Mrs. May’s silly slideshow to accompany the short story, ‘Interpreter of Maladies'
Home town to the Das family
Mr. Kapasi drives a white Ambassador just like this one! A very common car in India.
Spot Puri. This is the area in which the family are staying.
Assansol is where the parents now live.
A tea stall – except the man has a shirt on here!
Another tea stall
A packet of puffed rice.
A better picture of puffed rice.
‘Dallas’ – the TV show Mr. Kapasi uses as a reference point for American culture
’ The Sun Temple at Konarak (Konark) Carving of ‘entwined lovers’
Surya – The Sun God Mr. Kapasi’s favourite statue is of Surya
One of the horse carvings
More ‘erotic’ carvings
…and more
…and even more
Plaque at the temple
Naked lovers
The American Museum of Natural History in Washington – Mr. Das takes his students on a tour here.
Carvings in disrepair
One of the giant elephant statues surrounding the temple
Notice how intricate the carvings are…
Giant carvings near entrance to temple
Hmm…not sure what creature this is meant to be???
The giant wheel carvings – Mr. Kapasi tells the Das’ they represent ‘life’.
More ‘erotic’ carvings
Another Surya bronze statue
Elephant carvings
Hanuman Monkey
Another wheel carving
The Sun Temple from above
Is she smiling?
Another Surya statue
Rather impressive!
Hanuman monkeys. Where’s the puffed rice?
To give you a sense of India
Puri Beach – probably type of hotel at which the family are staying.
A Pura Beach resort
Mr. Das’ tour guide
Another guide book!
Mrs. Das’ nail polish
Sorry, couldn’t resist
…and guess who’s bag?
Apologies for some of the blurry pics. I hope you can now better visualise the Konarak Sun Temple. Go back and read the story again now!