Part Two 100 200 400 300 400 Guilded Age Part II Great Depression World War II Cold War/Decades 300 200 400 200 100 500 100.


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Presentation transcript:

Part Two

Guilded Age Part II Great Depression World War II Cold War/Decades

Row 1, Col 1 Native Americans were forced to give up their nomadic way of life and live on? Reservations

This event was a factor in the rapid change in unemployment after 1929? The Stock Market Crash Row 1, Col 2

This event led to the US joining WWII? The Bombing of Pearl Harbor Row 1, Col 3

The cold war developed following World War II as a result of the : (A)Renewed threats from the Nazi leaders (B)1960’s space race between the U.S. and U.S.S.R (C)Invasion of Poland by Germany (D)Conflicts between communist and democratic governments Row 1, Col 4

What is it called when one person or group owns all businesses in one industry, thus threatening free enterprise because small business can’t compete? Monopoly/Trust Row 2, Col 1

This was FDR’s plan for the Depression? The New Deal Row 2, Col 2

This event is generally considered to be the first act of war during WWII? Germany’s attack on Poland Row 2, Col 3

The Cold War was marked by tension between these two countries? U.S. and U.S.S.R Row 2, Col 4

This man could be called a “robber baron” because he used ruthless business practices to wipe out his competitors Hint…founder of standard oil company John D. Rockefeller Row 3, Col 1

Which New Deal program DOES NOT exist today? (A)Security Exchange Commission (B)Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (C)Social Security Administration (D)Civilian Conservation Corps Row 3, Col 2

This lady represents the contribution of American women to wartime production? Rosie the Riveter Row 3, Col 3

This was the United States’ foreign policy during the Cold War. The Korean War is also an example of this policy. Containment Row 3, Col 4

All of the following factors helped the United States become a great industrial nation in the late 1800’s EXCEPT: (A)New inventions (B)Large number of immigrants (C)Forced labor by Native Americans (D)Plentiful natural resources (C) Forced labor by Native Americans Row 4, Col 1

The “Dust Bowl” caused problems for people living in the area of the? Great Plains Row 4, Col 2

Crimes against humanity was one of the crimes judged at the __________ trials. Nuremburg Row 4, Col 3

Many historians agree that the world came closest to nuclear war during this event? The Cuban Missile Crisis Row 4, Col 4

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost, to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” -Emma Lazarus What is the main message of this poem? Welcome new immigrants to the U.S. Row 5, Col 1

What were the three goals of the New Deal? Hint..they all start with “R” Relief, Recovery, Reform Row 5, Col 2

“Nuremberg laws take away Jewish citizenship in Germany” “Synagogues and Jewish-owned businesses destroyed across Germany” “Mass extermination of Jewish people, other victims at Auschwitz” These headlines are most directly associated with the…? Holocaust Row 5, Col 3

All of these men were assassinated in the 1960’s. Name three of the four men that are pictured above. JFK, Malcolm X, MLK Jr., Bobby Kennedy Row 5, Col 4

Are You Smarter Than an 8 th Grader Final Question: In your groups, define the following: Feel free to include examples to support your definition (1)Capitalism (2)Isolationism (3)Imperialism (4)Nationalism (5)Domino Theory

Capitalism-Private citizens can own a business Isolationism-Staying our of foreign affairs/having little to do with other countries Imperialism-Stronger country takes over weaker country for power, land, resources Nationalism-Pride in your country Containment-stop communism from spreading