Deciduous Fruit Registration for the special 2007/2008 Season
2 Why do we have to register? Registration is the initiation point to ensure that the production unit, pack houses and inspection points comply with phytosanitary measures of the importing countries Termination of export programme by the importing country due to non- compliance is real Registration chain must be as short as possible Producers/PH managers DoA
3 Registration procedures Completing the registration form Filling the form does not guarantee approval for participation to the specific programme Verification of application form Inspection, monitoring and auditing Passed / Rejection DoA website NB: All role players must clearly understand their role - Shared responsibility
4 Responsibility of producer – registration Control of quarantine pests Knowledge of the special program Correct application/information Execution of relevant GAPs/guidelines Ensure effective pest management/control Updated detailed records Ensure reliable traceability Ensure compliance Corrective action for noncompliance NB: REGISTRATION ON COMPLIANCE TO ABOVE
5 Responsibility of pack house - Registration Ensure effective quarantine pest control/prevent pest contamination Knowledge of the special program Correct application/information Execution of relevant GAPs/Guidelines Correct sampling Updated detailed records Ensure reliable traceability Ensure compliance Corrective action for non compliance
6 WHAT IS A ROLE OF EXPORTERS IN PH & PU REGISTRATION? Keep up to date with registration requirements Keep suppliers well informed Ensure that relevant PUC/PHC register in time Convey protocols to suppliers Ensure that supplier meet all requirements Ensure that only registered PUCs/blocks are packed PROBLEMS - when exporters registered for producers Producers not aware of the market registered – non compliance Utilization of different exporters –late application Different set of information
7 Responsibility of the official NPPO – DoA Liaise, with stakeholders (other NPPO’s and national role players e.g. producers, pack houses, associations, exporters) Establish and maintain GAPs and SOP’s Maintain registration of producers and other role players Inspection, monitoring and auditing Certification
8 FBO vs PHYTOSANITARY REGISTRATION FBO (Food Business Operators) – Food safety traceability Allocation done by DoA-FSQA –Production unit Code (PUC) –Pack house code (PHC) –Inspection points –Port facilities –Cold terminals –Transporters
9 FBO vs PHYTOSANITARY REGISTRATION Special programme Registration – Phytosanitary Compliance for specific countries Registration, Inspection and auditing - DoA Plant Health & APIS Utilize code (FBO) that are already allocated by FSQA Registration for the special market must be confirmed annually (re-registration)
11 Closing dates Israel Table grapes – 10 August 2007 Persimmons – 30 November 2007 USA Table grapes (Preliminary registration) – 10 August 2007 Organic grapes – 10 August 2007 Apples and pears – 07 September 2007 Taiwan (apples and pears) - 07 September 2007 Mexico (apples and pears) – 07 September 2007 China (table grapes) – 10 August 2007 (Tick list) New or previously registered PUC/PHC/ Inspection points must complete the whole registration document
12 Registration requirements NB: PRODUCERS / PACKHOUSE MANAGERS MUST COMPLETE THE REGISTRATION FORM Please study the registration document carefully and complete as requested Registration of a production unit will not be considered if: a)The registration document is illegible (information to be typed or completed in clear block letters) b)Information is insufficient c)Documentation is received after the closing date d)Documentation is faxed e)There is no proof of payments NB: DoA shall not be held responsible for any financial or other losses result from non-compliance by the producers, pack houses or exporters
13 Registration requirements Each PUC and PHC must be registered on separate registration form Israel grapes: Appendix A must be completed in detail (With no blank space or comment “not applicable”) FOLLOW ALL THE GUIDELINES FOR APPENDIX A ON THE REGISTRATION DOCUMENTS NB: Blank space or use of “not applicable” will result in rejection of the application Pack house code must be indicated on the Production unit registration document BLOCK/ORCHARD NUMBERS AND VARIETY: Must be clearly indicated on the registration document Do not use abbreviation for cultivars/variety
14 TARIFFS R per PUC and PHC and Inspection points for all markets Proof of payments must be couriered to DoA together with the application form or Faxed NB: Please note that application received without proof of payments or with incorrect calculation of payments will not be considered The deposit slip, receipt or transfer slip must clearly indicate the PUC/PHC, or in terms of an individual, surname and initials, corresponding with the information on the registration form
15 Payment to Department of Agriculture’s bank account Bank: Standard Bank Branch: Arcadia Branch No: Account No: Account Name: NDA Miscellaneous Deposits Reference: PHYTO REGISTR. OR Payment in cash: Department of Agriculture’s cashier Pretoria: Agricultural Place, 20 Beatrix Street, Arcadia, Pretoria. Block P: Room GF 15Stellenbosch:Quarantine Station, Polkadraai Road, Stellenbosch Room 110 Indicate the reference as indicated above Registration requirements
16 Registration requirements Registration form must be couriered (not mailed or faxed) to: Room 440/457, Directorate Plant Health, Department of Agriculture, 30 Hamilton street, Harvest House, Pretoria, 0002 Registration documents could be downloaded on DoA website using the following link: a) b)Regulatory and other services c)National Plant Protection Organisation d)Plant Health e)Import/Export programmes f)Deciduous fruit registration of PUC/PHC/inspection points to the special market for 2007/2008 THE ABOVE LINK CAN BE USED TO CHECK APPROVED PUC/PHC f) – Deciduous fruit database
17 Should you have any question, please contact the following officials: Ms. Khomotso Mashala (012) or Mr. Ndivhuwo Tshisudzungwane (Ndivhuwo) (012)