24/08/20151 HOW TO MAKE Small effective gestures in parishes
Who are we aiming to attract by these gestures? 24/08/2015 2
What do people look for when they come to church? 24/08/20153
Answers to prayer Reconciliation and forgiveness To fill an emptiness in their lives Healing and comfort Welcome; a sense of belonging Presence of God in Blessed Sacrament Sanctuary; peace Guidance; To find their spiritual purpose Good news! 24/08/20154
FORM A WELCOME COMMITTEE From:men and women old and young Different ethnic and cultural groups in the parish Mission statement N.B. Advertise committee widely 24/08/20155
MOST IMPORTANT Prayer - offer all parishioners a prayer card - Monthly bidding prayers - Prayer sponsors 24/08/20156
7 THE OBVIOUS Disabled access Toilets Quiet books/toys for children Loop system Car parking facilities Welcome leaflets at back of church, esp. at Christmas, Easter, baptisms, weddings, funerals, 1 st Communions Photo board including: clergy, PPC, parish organisation chairs, candidates for Sacraments, recently deceased etc
MORE CHALLENGING Welcome parties : for newcomers, parish feast days, seasonal feasts, anniversaries of newly baptised and 1st Communicants Open churches during the week website 24/08/20158
VIDEO/PHONE LINK Look up network.org network.org Or ring them on /08/20159
Even more challenging Welcomers at Mass – with name badges? Coffee after Mass Lifts to Mass for elderly 24/08/201510
HELPING HANDS Don’t feel alone in a crisis Ring /08/201511
PARISH LINKS Volunteers act as PLs for their neighbourhood Catholics Each Catholic neighbour receives a magnetic sticker with PL’s contact details Details: 12
THE PERSONAL TOUCH Smile! Talk to people we don’t know! Learn their names! Listen! Keep in touch Invite, include, involve them Respect their wishes! 24/08/201513
A sickness in our society Symptom – reluctance to reach out to new people, situations, commitments Virus – infection from the values of today’s culture World values: wealth; strength; power; the law; attractiveness Leading to: Self-centredness, worry and blindness to others 24/08/201514
World v Gospel values The Cure: GOSPEL VALUES Generosity, welcome, forgiveness, service the corner stones of God’s kingdom Leading to the life, peace, freedom. justice and love of God’s kingdom See EN19 and Matt 6: vv /08/201515
Which of these gestures would you find easy to implement in your parish? Which would you find most difficult? Which in your opinion is the most important? 24/08/201517
Further Information from kit4catholics.org.uk RCIA? 24/08/201518