CHAPTER 1 Terms: latitude - lines that run parallel to the equator longitude - lines that go over the earth around the poles prime meridian- imaginary line diving the earth east and west topographic map- a general reference map; it has natural and man-made features of earth
CHAPTER 2 What instrument measures the relative strength of an earthquake? seismograph What term is used to identify a windblown sediment of silt and clay? loess What rocky feature might a receding glacier leave behind? moraine What name is given to the area where most of the world’s active volcanoes exist? Ring of Fire Name the parts of the biosphere
CHAPTER 3 What is an aquifer? convection tundra steppe rain shadow biome
CHAPTER 3 What types of trees are birch and cottonwood? Deciduous What are the divisions of biomes? Forests, grasslands, deserts, tundra How does the greenhouse effect occur? Gases in the atmosphere create a barrier that traps solar energy
CHAPTER 4 democracy A government run by its citizens Dictatorship An individual or small group holds political power Infrastructure Basic support system of a nation (power, water, roads) market economy A system where production of goods and services is determined by demand from consumers command economy A system where production of goods and services is determined by a government
CHAPTER 4 Innovation When a culture creates or invents a new system or device for fulfilling a specific need Birthrate The number of live births per thousand people fertility rate The average number of children a woman would have in her lifetime if she had children at the current rate for her country rate of natural increase Tells the difference between birthrate and mortality rate population pyramid Graphic representation that shows gender and age distribution of a population
CHAPTER 5 Be able to identify the parts of the lowlands of North America Why is North America the world’s leading food exporter? Rich, fertile soil allows for vast and productive agricultural activity What is a key natural resource of the Great Plains? Fertile soil
CHAPTER 5 What types of climates are found in the United States but not Canada? Tropical wet and dry climate What landform borders the Great Plains on one side? The Rocky Mountains After crossing the Beringia, where did early nomads most likely begin settling? Near water
CHAPTER 6 Why do most of Canada’s energy exports go to the United States? The US consumes more energy resources than other places What things were included in the Colombian exchange? Plants, animals and diseases What is the service industry? Careers such as information processing, finance, medicine, education What is a representative government? The people rule through electing government officials
CHAPTER 6 What is a free enterprise system? The government has little control over businesses, resources, and technology operated by private businesses What is postindustrial economy? Manufacturing is no longer the country’s most important industry
CHAPTER 7 Prairie Provinces area where Canada’s chief area of agriculture activity is located Atlantic Provinces Sometimes severe weather; dependable coastal economic activities such as fishing and shipbuilding Metis Live in Saskatchewan Nunavut Established in 1999 for the Inuit Quebec Canada’s second largest city, Montreal, is located here
CHAPTER 7 First Nations Ancestors of the early Native Americans who traded w/European fishermen in the 16 th century Ontario Capital of Canada’s federal government, Ottawa, is located in this province British Colombia Located within the Rocky Mountain Range Dominion of Canada Political union between Upper and Lower Canada established in 1867 Parliamentary government Political system where legislative and executive functions are combined in a legislature
CHAPTER 8 What is the most negative effect on a community’s infrastructure? Strains from commuter traffic What is the purpose of the Office of Homeland Security? Coordinate national efforts to protect against terrorism Why does urban sprawl occur? Development occurs without planned growth. What is anthrax? Biological weapons which cause disease
CHAPTER 8 What is the main purpose of the Canadian Multiculturalism Act? Preserve cultural diversity Why do governments create plans for sustainable communities? They hope to create a place for residents to live AND work in the community What is one cause of Canada’s cultural “mosaic”? Immigrants were encouraged to come to Canada and retain their cultural identities
CHAPTER 9 What two farming techniques helped the Inca survive the Andes? Terraces and irrigation Why are the river systems of South America more important than those of Central America? Central America does not have to depend on rivers because of their location near oceans What is the result of changes in altitude, land on either side of the equator, and ocean currents? Varied climate and vegetation
CHAPTER 10 What causes the shrinking of the rain forest? Slash and burn What is a disadvantage of tourism? Strain on local economies What cultures blended to shape the development of Mexico? Native people and Spanish What is the capital of the Aztec Empire? Tenochtitlan
CHAPTER 11 What is exchanged in a debt-for-nature swap? Payment of debt for protection of part of the rain forest What is biodiversity? A diverse group of living things What has contributed to the deforestation of the Amazon rain forest? Demand for wood Clearing of land for farming Clearing of land for cattle grazing
CHAPTER 11 Why can’t Latin American citizens take advantage of the free-market economy? Lack of education and lack of meaningful jobs Describe an oligarchy Government by a few powerful rulers What is a goal of land reform? To divide land and wealth more fairly What is Junta? Government under harsh, military leadership