Push the F5 key on the keyboard to learn about a database that will help you. To move through the pages of instruction, click on the mouse. Do you want help finding books to read?
What is the next Harry Potter book? What should I read for my book report?
Has over 200,000 books in the database Most are fiction, but some are “readable” nonfiction. This includes biographies and poetry.
Go to Click on DATABASES Notice that the library’s web address ends with.org - not.com
Click on NoveList Plus icon
Type in your library card number. Click on the LOGIN button. You need to type in all 14 numbers without any spaces even though your library card will have spaces between some of the numbers.
If you are using a computer in the library, you won’t have to type in your library card number.
Type the search in the FIND box and click on the SEARCH button.
Gordon Korman You could have typed in just the last name, but you would have gotten books by many different authors. If the list is long, you might want to search again using the first name.
We got 66 books with this search. Notice that the BOOKS tab is highlighted. We’ll look at some of the other tabs later.
You can sort the books several ways.
Ways to sort the books Relevance - how closely a book matches your search Author - could use if you didn’t know the author’s first name Title Date descending - puts the newest book first Date ascending - puts the oldest book first Popularity Volume - puts the books in order by series title, then number
There’s a quicker way to find books in a series by an author.
Click on the SERIES tab. Click on the title of the series to get a list of the books in order.
66 is a lot of books! Can I make the list shorter?
You can limit by subject.
You can limit by age range. You’ll probably want to pick your age range before you do any searching.
Age ranges Younger kids-birth to 8 years Older kids-9 to 12 years old Teens-13 to 18 years old Adults-older than 18 These age ranges aren’t exact. If you are 9, you might like books in the younger kids group, for example.
You can limit to fiction or nonfiction.
What happens when you limit her books to nonfiction?
Why not just look up the author in the library’s online catalog?
Reason to use the Library Online Catalog Only get a list of the books the Wells County Public Library owns Can quickly see where the books are shelved in the library Reasons to use NoveList Plus Can get a list of books in a series quickly Can limit the list of books easily Can get suggestions for other books to read
Click on GRAB AND GO BOOK LISTS These book lists have a book by Gordon Korman on them. You might find other books you’d like.
What kind of information is on the book lists?
Whether it’s fiction or nonfiction Age level Popularity Summary (description of plot) and other information Click on a title and you’ll find out: Sometimes you’ll find the Lexile (reading level)
Read the summary to see if you’d might like the books on the various book lists.
You’ll also get book lists in RECOMMENDED READS and WHAT WE’RE READING tabs
What’s in the other tabs? Mostly things for teachers and librarians
Notice that as you type, you will often get a list of possible words. Move your cursor to the words you want and click. If you don’t get anything when you search, make sure you are spelling the words right.
NoveList Plus searches for… books written by an author named Stone and… books with the word Stone in the title and… books with the word Stone in the series name and… books with the word Stone in the plot description
We got 3466 books with this search. Wow! That’s a lot of books!
How can I limit the list?
You can limit by type of search. By clicking on the AUTHOR button, we only got 278 books Remember you could limit it further, by choosing an age range.
You can search for books by Author Title Series Plot
You should do a SERIES search if you know the name of a series and want to know the order of the books. Here we searched for the Harry Potter books. The 8 books in the series will be listed in order.
My friend read a book about boys who climb a mountain, but I don’t know the author or title.
Type “boys climb mountain” in FIND box. Click on the DESCRIBE A PLOT button. Notice that we limited the search by age range, too.
What if I don’t have any idea what I want to read? Look up the title of a book you like. Then find similar books.
Notice that you can also find out information about the author from here Click on the title. Then click on FIND SIMILAR BOOKS.
Look at the list of subject headings and decide what you liked about the book. Then click on that link. Here’s another way to find a book to read…
Check the Browse section
If you click on RECOMMENDED READS, you get a list of many subjects. Click on one that looks interesting.
When you choose a subject, you will get a list of more specific choices. Here is what you see if you choose the Adventure subject.
You might want to check out the Kids’ Corner, too.
Look up Among the Hidden by Margaret Haddix Peterson If you want a list of all 10 books on this page, click on QUICK PRINT.
If you want to print the information on one book, click on the title. Then click on PRINT.
You can also or save information.
A citation lists the publishing information—including the author, title, publisher, date and more. If you need to list your sources for a report, NoveList Plus will give you the information for the citation when you print, or save.
What if I need a picture of the book cover for my report?
1.Click on the cover picture. 2.This will open a larger copy of the picture. Right click on this picture. 3.Choose PRINT PICTURE
You can also or save the picture.
You can save information about a book in a folder. Click on the ADD button to save it. You might do this if you find a book that sounds interesting, but you want to look at more books before deciding.
You can also store the search in a folder to use again later.
If you create an account and sign in, the information you save in the folder will be available when you use NoveList Plus in the future.
You can still use NoveList Plus if you don’t sign in.
Created by Susan M. DaileyMarch 21, 2009Wells County Public Library