A Business Architecture Model to Foster Standardisation in Official Statistics Nadia Mignolli Giulio Barcaroli, Piero Demetrio Falorsi, Alessandra Fasano.


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Presentation transcript:

A Business Architecture Model to Foster Standardisation in Official Statistics Nadia Mignolli Giulio Barcaroli, Piero Demetrio Falorsi, Alessandra Fasano Italian National Institute of Statistics (Istat) Department for Integration, Quality, Research and Production Networks Development (DIQR) Vienna, June 2 nd – 5 th 2014 Session 12 – Standardisation and Modernisation Vienna, June 2 nd – 5 th 2014

Outline  Background  Main reference definitions  BA Business Lines: contents and activities  BA model  BA Principles  Concluding remarks and key elements Nadia Mignolli. Vienna, June 3 rd 2014

Background (I)  Istat modernisation programme Stat2015: with the main purpose of Standardisation and Industrialisation of the statistical production process  First simplified proposal : elaborated by the Sponsorship on Standardisation on the basis of Statistics Netherlands (CBS) model  Current BA Model : a joint task of ESSNet on Standardisation (to refine the Sponsorship proposal) Statistical Network - the Business Architecture Project (Institutes of Australia, Canada, Italy, New Zealand, Norway) BA model sharable and adoptable by NSIs: this represents the foundations to foster and intensify the creation of a ESS BA model, considering higher level interactions among NSIs and Eurostat Nadia Mignolli. Vienna, June 3 rd 2014

Background (II)  BA current model is: Consistent with current actions carried out at international and European level (SN BA Project; CSPA; EU vision - from 1.0 to 2.0) Cost-efficient (re-use of data, methods, processes, tools) Aligned both with organisational frameworks adopted by mature industries (Service Oriented Architecture – SOA) and with statistical standards (GSBPM; GSIM) Nadia Mignolli. Vienna, June 3 rd 2014

Main General Developments  Alignment of all the activities defined within BA business lines with phases and sub-processes of GSBPM 5.0  Consistent Decision and Design principles  Definition of common and shared infrastructures based on Repositories of: Human Resource Competencies (RHC) Data and Metadata (RDM) Standard Methods and Guidelines (RMG) Tools and Applications (RTA) Nadia Mignolli. Vienna, June 3 rd 2014

Core Definitions: The General Reference Framework  Enterprise Architecture (EA) The process of translating business vision and strategy into effective enterprise change by creating, communicating and improving the key requirements, principles and models that describe the enterprise’s future state and enable its evolution (Gartner 2012) It is about understanding all the different elements that make up the enterprise and how those elements interrelate (SN BA Project Team; CSPA; ESSNet on Standardisation) It is divided in four layers: 1.Business Architecture (BA) 2.Information Architecture (IA) 3.Application Architecture (AA) 4.Technology Architecture (TA) Nadia Mignolli. Vienna, June 3 rd 2014

Core Definitions: Business Architecture  Business Architecture (BA) It is the conceptual and strategic part of the EA It drives the overall EA (its four layers – AA; IA; TA) within an NSI It covers all the activities undertaken to produce statistical outputs, including conceptualisation, design, build and maintain information and application assets It is a reference model to optimise work processes within an Institution/Organisation and make them more efficient. It covers both statistical activities and strategic organisational tasks and capabilities It is a common language to undertake congruent innovation paths (Statistical Network BA Project Team; CSPA; ESSNet on Standardisation, 2013) Nadia Mignolli. Vienna, June 3 rd 2014

 Information Architecture (IA) classifies the information and knowledge assets gathered, produced and used within the BA. It also describes the information standards and frameworks that underpin statistical information (e.g. GSIM, DDI, SDMX). IA facilitates discoverability and accessibility of available data and metadata, leading to greater re-use and sharing  Applications Architecture (AA) classifies and hosts the individual applications describing their deployment, interactions and relationships with the business processes of the organisation (e.g. estimation, editing and seasonal adjustment, etc.). AA facilitates discoverability and accessibility of available systems and tools, leading to greater re-use and sharing  Technology Architecture (TA) describes the IT infrastructures required to support the deployment of applications and IT services, including hardware, middleware, networks, platforms, etc.. (Statistical Network BA Project Team; CSPA; ESSNet on Standardisation, 2013) Core Definitions: the other EA Layers Nadia Mignolli. Vienna, June 3 rd 2014

BA Business Lines  They are homogeneous areas with respect to the aim of the activities carried out and the nature of the information processed and/or services that insist on this information They are defined in order to guarantee independence from the Institute current organisational structure, so as to ensure stability with regard to any future reorganisation They facilitate NSIs to refer to a unique organisational model at the enterprise level, overcoming their internal tendency to replication/duplication They enhance harmonisation and standardisation against stovepipe models characterised by strong heterogeneity (of procedural, methodological and technological approaches), lack of standards and redundancy of data and applications Nadia Mignolli. Vienna, June 3 rd 2014

4. CAPABILITY Plan capability improvements; Develop capability improvements; Manage capabilities; Support capability implementation DEVELOP Specify needs; Design; Build MANAGE Plan; Monitor; Adjust IMPLEMENT Collect; Process; Analyse; Disseminate 3. PRODUCTION It consists of high-level strategic activities that enable NSIs to deliver the products and services needed by governments and communities nationally and internationally. These activities influence, shape and drive future directions and investments through the development and consideration of high-level strategies to advance statistical capabilities and optimise the statistical portfolio It covers the cross-cutting, non-statistical functions required by an organisation to deliver its work programme efficiently and effectively. It supports the successful development and management of the capabilities (covering methods, processes, standards and frameworks, IT systems and people skills) that underpin an organisation ability to conduct its business. It also strongly promotes the re-use and sharing of infrastructure (statistical and technical), facilitating harmonisation and coherence of statistical outputs BA Four Business Lines and their Group of Activities (Level I and Level II) 2. CORPORATE SUPPORT Manage business and performances; Manage finances; Manage human resources; Manage IT; Manage information and knowledge; Manage users and suppliers 1. STRATEGY Position; Govern; Influence and collaborate It deals with all steps necessary to manage, design and implement statistical production cycles or projects, including surveys, collections based on data from administrative or other sources, account compilations and data modelling. It delivers the outputs approved under Strategy, utilising the capabilities and resources built and managed under Capability and Corporate Support. Nadia Mignolli. Vienna, June 3 rd 2014

Legal Framework Management Strategic Planning Human Resource Management Quality Management Statistical Programme Management Project Management Financial Management BA Business Line specific Activities (Level III) and alignments with the GSBPM 5.0 (I) GSBPM Over-Arching Processes Nadia Mignolli. Vienna, June 3 rd 2014

Legal Framework Management Human Resource Management Provider Management Organisational Framework Management Financial Management GSBPM Over-Arching Processes BA Business Line specific Activities (Level III) and alignments with the GSBPM 5.0 (II) GSBPM Phases GSBPM Sub-Processes Nadia Mignolli. Vienna, June 3 rd 2014

Quality Management Metadata Management GSBPM Over-Arching Processes GSBPM Phases GSBPM Sub-Processes GSBPM Phases GSBPM Sub-Processes BA Business Line specific Activities (Level III) and alignments with the GSBPM 5.0 (III) Nadia Mignolli. Vienna, June 3 rd 2014

Quality Management Metadata Management Data Management Human Resource Management Statistical Framework Management GSBPM Over-Arching Processes GSBPM Phases GSBPM Sub-Processes BA Business Line specific Activities (Level III) and alignments with the GSBPM 5.0 (IV) Nadia Mignolli. Vienna, June 3 rd 2014

