Waste Management
Waste management A course in quality and safety management in Quality and safety issues in fish handling ----- A course in quality and safety management in fishery harbours in Sri Lanka NARA, DFAR, ICEIDA and UNU-FTP Icelandic International Development Agency (ICEIDA) Iceland United Nations University Fisheries Training Programme (UNU-FTP) National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency (NARA) Sri Lanka Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (DFAR)
Content Typical waste types Waste streams Pollutants and contaminants Waste minimization and treatment Pest control Understand typical waste types, waste streams pollutants and contaminants, waste minimization and treatment and pest control
Learning objectives After this lecture the participants will be familiar with: typical waste streams and their origin waste management in general and some specific suggestions for the harbours how to implement effective pest control Understand the typical waste streams and their origin and waste management system. and also implement the pest control system at the harbour.
Typical waste types at harbour Fish offal and blood water Video fish offal on floor and fishwaste Video pumping from hold Understand the present bad practices at the fishery harbour regarding fish offal and blood water.
Oil & Grease burning oil and oil spill Diesel, kerosene Video waste oil and fish Understand the waste oil and diesel spill out and its disposal. Oil spill - general images
Toxic solid waste Non toxic solid waste Open dump asbestos Non toxic solid waste Polythene, Regiform particles, Nets, water , bottles, used cans, food packing item, food particles.. Fish offal : Clip “fish offal on the peer” this slide shows how harbour water has been polluted by putting garbage into the harbour basin water.
Sewage and grey waste Sewage is produced by human activities at the harbour and boats which typically contains washing water, laundry waste, faeces, urine and other liquid or semi-liquid wastes. It is one form of wastewater. Dredging spoils Understand how to form the sewage by human activities and sea water pollution by its contains released into the sea.
Typical waste streams Understand the typical waste streams related to the fishery industry.
Pollutants and contaminants Microbiological Chemical Oil pollution Follow the main pollutants and contaminants as the microbiological chemical and oil pollution.
Microbiological contaminants Coliform bacteria Feacal coliforms E.coli Salmonella
Microbiological quality of water measured by NARA in Beruwala harbour basin Understand the water quality at the Beruwela fishery harbour locking at water report on microbiological analysis done by NARA.
Chemical pollutants Heavy metals Pesticide residues Residues of cleaning and disinfectant agents Metal Toxicity To Human Fish As Very-High Cd Medium Pb High Hg Heavey metals: Clip “Fishing in the harbour”
Waste minimization process and treatment Waste reduction - Proper handling of fish Re-use - Burn oil (engine oil) used for other purpose Recycling - Plastic bags and paper used for recycling Waste reduction : Clip “Oil can in the harbour basin”
Waste Collection - Waste Containers Outer container with cover Understand the types of waste containers. Metal \ Plastic Container with lid Metal barrel
Burn oil barrels Burn oil barrel used at some fishery harbour in Sri Lanka
Oily waste and oil spills Oil pollution occurs in harbour basins when leaks from shore facilities for the supply of diesel fuel to fishing vessels find their way into the harbour water when vessels pump out oily bilge water in port when used engine oil is dumped overboard when an accident results in leakage of fuel oil. A fishery harbour which is contiguous with the main harbour also faces the risk of major oil spills if the main port is a transfer point for crude oil or refined products from oil tankers.
Oily waste and oil spills, cont. To mitigate oil pollution, the fishery harbour manager should take necessary action to: Provide shore-based reception facilities for oily wastes (bilge water and spent oil) from vessels and Minimise leaks while bunkering In addition, he should be prepared to assist those responsible for containment and clean-up operations if a major oil spill occurs in the vicinity. Appropriate oil recovery tools like skimmers will prove useful in removing spilt oil from the harbour basin.
Waste disposal Dumping outside the harbour basin Video – waste management Collection by the municipal council Disposal : “ Wheelbarrow man” Collection by Municipal council “ Dogs & Crows”
Fish offal ( by fishmeal or fish silage) Solid fish waste is inevitable in a fishery harbour. This may consist of : discarded by catch (small fish of no commercial value) viscera from the gutting of medium to large fish fish heads and trimmings from the cutting of large fish. Besides the health implications of this material decomposing within the harbour area, it also attracts pests, flies and domestic animals. Fish offal may be disposed of in three ways depending on the local circumstances. 1. The offal may be returned to the sea by loading it on an approved vessel, which then dumps it a long distance offshore; a small handling levy can be imposed on landed fish to finance the operations of this vessel. 2. In very small quantities, the offal may be buried underground in pits at least two metres deep and covered with a minimum of 200 mm of earth to prevent infestation with flies and other pests and to accelerate the rotting process. This method is not suitable when groundwater tables are close to the surface. 3. When the quantity of offal is large, recycling into fish-meal should be encouraged; this usually gives rise to a cottage industry downstream from the landing process.
Fishmeal Is a valuable source of protein for livestock and contains useful quantities of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Raw material for fish meal production: should be reasonably fresh as spoilt fish may reduce the nutritional value of the fish meal certain tropical fish (like puffer fish) contain toxins and should be excluded must not be collected off the ground (free of sand and mud)
Fish silage As an alternative use of fish waste and offal, fish silage for animal feed is another possibility. Main advantage : low energy and capital cost. Energy is required only to grind the fish and mix it with formic acid (2 - 3 %) manufacture is not accompanied by an unpleasant odour main advantage low energy and capital cost. Energy is required only to grind the fish and mix it in formic acid (2 - 3 %) to reduce the pH level or a fermentable carbohydrate source and a culture of lactic acid producing bacteria. manufacture is not accompanied by an unpleasant odour. The addition of formic acid encourages the breakdown offish tissue by its own enzymes, while at the same time inhibiting the activity of spoilage bacteria. After one to three days, a stable free running liquid is obtained whose protein content is similar to that of the raw material. This liquid may be directly incorporated in feeding regimes for pigs, or it may be dried with a carbohydrate carrier like rice bran for feeding poultry. Manufacture of silage is done by comminuting the raw material, mixing in the acid and allowing the product to liquify. On the small scale (batches of say 50 kg) these operations can be carried out manually.
Good drainage system for waste water Natural purification: Waste water treatment Good drainage system for waste water Natural purification: Sedimentation Filtration Purification before release Septic tanks Understand different waste water treatment system.
Pest control – current So many dogs and crows are on the piers and in the auction halls There is food for pests (Fish offal on the floor) No fence around the harbour premises No pest control system Video – dog in auction hall Video – crows Video – Fish offal on floor Understand current practices on pest control at the fishery harbour.
Pest control – improvement All food (fish waste) should be put in waste bins and not on the floor Fences around the harbour premises must be properly maintained A pest control program should be in effect and properly implemented Understand the pest control system can be applied at the fishery harbour.
Pest control program Pests such as rats, mice, birds, insects, dogs and cats, should be kept off the harbour premises at all times. All insecticides and fumigants should be used: - In accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and government regulations -In a manner that does not risk contamination of product Understand the participants what are the important factors should be considered to use the chemical for Pest control.
References Report of the expert consultation on cleaner fishery harbours and fish quality assurance (2000), Bay Of Bengal Programme (BOBP), Chennai, India. R. Ravikumar, (1993). Guidelines for Cleaner Fishery Harbours, Bay Of Bengal Programme (BOBP), India.