Skills For Tomorrow Module 3: You and your CV. The four sections of this module will enable learners to: Understand what should be include in a CV Understand how to develop & structure a CV Understand how to tailor and adapt a CV How to write a covering letter
Activity 1: What should be included or excluded from a CV Aims: Understand what are the positive elements of a CV Understand what elements are best excluded from a CV
Task: Working in your group, using the work cards provided to you by your tutor, consider the elements and place them into two separate groups. One group should contain the elements you would include in a CV and the other should contain the elements that you would exclude. You should be prepared to explain why you put the cards into each group. Remember to record your findings on your summary sheet. Activity 1: What should be included or excluded from a CV
Activity 2: Good and Bad CVs Aims: Consider the structure of a CV Understand how to develop a CV
Activity 2: Good and Bad CVs Task: In your groups and using the example C.V. identify some of the bad points about the C.V. Consider the following:- The layout and length of the C.V. The information contained and how it is presented. Is there anything is missing and if so what? Would you as a prospective employer invite this person to an interview for a job? Note the key points of your discussions and using the flip chart provided develop an improved copy of the CV and be prepared to report back and discuss.
Activity 3: Personal Profile & Adapting Your CV for the Job Aims: Consider best practice for writing a Personal Profile Tailor your CV to the Job Description What makes you the best job candidate
Activity 3: Personal Profile & Adapting Your CV for the Job Task: As a whole class discuss the following points:- What is a personal profile and why do we need one? How long should your personal profile be? What should be included your personal profile? What are some of the words and phrases that can be used in a personal profile? Could elements of the CV be amended to appeal to the prospective employer? Would elements of your previous employment be more relevant to the job for which you are applying? Do any of your hobbies or interests have any relevance to the position? Would you have the same personal profile for every job application? Note the key points of your discussions
Activity 4: The Covering Letter Aims: Consider the reason for sending a covering letter Consider the structure and layout of a formal letter
Activity 4: The Covering Letter Task 1:When applying for jobs it is usual to send a covering letter with your C.V. or application. As a whole group discuss the reasons why a covering letter is beneficial to send with a CV. Task 2:In your groups look at the two covering letters and identify the good and bad points of each. Consider the following:- The grammar, layout and presentation of the letter. The information contained and how relevant it is. Is there anything is missing and if so what? As a prospective employer which letter writer would you be more likely to invite to an interview for a job? Note the key points of your discussions and be prepared to report back and discuss.
Skills For Tomorrow Module 3 ‘You and Your CV’ Summary: Today we have looked at What are the positive elements of a CV What elements are best excluded from a CV The structure of a CV How to develop a CV The best practice for writing a Personal Profile Tailoring your CV to the Job Description What makes you the best job candidate The reason for sending a covering letter The structure and layout of a formal letter