroom and your students? (3-5 min) Do: Illicit responses from 2 or 3 volunteers. CLICK (1 min) Say: How could you adapt this for your classroom and your students? District of Columbia Public Schools
Assessment Writing Write your unit assessment here. Teaching and Learning Framework Assessment Assessment Writing Write your unit assessment here. It must be aligned to the priority standard at the top of your unit plan. (1 min) Say: You’ll now have time to work together on creating an assessment for your instructional until. Your assessment information will go here on the unit plan. You can also attach a copy of the full assessment if you would like. District of Columbia Public Schools
Write A Unit Assessment Teaching and Learning Framework Assessment Write A Unit Assessment With your grade level or content teams … Create a unit assessment that is aligned to the priority standard at the top of your unit plan. Develop scoring criteria for the assessment. You will have ___ minutes to work. At the end of that time, we will ask a few people to share their work. (1 min) Say: So far we have discussed what assessments are and how they inform our work. We have identified two types of assessment and analyzed four methods of assessment. (1 min) Say: The directions are posted above. This is your work time. It is an opportunity to work with your colleagues to create an assessment you will use in the classroom this year. You will have approximately one hour to work together. District of Columbia Public Schools
DCPS Core Beliefs We believe that … Teaching and Learning Framework Lunch DCPS Core Beliefs We believe that … All children, regardless of background or circumstance, can achieve at the highest levels. Achievement is a function of effort, not innate ability. We have the power and responsibility to close the achievement gap. Our schools must be caring and supportive environments. It is critical to engage our students’ families and communities as valued partners. Our decisions at all levels must be guided by robust data. Background for lunch… District of Columbia Public Schools
Agenda Lunch Welcome & Norms DCPS Teaching & Learning Framework Teaching and Learning Framework Agenda Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Welcome & Norms DCPS Teaching & Learning Framework Standards-Based Instructional Design Process Planning Instructional Units Prioritizing Standards Lunch Clustering Standards Writing Essential Questions Closure & Feedback Welcome & Norms Planning Instructional Units Aligning Assessments Lunch Planning Daily Lessons Writing Lesson Objectives Closure & Feedback Welcome & Norms Reinforcing Positive Behavior & Redirecting Off-Task Behavior DC Student Discipline Code Instructional Behavior Management (IBM) Plan Reflection & Feedback Lunch (1 min) Say: Welcome participants back from lunch. Refer participants to where we are on our agenda. District of Columbia Public Schools
DCPS TEACHING AND LEARNING FRAMEWORK Teaching and Learning Framework Objectives DCPS TEACHING AND LEARNING FRAMEWORK Plan – Instruction Create Objective-Driven Daily Lessons (2 min) Say: Here is where we are in the framework. This afternoon we’ll continue the process of good instructional planning. We’ve already become proficient with using our unit plan to articulate the big picture. District of Columbia Public Schools
Teaching and Learning Framework PLAN 3 Teaching and Learning Framework Objectives Teaching and Learning Framework PLAN 3 WHY THIS IS IMPORTANT Objective-driven daily lessons ensure that all instructional decisions and strategies used in a lesson are chosen to further students’ progress towards mastery of the lesson objective. (1 min) Say: Now, let’s look at the lessons that live within your units that define the daily goals. And you know that every good lesson must have a good objective. So what does a good objective look like? Let’s explore that now. District of Columbia Public Schools
Teaching and Learning Framework Objectives Shoot for a Million Imagine it’s your first time learning to play basketball. You will have one year to learn to play, and if you are deemed good enough, you will be given $1 million for your accomplishment. Which objectives from the Shoot for a Million handout do you think the judges should use? (2 min) Say: Locate the Shoot for a Million Worksheet. Say: To jumpstart our thinking, let’s look at this scenario. Imagine it’s your first time learning to play basketball. You will have one year to learn to play, and if you are deemed good enough, you will be given $1 million for your accomplishment. Your performance will be judged based on pre-determined objectives. Which objectives from the Shoot for a Million handout would best prepare you to earn a million dollars? Take a moment to review the list of objectives and highlight the ones that you believe best support the goal. Keep in mind, that this basketball analogy is subjective. (2-3 min) Do: Give participants a minute or two to review the sheet. (1-3 min) Say: What are the characteristics of the objectives you like? What problems exist with the ones you don’t like? Note: The Shoot for a Million activity will get them thinking about the characteristics of useful objectives. Ask audience to shout out the good objectives that they liked and the characteristics that made them so. Be sure to ask probing questions about their choices. As they describe what they like about the good objectives, record key words on chart paper. You will be able to tie those responses into the characteristics of good lesson objectives. District of Columbia Public Schools
