Easter in my home
About me I'm from Latvia's region Catholic region - Latgale / Latvia has four regions: Kurzeme, Zemgale, Vidzeme and Latgale /. In Latgale, we celebrated Easter at the church canons set
Before Easter Before Easter - Palm Sunday - we will certainly go to church. Also this year I was in church and the priest bless willow branches
Easter time – Holy Week Easter time in our family has a quiet time, we trying to follow this quiet time
Maundy Thursday Maundy Thursday I cleaned house
Eggs In Saturday I paint Easter eggs by the old tradition - onionskin
...and... sew Easter greetings to my friends and colleagues with whom I have been together in various conferences
Easter Day Easter Day - Sunday - our family to go to church to participate in Easter celebration
...at home After church service, we go home, where celebrating Christ's resurrection. Previously, our family held sway race, but now - no
Our traditional festive dishes are: colored eggs, various desserts
Happy Easter! Made by Ingrida