US Army Corps of Engineers ® One Corps Serving the Military and the Nation 1 Kansas City District S.A.M.E Missouri River/TEXOMA Regional 3-5 October 2006 Colonel Mike Rossi, Commander 3 October 2006
US Army Corps of Engineers ® One Corps Serving the Military and the Nation 2 Kansas City District Missions Kansas and Missouri River Watersheds… Northern Kansas, and portions of Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, and Colorado … 850 people Civil works – 11 projects under Construction, 19 Projects operated and maintained Military Construction – 5 Army and 2 Air Force installations Environmental Restoration (HTRW) – HTRW Cleanup in 6 States Full Service District supporting Corps Missions – War fighting, Homeland Security, Infrastructure, Environmental, & Water Resources
US Army Corps of Engineers ® One Corps Serving the Military and the Nation 3 MILITARY INSTALLATIONS CW PROJECT OFFICES NEBRASKA IOWA MISSOURI KANSAS COLO. Kansas City District AOR & Installations
US Army Corps of Engineers ® One Corps Serving the Military and the Nation 4 Expanded workloads Expanded workloads MILCON Transformation/Modularity/BRAC MILCON Transformation/Modularity/BRAC Change in business process - move to Centers of Standardization Change in business process - move to Centers of Standardization Environmental restoration of the Missouri River Environmental restoration of the Missouri River Civil Works infrastructure maintenance/improvements Civil Works infrastructure maintenance/improvements Teaming and partnerships Teaming and partnerships Array of Capable Contractors/Subs to Primes Array of Capable Contractors/Subs to Primes Experienced 8a A/E firms Veteran-owned, service-disabled veteran-owned Veteran-owned, service-disabled veteran-owned Historically Underutilized Business Zone (HUB Zone) Historically Underutilized Business Zone (HUB Zone) Prepare small businesses to meet the challenge Prepare small businesses to meet the challenge Challenges & Needs
US Army Corps of Engineers ® One Corps Serving the Military and the Nation 5 MILCON Transformation Program MILCON Transformation Program Increasing from a $260M FY06 to a $500M FY07-11 program Increasing from a $260M FY06 to a $500M FY07-11 program Less in-house Design w/ Centers of Standardization (COS) Less in-house Design w/ Centers of Standardization (COS) Fewer Design/Bid/Build Opportunities, more Design/Build (through COS) Fewer Design/Bid/Build Opportunities, more Design/Build (through COS) Increase in Site Adaptation work Increase in Site Adaptation work Regional MILCON Acquisition Strategy (>$2B capacity) Regional MILCON Acquisition Strategy (>$2B capacity) Use of for specified Projects Use of for specified Projects Civil Works Program Civil Works Program Emphasis on Missouri River Restoration ($3.1B over 30 years) Emphasis on Missouri River Restoration ($3.1B over 30 years) Increase in Dam Safety Workload (Tuttle Creek Dam $230M) Increase in Dam Safety Workload (Tuttle Creek Dam $230M) Continued Flood Damage Reduction Workload (12 FDR projects) Continued Flood Damage Reduction Workload (12 FDR projects) Environmental (HTRW) Program Environmental (HTRW) Program Stable workload, mostly in support of EPA Region 2 Stable workload, mostly in support of EPA Region 2 Increased emphasis in Performance Based Contracting Increased emphasis in Performance Based Contracting Regional Environmental Acquisition Strategy (>$1B capacity) Regional Environmental Acquisition Strategy (>$1B capacity) Program Activities & Trends
US Army Corps of Engineers ® One Corps Serving the Military and the Nation 6 Projected Need FY06-11 = $41.8B Actual Funding levels may vary The MILCON “Need”