Objectives In the Day 2 section, locate Page 10. Teaching and Learning Framework Objectives Objectives In the Day 2 section, locate Page 10. Review the directions at the top of the page. Find your 12:00 buddy and discuss which objectives would allow a judge to decide whether you have learned to play basketball. (10-15 min) Say: Find your 12:00 O’Clock Buddy and take 10 minutes to discuss this questions. Be prepared to explain your answers. (5-10 min) Do: Have participants reconvene and allow 2-3 different groups to share their feedback as you go through each item asking if each one is a good objective, and why. Which objectives would allow a judge to decide whether you have learned to play basketball? District of Columbia Public Schools
At your tables, create a definition for lesson objectives. Teaching and Learning Framework Objectives Defining Objectives At your tables, create a definition for lesson objectives. What is the difference between lesson objectives and essential questions? Use this slide as your talking points. District of Columbia Public Schools
Teaching and Learning Framework Objectives SMART Objectives Specific - Objectives clearly specify what students will know and/or do. Measurable - Objectives are observable and quantifiable. Aligned - Objectives are aligned to a standard. Rigorous - Objectives are aligned to the level of cognition (Bloom’s Taxonomy) in a standard. Time-Bound - Objectives indicate by when students will demonstrate mastery. (1-2 min) Say: As you can see from our activity. If students are to ever reach a goal, there must be clearly defined objectives to get them there. Good objectives are: specific, measurable, aligned to standards, rigorous, and time-bound. Following this format will ensure that the objectives selected are thoughtfully planned and clearly crafted for students. Let’s take a closer look at what each of these elements mean as they relate to objectives. (5 min) Do: Review each element of lesson objectives. (1 min) Do: Locate -LESSON OBJECTIVES (Exemplars) District of Columbia Public Schools
Teaching and Learning Framework Objectives Sample Objectives 7.LT-F.7. Analyze the ways characters change and interact with others over time and give supporting evidence from the text. Identify and list two motives for the main character’s decision in spite of pressures from peers and family. Use a T-Chart to list at least three character traits, on each side, comparing the main character’s feeling of self-assurance at the beginning of the story and at the end of the story. Use the SMART criteria to assess the quality of these objectives. Revise, as necessary, to make them “SMARTer.” Specific Measurable Aligned Rigorous Time-Bound (3-5 min) Say: These sample objectives are aligned to the assessment on the sample unit plan. Remember – Objectives and standards are not written on a one-to-one ratio. These are two of the objectives that will help our students master the unit assessment. District of Columbia Public Schools
Consideration for Writing Objectives Teaching and Learning Framework Objectives Consideration for Writing Objectives Objectives and standards are not necessarily in a one-to-one ratio. You may create several objectives for one standard. (2-3min) Say: We are going to spend a few minutes working collaboratively to practice writing lesson objectives. Before we begin writing, there are some things we want to think about. Objectives and standards are not necessarily in a one-to-one ratio You may have several objectives for one standard, or for a few standards The goal is to create instructional chunks that are broken down and reasonable for students District of Columbia Public Schools
Writing SMART Objectives Teaching and Learning Framework Objectives Writing SMART Objectives With your grade level or content teams … Use the SMART Objectives column on page 10 of the Day 1 section to write objectives for your clustered standards. You will have ___ minutes to work. At the end of that time, we will ask a few people to share their work. (1-3 Min) Say: Great, thank you for those examples. Now we are individually going to write an objective for one of the clustered standards we identified yesterday. Do: Read directly from the slide. Then, CLICK to next slide. District of Columbia Public Schools
Writing SMART Objectives Teaching and Learning Framework Assessment Writing SMART Objectives Share your SMART objectives with your 3:00 buddy. (1 min) Say: Refer participants to where we are on the agenda. District of Columbia Public Schools
Agenda Lunch Welcome & Norms DCPS Teaching & Learning Framework Teaching and Learning Framework Agenda Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Welcome & Norms DCPS Teaching & Learning Framework Standards-Based Instructional Design Process Planning Instructional Units Prioritizing Standards Lunch Clustering Standards Writing Essential Questions Closure & Feedback Welcome & Norms Planning Instructional Units Aligning Assessments Lunch Planning Daily Lessons Writing Lesson Objectives Writing Lesson Plans Closure & Feedback Welcome & Norms Reinforcing Positive Behavior & Redirecting Off-Task Behavior DC Student Discipline Code Instructional Behavior Management (IBM) Plan Reflection & Feedback Lunch (1 min) Say: As you know, we’ll be spending nearly 3 days together discussing instruction and readying ourselves to provide our students with a safe and academically rigorous learning environment. I know you’re anxious to see what we have in store. So, please take a moment to review the agenda that covers the duration of the training. Throughout the training we will continue to refer back to this slide to show progress through our agenda. District of Columbia Public Schools
DCPS TEACHING AND LEARNING FRAMEWORK Teaching and Learning Framework Lesson Plans DCPS TEACHING AND LEARNING FRAMEWORK Plan – Instruction Create Objective-Driven Daily Lessons (1-2min) Say: Here is where we are in the framework: Creating Objective-driven daily lesson plans. District of Columbia Public Schools
Teaching and Learning Framework PLAN 3 Teaching and Learning Framework Lesson Plans Teaching and Learning Framework PLAN 3 WHY THIS IS IMPORTANT Objective-driven daily lessons ensure that all instructional decisions and strategies used in a lesson are chosen to further students’ progress towards mastery of the lesson objective. (2min) Say: Provide time for participants to review/read the framework pages. Provide time to talk with an elbow partner. District of Columbia Public Schools
Components of a Lesson Plan Teaching and Learning Framework Lesson Plans Components of a Lesson Plan All participants count-off the numbers one through five. Use the numbers to determine five groups. Each group will create a list featuring the components of a good lesson plan. (5 min) Do: Follow directions on slide. Read aloud to participants. (5-10 min) Say: With your group brainstorm the components of a good lesson. What are the different steps required to get your students from A to Z? It’s your job to tell us what good instruction looks like. Record them on a piece of note paper. We’ll ask your group to report back in 5 minutes. (5-10min) Do: Invite groups to share their thoughts. Ask a volunteer to capture the ideas on poster paper. Assimilate ideas so that they include a sequence of the following components. Key points: Objective Warm-up, prior knowledge Direct Instruction or Mini-lesson Modeling, guided practice, Check for understanding, formative assessment Independent practice Summarizer, closer Review District of Columbia Public Schools
Components of a Lesson Plan Teaching and Learning Framework Lesson Plans Components of a Lesson Plan Objective States what students are expected to know and/or do by the end of the lesson. Assessment Allows students to demonstrate mastery of the newly acquired skill or knowledge. Checks for Understanding Occur throughout the lesson. Warm-Up – Teacher hooks students to the content, activates students’ prior knowledge, and introduces the objective. Teacher Input / Introduction of New Material – Teacher engages students in the content using appropriate instructional strategies. Guided Practice – Students engage in the application of new learning with support from the teacher. Independent Practice – Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups to reinforce skills and demonstrate mastery. Closure – Teacher guides student reflection on the lesson’s objective and significance. (1 – 3min)Say: Let’s see what some of these components look like in a lesson plan. Do: Review slide. This slide should isolate and explain the meaning of each component . District of Columbia Public Schools
Lesson Plans In the Day 2 section, locate page 11. Teaching and Learning Framework Lesson Plans Lesson Plans In the Day 2 section, locate page 11. Use this template as a guide for your lesson planning. This template is simply a guide. (2-3min) Say: Good instruction features these components. Even if sometimes they are referred to by a different name. You will be given the opportunity to generate more than one lesson plan today that supports your unit plan. Before we begin planning, let’s review what this section of the unit plan requires of you and what classroom resources you have available here at this site to support you. District of Columbia Public Schools
