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Presentation transcript:

A SSISTING D ISADVANTAGED C OMMUNITIES AND N ATIVE A MERICAN T RIBES IN THE S IERRA IRWM S 1 Gary Lippner, PE DWR North Central Region Office Regional Coordinator Chief, Water Supply Evaluations Section Division of Integrated Regional Water Management Sierra Water Workgroup Summit – July 17, 2012

O UTLINE  DWR’s Efforts to Enhance and Encourage DAC and Tribal Participation in the IRWM Program  Technical Assistance  DWR’s DAC Mapping Tool 2

IRWM P LANS : DAC S AND T RIBAL P ARTICIPATION  DACs and Native American Tribes are stakeholders  IRWM Plans must identify and involve DACs and Native American Tribal communities in the planning effort  Discussion of potential impacts and benefits directly affecting DACs and Native American Tribal communities  3 Important Program Preferences and Statewide Priorities:  Address Critical Water Supply or Water Quality Needs of DACs  Improve Tribal Water and Natural Resources  Ensure Equitable Distribution of Benefits 3

DAC P ROJECTS R EQUESTING IRWM P ROP 84 R OUND 2 I MPLEMENTATION F UNDING 4  25% Funding Match Waiver  $16M available statewide  Studies identifying critical water supply or water quality needs may include:  Feasibility studies  Engineering designs and specifications  Needs assessments  New Benefits and Cost Analysis – 4 Alternatives  Cost-Effectiveness Analysis for projects < $1M  Non-Monetized Benefits Analysis

T ECHNICAL A SSISTANCE  Wide variety of assistance available  Water Management, Engineering & Environmental Activities  Modeling & Data Management  Water Management Planning Field Investigations  Integrated Water Management Program Assistance 5

W ATER M ANAGEMENT, E NGINEERING & E NVIRONMENTAL A CTIVITIES 6  Needs Assessment  Collect Information to Evaluate Water Management Alternatives  Evaluate Water Management Conditions  Identify Water Management Problems and Concerns  Develop Water Management Goals and Objectives  Evaluate Potential Programs, Policies or Projects  Review Project Feasibility Studies and Project Designs  Develop Specific Project Designs

M ODELING & D ATA M ANAGEMENT 7  Develop Modeling Objectives & Recommendations  Develop Model Input  Perform Modeling Studies  Conduct Model Calibration  Evaluate & Perform Model Additions or Corrections  Develop Climate Change Modeling Systems  Prepare GIS Information & Mapping

8  Geotechnical, geophysical, hydrogeologic & hydrologic Investigations  Studies  Mapping waterside levee slopes  Subsurface exploration  Stream flow and quality studies  Site specific groundwater levels & aquifer properties  Public Outreach & Facilitation  Program and/or Project Risk Assessment  Water Rights  Environmental Enhancement, Compliance and Permitting  EIR/EIS Preparation Water Management Planning Field Investigations Integrated Water Management Assistance

 Web-based map application  Allows you to zoom into any California community  ACS data shown  Census places, census tracts, and block groups  As separate layers or in combination  Different base maps—street, areal image, political, etc.  Data may be combined and with other GIS data  Determining DAC status should be much simpler and standardized to recent data 9 DWR DAC M APPING T OOL


A DVANCING DAC S & N ATIVE A MERICAN T RIBES IN S IERRA IRWM S  IRWM Plan Standards  Program Preferences & Statewide Priorities  P84 Funding Match Waivers  Technical Assistance  Pilot Studies 11