Population Patterns of North America
The U.S. and Canada have been shaped by immigration – the movement of people into one country from another All people in US and Canada are immigrants or descendants of immigrants Native Americans probably first came from Asia thousands of years ago
U.S. and Canada are among the most diverse populations in the world. Reasons why people came to U.S. and Canada: –Religious or political freedom –Fleeing wars or natural disasters –Greater economic opportunities –Sought rich natural resources of the region
Canada has 8 people per mi² 90% live along the border with the U.S. U.S. has about 75 people per mi² Northeast and Great Lakes area most densely populated areas Sunbelt (mild climate - SW) is the fastest growing area of the U.S.
Urbanization – the migration of people into cities 80% of Americans and 60% of Canadians live in metropolitan areas – large cities with outlying communities called suburbs Megalopolis – closely linked metropolitan areas Ex: Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, and Baltimore
U.S. and Canada have low birth rates; most population growth comes from mobility, or the ability to move from place to place
Where did the first people in North America come from? Theory #1: nomads crossed land bridge from Asia to Alaska and settled in N. America Theory #2: nomads from Central and South America settled in N. America at the same time as the people from Asia
European groups come to N. America Spanish – controlled Florida and large area west of Mississippi River; set up military posts, missions, farms, and cattle ranches French – came for fur trade along rivers; settled along St. Lawrence and Mississippi Rivers.
English – colonies along Atlantic Coast –Northern colonies- shipbuilding, fishing, trade –Middle colonies- farming; cash crops –Southern colonies- plantation farming In 1763, France gave much of its land to Britain after the French and Indian War English migrate west and push Native Americans off their land
U.S.A. created in 1776 with the Declaration of Independence; fought and won independence in American Revolution Americans set up a republic in which the people elect their own officials People still loyal to Great Britain move north and establish the Dominion of Canada
1800s – industrialization causes urbanization; cities grow along rivers In the south, enslaved Africans provided labor on southern plantations Underground Railroad, a series of safe houses, helped many slaves make their way north to freedom
Government U.S. and Canada are both democracies with federal systems The central governments share power with state or provincial gov’ts Bill of Rights – first 10 amendments to the Constitution; give freedom of speech, religion, press, etc.
Three branches of US gov’t –Legislative: Congress –Executive: President; cabinet: President’s advisors –Judicial: Supreme Court Canada is a dominion – a partially self-governing country with close ties to Britain Canada has a prime minister and a legislature called Parliament