Teaching and Learning Framework Lesson Plans Lesson Planning Time Using the objective you wrote earlier, work with your colleagues to write a lesson plan for your unit. You will be asked to share with the whole group. (1min) Say: Begin planning your lesson and make sure all the appropriate steps necessary to support your students are in place. We recognize that this is not an ideal setting. Planning in your rooms and next to your computer, resources, and curriculum guides would be optimal. However, today we want you to begin to use all that you know and have learned about instruction to be strategic and thoughtful about this lesson without those materials. Also, we encourage you to lean on your neighbors for support and activity ideas. This is the time for sharing. (1min) Say: As you know, practice may be one of the most important components of good instruction. We want to make sure you get all the practice you need. It is now time to write the actual lessons that will support your unit plan and include some of the instructional activities that you listed before lunch. Don’t forget to start with a good lesson objective. Before you leave today, you should have a draft lesson plan to support your unit plan. When you return to your classroom, you can enhance your lessons with the resources you have there. (45min) Say: We are going to break this up into intervals. You will have 45 minutes to write your first full plan. Then you’ll have about 10 minutes to work with your 9:00 buddy to review and refine each other’s work. Let’s begin. (10 min) Do: After 45 minutes ask participants to share their lesson plan with their 9:00 buddy (their choice). This time partners are checking for whatever the writer requests. Give partners time to review their feedback and refine their work through discussion with their partner. (30-45 min) Do: After partner discussions. Ask participants to share their feedback with the entire group. District of Columbia Public Schools
Agenda Lunch Welcome & Norms DCPS Teaching & Learning Framework Teaching and Learning Framework Agenda Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Welcome & Norms DCPS Teaching & Learning Framework Standards-Based Instructional Design Process Planning Instructional Units Prioritizing Standards Lunch Clustering Standards Writing Essential Questions Closure & Feedback Welcome & Norms Planning Instructional Units Aligning Assessments Lunch Planning Daily Lessons Writing Lesson Objectives Closure & Feedback Welcome & Norms Reinforcing Positive Behavior & Redirecting Off-Task Behavior DC Student Discipline Code Instructional Behavior Management (IBM) Plan Reflection & Feedback Lunch (1 min) Say: Refer participants to the agenda and where we are on the agenda. Pre alert participants so that folks know what will be doing tomorrow. District of Columbia Public Schools
Revisit Outcomes Explore the purpose of assessment. Teaching and Learning Framework Welcome and Norms Revisit Outcomes Today participants will: Explore the purpose of assessment. Create an assessment for an instructional unit aligned to the level of Bloom’s Taxonomy for the standard. Create objectives aligned to clustered standards for an instructional unit. (1 -2min) Say: Thank you for your participation today. Before you leave, find the Feedback Evaluation form located at the back of your handout packet. Please take a moment to complete the form and return to me. Facilitators Note: District of Columbia Public Schools 49 49
Teaching and Learning Framework Needs Assessment Teaching and Learning Framework Closure and Feedback Teaching and Learning Framework Needs Assessment In the Day 2 Section, locate page 12. Which aspects of the new Teaching and Learning Framework will you need the most support in when implementing? Identify and list your top three priorities. Participants need to complete the needs assessment which is located in the binder behind tab Day 2. Please collect the needs assessment from all participants. You will receive an email directing you to enter the collected information on a Google document. District of Columbia Public Schools
Your comments are greatly appreciated. Teaching and Learning Framework Feedback Feedback Please complete the daily feedback form on page 13 in the Day 2 section. Your comments are greatly appreciated. Thank you! (1 -2min) Say: Thank you for your participation today. Before you leave, find the Feedback Evaluation form located at the back of your handout packet. Please take a moment to complete the form and return to me. District of Columbia Public Schools