US Army Corps of Engineers ® One Corps Serving the Military and the Nation 7 FY2006/2007: –Use MT Model RFP (for mission and support facilities) Utilize industry standards Performance specifications Type I - V construction Utilize fast tracking –Standard Plans developed & refined in FY06-07 –Gather best practices from design-build experience FY08 –Transition from design-build to adapt-build –Use standard designs developed in 06/07 –Will still use design-build and other strategies on unique facilities MILCON Transformation Implementation
US Army Corps of Engineers ® One Corps Serving the Military and the Nation 8 Consistent RFPs –Mandatory use of MT Model RFP –Two-step proposal process –Best-Value Selection Process Consistent engineering & construction processes –Standardization in the evaluation/selection criteria –Streamlined review and submittal process Expand the use of all types of construction –Type I thru Type V construction –Pre-engineered, modular and tilt-up Maximize use of Industry Standards –International Building Code –Focus on end result; not “how to” Approach of Model RFP
US Army Corps of Engineers ® One Corps Serving the Military and the Nation 9 Regional NWD MILCON Strategy Finalizing Acquisition Strategy FY Began issuing Solicitations late 3 rd Qtr ’06 Projected Pools for NWK access: –Division Wide Unrestricted Pool: Capacity > $2B Select 3 to 5 Contractors Task Orders from $20M to $100M –District Small Business Pools: Small Disadvantaged Business Pool HUB Zone Pool Each Pool: up to 4 Contractors & Capacity over $100M –Ft Riley Barracks ID/IQ, $150M –Ft Riley Combat Aviation Brigade ID/IQ, $150M
US Army Corps of Engineers ® One Corps Serving the Military and the Nation 10 Location Fort Leonard Wood Fort Riley Fort Leavenworth Whiteman AFB McConnell AFB Identified Projects 7 Projects 13 Projects 4 Projects 6 Projects 2 Projects PA Over $80M Over $550M Over $180M Over $120M Over $15M Military Construction Opportunities FY07-08
US Army Corps of Engineers ® One Corps Serving the Military and the Nation 11 Contract MO River Enhancement KC Riverfront Blue River Basin River Structures Impr. Blue River Channel Rush Creek Section 14 Chariton River Watershed Description Ecosystem-Construction Wetlands Construction Channel Construction O&M Floating Plant Grade Control Structure Stream Bank Construction Ecosystem-Construction PA Range $$1-5M $1-5M $500K -1M $5-10M $500K-1M Advertise Date Nov 06 Jun 07 Civil Works Program Opportunities FY07
US Army Corps of Engineers ® One Corps Serving the Military and the Nation 12 Contract AE IDIQ Long Term Response Action (LTRA) Radioactive Waste Disposal Analytical Services PRACs Radioactive Waste Disposal Description 1 – SB; 1 – 8(a); 1 - SDVOSB F&O Design/Constr. IDIQ SB Design/Constr. IDIQ 8a/SDVOSB F&O/Sole source for Rad Waste Disposal 8a Analytical Contract IDIQ SB Design/Constr. IDIQ F&O Rad Waste Disposal PA Range $3M $50M $60M $20M $15M $3M > $500M $200M Advertise Date Proposals due 2 Oct 4 th Qrt/06 Cancelled HTRW Program Opportunities FY06-08
US Army Corps of Engineers ® One Corps Serving the Military and the Nation 13 Know the District and its customer’s needs Know the District and its customer’s needs Provide continued improvement Provide continued improvement Understand the Corps expectations Understand the Corps expectations Seek opportunities to team, partner, or be the sub to existing or new primes Seek opportunities to team, partner, or be the sub to existing or new primes Seek opportunities compete or team on new contacts (become part of the array of contractors) Seek opportunities compete or team on new contacts (become part of the array of contractors) How SBs can meet District Needs
US Army Corps of Engineers ® One Corps Serving the Military and the Nation 14 COL Mike Rossi District Engineer Steve Iverson Deputy for Project Management Arthur Saulsberry Deputy for Small Business Vincent Marsh Chief of Contracting Kansas City District Points of Contact
US Army Corps of Engineers ® One Corps Serving the Military and the Nation 15 Questions?Questions?
