A SSISTING D ISADVANTAGED C OMMUNITIES AND N ATIVE A MERICAN T RIBES IN THE S IERRA IRWM S 1 Gary Lippner, PE DWR North Central Region Office Regional Coordinator Chief, Water Supply Evaluations Section Division of Integrated Regional Water Management Sierra Water Workgroup Summit – July 17, 2012
O UTLINE DWR’s Efforts to Enhance and Encourage DAC and Tribal Participation in the IRWM Program Technical Assistance DWR’s DAC Mapping Tool 2
IRWM P LANS : DAC S AND T RIBAL P ARTICIPATION DACs and Native American Tribes are stakeholders IRWM Plans must identify and involve DACs and Native American Tribal communities in the planning effort Discussion of potential impacts and benefits directly affecting DACs and Native American Tribal communities 3 Important Program Preferences and Statewide Priorities: Address Critical Water Supply or Water Quality Needs of DACs Improve Tribal Water and Natural Resources Ensure Equitable Distribution of Benefits 3
DAC P ROJECTS R EQUESTING IRWM P ROP 84 R OUND 2 I MPLEMENTATION F UNDING 4 25% Funding Match Waiver $16M available statewide Studies identifying critical water supply or water quality needs may include: Feasibility studies Engineering designs and specifications Needs assessments New Benefits and Cost Analysis – 4 Alternatives Cost-Effectiveness Analysis for projects < $1M Non-Monetized Benefits Analysis
T ECHNICAL A SSISTANCE Wide variety of assistance available Water Management, Engineering & Environmental Activities Modeling & Data Management Water Management Planning Field Investigations Integrated Water Management Program Assistance 5
W ATER M ANAGEMENT, E NGINEERING & E NVIRONMENTAL A CTIVITIES 6 Needs Assessment Collect Information to Evaluate Water Management Alternatives Evaluate Water Management Conditions Identify Water Management Problems and Concerns Develop Water Management Goals and Objectives Evaluate Potential Programs, Policies or Projects Review Project Feasibility Studies and Project Designs Develop Specific Project Designs
M ODELING & D ATA M ANAGEMENT 7 Develop Modeling Objectives & Recommendations Develop Model Input Perform Modeling Studies Conduct Model Calibration Evaluate & Perform Model Additions or Corrections Develop Climate Change Modeling Systems Prepare GIS Information & Mapping
8 Geotechnical, geophysical, hydrogeologic & hydrologic Investigations Studies Mapping waterside levee slopes Subsurface exploration Stream flow and quality studies Site specific groundwater levels & aquifer properties Public Outreach & Facilitation Program and/or Project Risk Assessment Water Rights Environmental Enhancement, Compliance and Permitting EIR/EIS Preparation Water Management Planning Field Investigations Integrated Water Management Assistance
Web-based map application Allows you to zoom into any California community ACS data shown Census places, census tracts, and block groups As separate layers or in combination Different base maps—street, areal image, political, etc. Data may be combined and with other GIS data Determining DAC status should be much simpler and standardized to recent data 9 DWR DAC M APPING T OOL
A DVANCING DAC S & N ATIVE A MERICAN T RIBES IN S IERRA IRWM S IRWM Plan Standards Program Preferences & Statewide Priorities P84 Funding Match Waivers Technical Assistance Pilot Studies 11