Stylised Business Architecture Model Nadia Mignolli. Vienna, June 3 rd 2014

CORPORATE SUPPORT: Manage finances; Manage human resources; Manage users and suppliers; etc. Plan (HR, etc.); Monitor; Adjust Design production system and rules Check data availability Design outputs Determine needs for information Portfolio management Process, method and quality reference metadata Metadata - Scheduled actions Metadata - Planned quality Raw input data and metadata Collect Process Analyse: validate and finalise output Disseminat e (also with Web 2.0/3.0 ) Analyse: apply disclosure control Validated internal microdata and metadata Internal aggregated data and metadata Output Micro and macro data and metadata STRATEGY DEVELOP MANAGE IMPLEMENT Stakeholders Users Respondents/ Administrative sources/Big Data Metadata - Catalogue:  products  quality Metadata - Progress Reports (Audit) Repository of Data and Metadata RDM Repository of standard Methods and Guidelines RMG Reference and structural metadata Strategic planning metadata Repository of Tools and Applications Repository of Human Resources Competencies RHC RTA CAPABILITY PRODUCTION M D STRATEGY: Position; Govern; Influence and collaborate CORPORATE SUPPORT S CS

BA Principle Assessment  The whole BA model is led by fundamental principles that become practical guidelines for the implementation of each business line activity and for ensuring the success of the model itself  Different Decision (7) and Design Principles (9) have been suitably defined, also taking into account the international and European context  Principles regard the overall governance, the process rules and the specific infrastructures Nadia Mignolli. Vienna, June 3 rd 2014

Key Messages from BA Principles (I)  The whole statistical process is output and metadata-driven The statistical process chain starts from the output desired (from required products) and goes backwards, defining the various aspects of the process Firstly metadata are designed and then data production can start Metadata have to be generally accessible and, as far as possible, standardised with regard to the types of units, the definition of concepts, classifications, quality characteristics, process  Quality Assessment Quality has to be evaluated and documented at the different stages of the process It is defined and planned during Develop or Re-develop It is monitored and assessed in each phase of GSBPM and in correspondence of intermediate and final data releases Nadia Mignolli. Vienna, June 3 rd 2014

Key Messages from BA Principles (II)  Re-use and Adoption of Standards: Repositories Focuses on both what is produced within the Institute and what is issued outside, with particular attention to the standards defined at international and European level Reuse of existing and available data is generally to be preferred over the decision to conduct a new survey The “to be” statistical production consists of a series of standardised single processes and of modular services that can be shared and reused in different contexts and statistical areas Developments from scratch should be limited Nadia Mignolli. Vienna, June 3 rd 2014

 Industrialisation of the Statistical Process Statistical production has a repetitive nature with a rather rigid organisation style that can be largely automated An industrialised process can be realised by agents other than those who have designed it Ensuring the independence between Develop and Implement Develop is performed only when needed, while a current statistical process is carried out on a regular basis Implementation of a new project involving several innovations requires a new Develop phase Key Messages from Principles (III) Nadia Mignolli. Vienna, June 3 rd 2014

Concluding Remarks  The adoption of a common language (BA model) becomes essential to undertake congruent innovation paths  A BA model sharable and adoptable by NSIs represents the foundations to foster and intensify the creation of a BA model also at European/international Statistical System level  This is consistent with what is taking place at European and international level Sponsorship and ESSNet on standardisation Statistical Network High-Level Group for the Modernisation of Statistical Production and Services - CSPA Nadia Mignolli. Vienna, June 3 rd 2014

 Achieve consensus on BA Model and Principles (with a BA Model generic enough and involving representative Groups/Projects/Stakeholders working on this topic both at international and EU level, etc.)  Refer to BA Principles for guiding implementation  Set up a Governance model for ensuring compliance with Principles  Individuate common and shared Infrastructures enabling higher cooperation levels and a cooperative System Key Elements Nadia Mignolli. Vienna, June 3 rd 2014

Contacts: Thank you for your attention Danke für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit Nadia Mignolli. Vienna, June 3 rd 2014