Peter Defranceschi ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability An Introduction European Commission GPP Training Toolkit
European Commission GPP Training Toolkit An Introduction 2 Overview ► The toolkit consists of 3 independent modules and an introductory presentation, each designed to overcome a specific problem identified as a barrier to the uptake of Green Public Procurement within a public organisation
European Commission GPP Training Toolkit An Introduction 3 Overview ► Module 1 - a strategic module which seeks to raise the political support for green public procurement within an organisation, targeting in particular decision makers ► Module 2 - a legal module which seeks to clarify legal issues and is designed for both strategic and operational levels
European Commission GPP Training Toolkit An Introduction 4 Overview ► Module 3 - an operational module aimed at purchasing officers, responsible for the preparation of tender documents; includes concrete examples of environmental criteria for 11 product and service groups, for use in public tendering procedures
European Commission GPP Training Toolkit An Introduction 5 Module 1 - Managing GPP Implementation
European Commission GPP Training Toolkit An Introduction 6 Module 1 - Managing GPP implementation ► Consists of: –Introductory presentation on the power of GPP –Powerpoint presentation and accompanying pdf Reference Document on managing GPP implementation –Series of Fact Sheets on important topics
European Commission GPP Training Toolkit An Introduction 7 Module 1 - Introductory presentation ► Introduces some of the key local and international environmental challenges, and how GPP can contribute to addressing these - climate change, air and water quality, deforestation, resource consumption etc. ► Presents convincing arguments on the power of GPP
European Commission GPP Training Toolkit An Introduction 8 Module 1 - Managing GPP implementation - ppt and pdf ► Provides a simple yet effective methodology to develop an Action plan for gradually introducing Green Public Procurement within the organisation ► Based around 5 steps following the simple “Plan, Do, Check, Act” management cycle : –Preparation –Target setting –Developing an Action Plan –Implementing the Action Plan –Monitoring progress and reporting results
European Commission GPP Training Toolkit An Introduction 9 Module 1 - Managing GPP implementation - ppt and pdf ► Presentation designed to give a detailed introduction to the management model ► Pdf Reference Document provides more detailed information to be used as a “manual” during implementation
European Commission GPP Training Toolkit An Introduction 10 Module 1 - Managing GPP implementation - ppt and pdf ► Both documents also include recommendations on “Preparatory Steps”. These cover: –Defining the scope of the activity –Being informed about the national GPP framework –Focusing on political support –Creating a working group
European Commission GPP Training Toolkit An Introduction 11 Module 1 - Fact Sheets ► Five pdf Fact Sheets to accompany the Module, providing more detailed information on specific issues of high importance within GPP implementation: –GPP and the European Ecolabel –Linking the GPP management cycle to EMS –Developing a GPP policy –Life-cycle costing (LCC) –Joint procurement
European Commission GPP Training Toolkit An Introduction 12 Module 2 - Legal framework for GPP
European Commission GPP Training Toolkit An Introduction 13 Module 2 - Legal framework for GPP ► Module consists of a powerpoint presentation with trainers notes. It includes legal guidance, providing clear examples of how and where to integrate environmental criteria into the public procurement process whilst fully respecting European public procurement legislation
European Commission GPP Training Toolkit An Introduction 14 Module 2 - Legal framework for GPP ► The guidance follows the various stages of a public procurement lifecycle and explains how best to integrate environmental criteria at each stage: –Definition of the subject matter –Description of the minimum technical specifications which all bids need to comply with –The selection criteria related to the capacity of bidders to perform the contract –The award criteria on the basis of which the contracting authority will compare the offers –Contract performance clauses to be included in the contract.
European Commission GPP Training Toolkit An Introduction 15 Module 2 - Legal framework for GPP ► Within each section clear examples are given of what is and what isn’t compliant with European legislation
European Commission GPP Training Toolkit An Introduction 16 Module 2 - Legal framework for GPP ► Several real-life examples are also provided at the end of the presentation ► Throughout the presentation (in the “notes” view) trainers notes are provided which give guidance to the person giving the training, and suggest a number of interactive exercises which they can use.
European Commission GPP Training Toolkit An Introduction 17 Module 3 - Recommended GPP purchasing criteria
European Commission GPP Training Toolkit An Introduction 18 Module 3 - Recommended GPP purchasing criteria ► Specifically designed for purchasing officers. ► It includes concrete examples of environmental criteria which can be readily introduced in tender documents.
European Commission GPP Training Toolkit An Introduction 19 Module 3 - Recommended GPP purchasing criteria ► Examples of criteria have been established for 11 product and service groups identified (due to their environmental impact and/or scope for environmental improvement and/or financial impact and/or political or example-setting function) as most suitable for “greening” under Green Public Procurement. ► The criteria have been established on the basis of broad stakeholder consultation and are, where appropriate, based upon European or, in the absence thereof, national environmental criteria and guidelines.
European Commission GPP Training Toolkit An Introduction 20 Module 3 - Recommended GPP purchasing criteria ► The following groups are covered: –Paper –Cleaning products and services –Office IT equipment –Construction –Transport –Furniture –Electricity –Food and Catering services –Textiles –Gardening services –Equipment used in the health sector
European Commission GPP Training Toolkit An Introduction 21 Module 3 - Recommended GPP purchasing criteria ► For each product/service group the following is provided: –A pdf Product Sheet which contains only the information that is strictly necessary for contracting authorities to incorporate environmental considerations in their tender procedures. –A powerpoint presentation of the criteria –A pdf Background Product Report containing more in- depth information on why the purchasing recommendations included within the Product Sheet have been set.
European Commission GPP Training Toolkit An Introduction 22 Module 3 - Recommended GPP purchasing criteria ► For each product/service group two sets of criteria are proposed: –Core criteria - designed to be used by any European contracting authority. They address the most significant environmental impacts, and are designed to be used with minimum additional verification effort or cost increases –Comprehensive criteria - intended for use by authorities who wish to purchase the best environmental products available on the market, and may require additional administrative effort or imply a slight cost increase as compared to the purchase of other products fulfilling the same function
European Commission GPP Training Toolkit An Introduction 23 Module 3 - Recommended GPP purchasing criteria ► Recommendations for the subject matter, specifications, selection criteria, award criteria and contract performance clauses have all been included as appropriate ► Where relevant, “Implementation Notes” have also been provided to assist contracting authorities in implementing the criteria
European Commission GPP Training Toolkit An Introduction 24 Module 3 - Recommended GPP purchasing criteria
European Commission GPP Training Toolkit An Introduction 25 Module 3 - Recommended GPP purchasing criteria
European Commission GPP Training Toolkit An Introduction 26 Module 3 - Recommended GPP purchasing criteria
European Commission GPP Training Toolkit An Introduction 27 Module 3 - Recommended GPP purchasing criteria ► In the Product Sheets an overview is also given of the key environmental impacts relating to that product/service group, and appropriate GPP responses ► Information is also provided on relevant European legislation, costing aspects, and sources of information
European Commission GPP Training Toolkit An Introduction 28 References ► For the full GPP Training Toolkit please visit: ► –Contact: