Traditional Problems Paper-based, labor-intensive curriculum processes Lengthy approval process for new courses & programs Poor multi-campus communication and proposal tracking Laborious, static Catalog production process Manual / non-automated curriculum review Maintenance of advising tools (Curriculum Guides)
21 st Century Solution CurricUNET is a Web-based software application designed to automate and enhance the development and approval of curriculum. It will automate the process of submitting course and program proposals using the internet. It is effective, paperless solution for multi- campus institutions.
CurricUNET Features Uses Web forms for all input required for course and program proposals. Input fields are entered into a relational database Facilitates searches, provides flexible report production, and interfaces to related systems (such as catalog production and schedule build). Notifications are automated and steps are tracked. A real-time view of the workflow for each proposal can be displayed showing the current location of the proposal. Historical tracking of all courses and programs. Articulation agreements are maintained in an articulation database by institution. The system is designed to facilitate automated interface to various statewide processes.
CURRICUNET FACTS Developed in 1999 for San Diego CCD Currently 80 colleges in US & Canada 41 colleges in California More than 20 multi-college districts Includes the Illinois Community College System, with automated reporting to their State Board and a searchable statewide curriculum database
System Process Flow Proposal Implementation Design Governance Process Development Governance Process Governance Process Change Management Board (IT) Will classify it as a “project” or “non-project”
Cost Initiation and implementation cost: (Installation, Licensing, Unlimited number of users, Platform for Web Technology, Database, Technical Support for Migration, Implementation, Training) $160,000 Yearly maintenance for technical troubleshooting, upgrades for software, platform for web hosting, database upgrades, software and application upgrades. $30,000 (after year 1) Consulting services $72,000 Workstation : (desk, computer, printer, phone) $5,800
SUMMARY Web-based access, MS SQL database Courses, programs, articulation agreements Interface to related systems Student System (Odyssey) College catalog publication Syllabus and Outlines State reporting (SCNS) Proposal Submission and Monitoring Automated workflow, notifications Paperless
Next Steps Meet with IT to formulate proposal Implementation ADVISORY COMMITTEE Karl Herleman to EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AIS Presentation On-going Maintenance ( upgrades, etc) IT Approval Process