US Army Corps of Engineers ® One Corps Serving the Military and the Nation 16 Kansas City District MILCON & Expectation Backup Slides
US Army Corps of Engineers ® One Corps Serving the Military and the Nation 17 Location Fort Leavenworth Fort Leonard Wood Description Battle Seminar Facility DBB Regional Correctional Facility DBB USDB Parking Perm Party Bks Ph2 DB Hydrant Fuel System Prime Power Consolidated TMC PA Range Over $10M $1 – 5M Over $10M $10 – 25M Over $10M $5 – 10M Military Opportunities FY07
US Army Corps of Engineers ® One Corps Serving the Military and the Nation 18 Location Fort Leonard Wood Fort Riley Description Warehouse I & II TA231 Infra Upgrade Outdoor Rec Whole Barracks Renewal CDC DB UEX/SUA Incr 2 DB Training Support Ctr Warehouse PA Range $1 – 5M Over $10M $1 – 5M Military Opportunities FY07
US Army Corps of Engineers ® One Corps Serving the Military and the Nation 19 Location Fort Riley Whiteman AFB Description Health/Dental Clinic DB Runway Improvements DB BCTC DB CAB Phase 1 DB Family Housing Replacement DB Family Housing Improvements PA Range Over $10M $5 – 10M Military Opportunities FY07
US Army Corps of Engineers ® One Corps Serving the Military and the Nation 20 Location Fort Leavenworth Fort Leonard Wood Description MP Battalion DB BCT Complex II DB Upgrade Range 2 DBB Upgrade Range 10 DBB Prime Power School DBB 94 th Engineers Chapel PA Range Over $10M $1 – 5M Over $10M $5 – 10M Military Opportunities FY08
US Army Corps of Engineers ® One Corps Serving the Military and the Nation 21 Location Fort Leonard Wood Fort Riley Description Perm Party Bks Ph 2 & 3 Multipurpose Range Complex DBB CAB Phase II DB WWTP Chapel Chapel w/Rel Ed PA Range Over $10M $5 – 10M Military Opportunities FY08
US Army Corps of Engineers ® One Corps Serving the Military and the Nation 22 Contract MO River Enhancement KC Riverfront Blue River Basin River Structures Impr. Blue River Channel Rush Creek Section 14 Chariton River Watershed Description Ecosystem-Construction Wetlands Construction Channel Construction O&M Floating Plant Grade Control Structure Stream bank Constr Ecosystem-Construction PA Range $$1-5M $1-5M $500K -1M $5-10M $500K-1M Advertise Date Nov 06 Jun 07 Civil Works Program Opportunities FY07
US Army Corps of Engineers ® One Corps Serving the Military and the Nation 23 Contract AE IDIQ Long Term Response Action (LTRA) Radioactive Waste Disposal Analytical Services PRACs Radioactive Waste Disposal Description 1 – SB; 1 – 8(a); 1 - SDVOSB F&O Design/Constr. IDIQ SB Design/Constr. IDIQ 8a/SDVOSB F&O/Sole source for Rad Waste Disposal 8a Analytical Contract IDIQ SB Design/Constr. IDIQ F&O Rad Waste Disposal PA Range $3M $50M $60M $20M $15M $3M > $500M $200M Advertise Date Proposals due 2 Oct 4 th Qrt/06 Cancelled HTRW Program Opportunities FY06-08
US Army Corps of Engineers ® One Corps Serving the Military and the Nation 24 Doing Business With Us… Know what our customers want Bid competitively Make well-thought-through, innovative, proposals Have a good business process
US Army Corps of Engineers ® One Corps Serving the Military and the Nation 25 Designing to budget Initial proposals high Quality Control on work products Bringing innovative solutions to solve cost and technical issues Taking directions from local customers Communication Design-build performance Meeting deadlines and schedules Invoices Areas To Improve
US Army Corps of Engineers ® One Corps Serving the Military and the Nation 26 Understanding our customers and business Responsiveness-- communicate Proactive, not reactive Cost effective-- design to budget Value added-- bring your expertise to bear Solution oriented-- be innovative Provide feedback to Corps and demand feedback from Corps on performance Corps Expectations
US Army Corps of Engineers ® One Corps Serving the Military and the Nation 27 15% cost savings (Cheaper) 30% time savings (Faster) “Standard” Facilities (Better) Greater control over outcomes Ability to lower unit costs Ability to absorb detrimental market conditions sAchieve Army sustainability standards (LEED Silver in FY08) (Greener) Continue to meet Small Business requirements For the Army Success Defined As…
US Army Corps of Engineers ® One Corps Serving the Military and the Nation 28 Requires well-executed master planning Streamlined NEPA process Utilizes industry codes and standards Incorporates expanded use of manufactured building solutions Abandons prescriptive requirements in favor of performance requirements Utilizes a design-build “Model RFP” Anticipates that standard plans will evolve towards an Adapt-Build delivery method Relies on partnering with all customers and industry Will fundamentally change the way the Corps executes MILCON This is an Army initiative, not an Air Force one – However, if successful, others will follow Army MILCON Transformation: