“In a completely rational society, the best of us would aspire to be teachers and the rest of us would have to settle for something less, because passing civilization along from one generation to the next ought to be the highest honor and the highest responsibility anyone could have.” Lee Iacocca
NCTM Standards call for a shift away from: The teachers as the sole, authority for right answers. 1)Mere memorization of math facts and procedures. 2)Emphasis on finding the correct answer 3)The concept of mathematics as a body of isolated concepts.
Instead, the standards advocate a shift toward: NCTM standards call for in-class discussions and writing about mathematics, cooperative learning, in-depth questioning, and asking students to justify their thinking and communicate mathematically. 1)Using logic and math evidence to verify student responses. 2)Math reasoning 3)Conjecture, inventing, and problem solving. 4)The concept of connected math ideas and applications.
Ten Goals for Teaching Math 1.Build on prior knowledge 2.Look at how kids reach answers, because process is as important as product 3.Foster positive attitudes towards mathematics early on 4.Make math active and hands-on 5.Use manipulatives- plenty of them, not just for young ones
Ten Goals of Math Continued…. 6.Think math as a language to reason and explore with including writing and discussion 7.Help children see math as a useful subject that can be applied to real world 8.Think of math as more than arithematic, measurement, geometry, statistics, estimation, probability, and algebra 9.Use calculators to develop conceptual understanding or save valuable time while problem solving. 10.Boost achievement with cooperative learning
Characteristics of Students with LD or ED Related to Math Difficulty processing information Difficulty with distinguishing relevant information in story problems Low motivation, self-esteem, or self-efficacy to learn due to repeated academic failure Problems with higher-level math that require reasoning and problem solving skills Passive learners- reluctant to try new academic tasks or attention to tasks Difficulty with self-monitoring and self- regulation during problem solving Difficulty with arithematic, computational deficits
Pre-number Skills Many students come to school with few experiences that allow them to develop important prenumber skills, such as one-to-one correspondence, classification, and seriation.
One- to-One Correspondence Leads students to a better understanding of numeration and representation. Activities suggested: 1)use every opportunity to teach students the relationship between number words. e.g. “Here are two scissors, one for you and one for Margo.”
One-to-One Correspondence 2) Use familiar objects like cars to represent a number e.g. “You have one block here and you place one block next to it…” 3) Number matching
Numeration and Place Value MISCONCEPTION! Teachers and parents often assume that children understand numerals because they can count or name them. Activities: Use “ten blocks” and “single blocks” to represent numerals Flannel boards can also be used to group tens and ones
Computation: +, -, x, / Make it less BORING!!!! Use computer assisted instruction or website to reinforce those skills.
Problem Solving Students with disabilities lack metacognitive knowledge about strategies for math problem solving. 1) teach big ideas e.g. “volume” and provide real-life problems 2) Cue words e.g. “altogether’ = addition 3) Reasoning e.g. what numbers to use or not?
Fractions One of the most difficult concept to teach or master. Things one can use to display FRACTIONS: 1) cooking utensil like measuring cups 2) colored rods 3) cardboard strips 4) blocks 5) fractional circle wheels 6) egg cartons and muffin pans
Teach the students to think “outside” the box. Teach mnemonic strategy to recall general problem solving information: D iscover the sign R ead the problem A nswer or draw picture W rite the answer and check
Polya’s Four Step * Restate the problem * Devise a plan * Carry out the plan * Review the solution
use visual organizers ** worksheets prompt cards graphic organizers Organizers
Everyone should have the same opportunity and exposure to all curriculum no matter how difficult it may for them.
Web sites for math resources Math magic: Mega Mathematics: AAAmath: