October sky Chapter 10 By: Nick Hutchinson, Tommy Purcell, Jasmine Johnson, and Emily Dwane
Timeline BCMA is mentioned in newspaper. First day of school. (1958~1959) Talks to valentine. Goes over to Dorothy's house Has a startling revelation. When he thinks that rockets are a message form God.
Goes to church to see father about his dream. Mr. Jackson accuses him of stealing his dog. O'Dell and Roy Lee attempts to steal telephone equipment. They are caught by Mr. Vandyke. (cop) They had to pay $37 to prevent them from going to jail from stealing the telephone. To get money O’Dell suggest to steal cast iron over the summer, others don’t agree.
Eleventh grade chemistry become Sonny’s favorite subject. Mrs. Riley chemistry teacher performs on experiment of rapid oxidation of 2things, Quinton thinks its possible fuel source Quinton decides that ‘PN’ will be better fuel source than ‘PC’. Sonny tests the rockets and they are very Happy with the result.
Quotations 1)“If you build your own [rocket], your part of it. I can see that.”- Mrs. Riley p ) “We had gone to it in our minds. We had flown the little spacecraft beyond its physical capabilities, zipped past jagged mountains and over the gouges and tears of primordial bombardment. Someday, I was convinced, we would go there. Not just mankind, but us, the boys on that roof.”-Sonny p.184
Song Song: One Step at a time, By: Jordan Sparks We chose this song because Sonny still really likes Dorothy and he thinks he is making progress in their relationship. “I was making progress wither her, one little step at a time.”-Sonny p b=av2e