Public Relations Training Corporate Affairs Training 2014
Public Relations Checklist How to Pitch a Reporter Pitch Examples Press Releases Tips on Writing and Distributing a Press Release National Press Releases VS Local Press Releases Sample Press Releases Policies & Procedures Media Policy Publications Crisis Communications Office Disaster Recovery Plans Email Blasts Instructor: John DeLibero
Table of Contents How to Pitch a Reporter Press Releases Policies & Procedures
How to Pitch a Reporter
Tips on Pitching A pitch letter is a wonderful and often underused tool to establish a relationship or introduction to a reporter. Just remember to keep them short, get to the point, show how your event/story can appeal to their audience and fits in the media outlet’s mission. After you have submitted your pitch to a reporter, you should wait a few days and follow up with either a brief email or phone call to see if the reporter is interested in moving forward. If the reporter is not interested in moving forward do not be discouraged, their will plenty of opportunities to work with them in the future.
Sample Pitch
Press Releases
Tips on Writing and Distributing a Press Release A press release is a factual news story, it's not a sales letter Give the reporter what they want, a factual, relevant, exciting story Keep it short, 350 words to 500 words Keep it simple, avoid industry specific words The first sentence of your first paragraph should be compelling, exciting, intriguing Don't give them old news Proof read, then proof read again, check your grammar and spelling for accuracy. Have several people also read it over a few times If you feel uncomfortable drafting the release feel free to contact me Always use the approved template
National Press Releases VS Local Press Releases Distributed when Senior Leadership change occurs in the Americas Distributed when a new Mean & Method is created by Lend Lease and adopted by the industry Distributed when a significant milestone is accomplished for an iconic project for the Americas Region National releases should be limited National releases are expensive to distribute Local Press Releases Distributed when Senior Leadership change occurs in the local office Distributed when a new Mean & Method is created by Lend Lease and adopted in the office Distributed when a significant milestone is accomplished on important project for the Local Office Local Office should produce more press releases Local releases are cost effective
Sample Press Releases National Release Local Release
Policies & Procedures
Local Press Release Flow National, PM&C, Development To ensure consistency in the message presented to both local and national media, all communications including press releases, fact sheets and speeches will be required to go through a quick approval process. Typical Flow of Information: Step 1: Corporate Affairs or local office writes press release or feature. Step 2: Press release is sent to Senior Project Executive for review/approval. Step 3: Upon approval from Senior Project Executive, they will forward to client representatives to obtain written approval. Step 4: If possible, obtain image approval to use a Rendering, Project image, Headshot, etc. – press releases with images gain are likely to be picked up by targeted media publications. Step 5: Release is sent to the Head of Corporate Affairs final approval. Step 6: Corporate Affairs distributes press release via PR News Wire and to local targeted media publications. The Lend Lease Client Must Approve All Releases! Client should be asked to initial all changes to a press release to document their approval to release. Total turnaround time for a press release should not exceed five working days. The project executive should request approvals from client representatives. Prior to releasing a new win/job award, all applicable contracts/transaction documents must have been signed.
Press Release Guidelines There are several requirements for press releases prepared on behalf of Lend Lease: Head of Corporate Affairs should be listed on every release (for National, PM&C and Development). Standard company boilerplate must be included on the bottom of every release. In most cases, the local senior manager is the spokesperson and he/she should be quoted in the release, unless someone else has been officially approved/designated by the Senior Manager. Also, whenever possible, photography or architectural renderings should be included with releases. For releases regarding personnel, portrait photography is highly recommended. When obtaining photos through the Digital Photo Library, local marketing member must confirm that all client approvals have been received.
PM&C and Development Approvals Required External information Approval Project information Internal Senior Management Client written approval Mary Costello approval Project rendering Press Release via Targeted Release Press Release via PR News Wire Release Lend Lease Website Press Release Announcement External speaking engagement Other external client communication released Lend Lease mentioned in Social Media
Proactive PR Activity Educate all project leadership and staff regarding basic media relations and protocols. Aim key stories at the regional market Develop presence in the regional area Being known as industry experts will positively support the office’s strategic initiatives Emphasis on regional angle and presence, however should act as one company, drawing on the strengths of the whole. PIC/General Manager/Project Directors should be positioned as an industry expert, available for supporting quotes on technical or industry issues which may from time-to-time obtain media attention. Cultivate relationships with regional news media organizations by: Face-to-face meeting or contact when possible. Understand how they operate, what features they may want or require. Periodic follow-ups during key events (ground breakings, completions)
Reactive PR Activity There are instances where a reporter may call seeking information about our company. All media queries must be referred to the Head of Corporate Affairs/Director of Public Relations (National, PM&C and Development), Director of Marketing (Public Partnerships) or the senior most Lend Lease person at that location. Head of Corporate Affairs/Director of Public Relations/Director of Marketing, Public Partnerships will assess the situation and will coach appropriate spokespeople who will respond to the media. Head of Corporate Affairs/Director of Public Relations/Director of Marketing, Public Partnerships will coordinate with the client and their public relations staff if necessary. Crisis Communication Plan in the event of a jobsite or company emergency should be handled by local Principal-in-Charge/Senior Project Executive and Head of Corporate Affairs/Director of Public Relations/Director of Marketing, Public Partnerships.
Public Relations Policy and Procedures Media Policy Publications Crisis Communications Office Disaster Recovery Plans Email Blasts
Public Relations Quiz Q: Who must approve all external messaging? A: Mary Costello Q: Is client approval necessary for PM&C press release and media opportunities? A: Yes Q: Do you need to use Lend Lease templates for distributing a press release? A: Yes, located on workspace Q: Who distributes Press Releases? A: Corporate Affairs distributes press release via PR News Wire and to local targeted media publications