Answer the following questions by yourself. What is a resume? What is the purpose of a resume? List at least 2 of the 6 we talked about in class What are the two types of resumes we discussed?
A resume is a one-two personal data sheet Short summary of important facts about you To help employers decide if you are right for the job Resume create a first impression Well thought-out, up to date, well prepared…
Help you complete and employment application quickly and accurately To demonstrate potential as an employee To show the employer you are organized, prepared, and serious about job. To feel self-assured during interview process. To mail or fax to potential employers in hopes of earning an interview To advertise you!
Would you feel confident presenting your resume to a possible employer? What things could you do so you could then add to your resume to make your resume stronger?
A few simple paragraphs that state Which job you are applying for Your qualifications Your request for an interview
Address a specific person if possible If not shown, do research to find If cannot find, add “manager” to hiring department. State purpose of your letter and position you are applying for. State qualifications that make you well suited for the job Request an interview Sign you letter before sending it
Opening paragraph Why you are writing Name of position applying for How you learned about position Middle paragraph Why you are interested in working for that employer Why you want that position Qualifications, achievements, training, and interest in the field Closing paragraph refer to resume is possible Ask for an interview or encourage a reply