Welcome 02 Implementation of Foundation Learning Tier (FLT) Progression Pathways in the London Region
Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) FLT Progression Pathways Progress in London Provision for Learners with Learning Difficulties and/or Disabilities Overview
Definition –The QCF is a unit-based qualifications and credit framework based on a system of credit accumulation and transfer Key details – It is a framework… –which recognises a wider range of achievements –which will be more responsive to the needs of individuals and employers –where learners have flexibility and a range of opportunities to progress and receive recognition for their achievements –where qualifications are unit based and defined through rules of combination –with credit accumulation and transfer The Qualification and Credit Framework (QCF)
A simple architecture Challenge Size Level 1 – 12 credits13 – 36 credits Above 36 credits
The Foundation Learning Tier is… a programme of work to develop a more focussed and strategic approach to entry level and level 1 for learners aged 14 and over within the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) in order to raise participation, achievement and progression amongst learners at these levels. Within the Foundation Learning Tier, Progression Pathways will be the main organising structures. They are personalised programmes of learning specifically designed to promote progression as well as help learners achieve qualifications from entry level and level 1 of the QCF. 03
Priority Progression Pathways Progression Pathways identified for developmental delivery in 2008/09 offer progression to: a first full level 2 skilled work (apprenticeships) independent living or supported employment a Foundation (level 1) Diploma or GCSEs. 06
Progression Pathways will also… incorporate three curriculum areas: Vocational knowledge skills and understanding Functional skills Personal and social development learning. Will also be supported by a wrap-around of information, advice and guidance, effective initial assessment, comprehensive ongoing review, and provider collaboration. 07
Transition from Existing Sub-level 2 Provision to Foundation Learning Tier Progression Pathways Qualifications on NQF at Entry level and Level 1 Non-Accredited Provision Skills for Life Qualifications Progression Pathways -Vocational Learning - Personal and Social Education - Functional Skills Qualifications on QCF at entry level and Level 1 Current PositionFuture Position - Skills for Life/ Functional Skills - Some provision for LLDD
Implementation 2008/09: small scale developmental delivery 2009/10: Delivery of progression pathways and funding for existing provision including entry to employment, foundation learning in FE and first steps turned off 2010/11: Progression pathways fully implemented and funding turned off for existing provision
23 providers across London 20 providers are trialling individual progression pathways 3 providers trialling two pathways FLT Developmental Delivery 2008/09
Progression to Skilled Work including Apprenticeships – 13 providers Progression to Full Level 2 – 6 providers Independent Living/Supported Employment – 7 providers FLT Developmental Delivery 2008/09
Aimed at learners aged 16-18, and 19+ Two destinations within a single pathway with slightly differing requirements For learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities for whom supported employment or increased independence are appropriate destinations Independent Living Supported Employment
One award sized qualification – minimum of 6 credits Four credits of personal and social education Five credits in each functional skill (English, Maths and ICT) Supported Employment
Two approaches to delivery of this pathway: Very focussed programme where learner/provider are clear about proposed destination Exploratory programme to gain experience in range of settings Learner’s starting point is key determining factor Supported Employment
One award sized qualification of at least six credits, with a focus on personal and social education Either functional skills qualifications or units (where appropriate/relevant) Independent Living
Maximum flexibility to meet needs of very diverse range of learners Learner’s starting point and goal, rather than external factors (such as entry requirements for courses) will guide curriculum design Length of time to complete pathway will vary Independent Living
Familiarisation with Prospectus for Progression Pathways, FLT qualifications catalogue and LSC provider requirements Review of current curriculum offer against Progression Pathway Frameworks Discussion awarding bodies Next steps
Review relationships with partner organisations such as supported employment agencies Discussion with local LSC partnership team staff Transition plan Next steps
Prospectus for Progression Pathways NAT-80131_ProspectusProgressionPathways.pdf LSC Provider Requirements for Progression Pathways Requirements_for_Progression_Pathways.pdf Further Information 12
Further Information The Foundation Learning Tier Section of the LSC’s Qualifications and Framework Reform site – The Foundation Learning Tier pages on the QCA website – The QIA Excellence Gateway –