Language Descriptors - Examples of Production Procedures CZECH REPUBLIC.


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Presentation transcript:

Language Descriptors - Examples of Production Procedures CZECH REPUBLIC

Levels a) National b) School Framework Education Programme for Basic Education ( FEP) (national level - ISCED 1 and 2) expected outcomes are described in terms of procedural outputs School education programmes (SEPs) (school level-ISCED 1 and 2) distribute and allocate anticipated outcomes into individual grade levels and specify the contents and organisation of the subject of instruction

Language descriptors in FEP Key Competences 1.learning competences : the outcome is described as the ability to search for and sort out pieces of information.....( reading and listening skills), language descriptors are implicitly included in the expected outcomes defined as the ability to work with commonly used terms, signs and symbols

Language descriptors in FEP Key Competences 2. problem-solving competences :..” seek for information suitable for solving problems; identify identical, similar and different features of pieces of information; make use of acquired knowledge to discover/identify various ways to solve problems...

Language descriptors in FEP Key Competences 3. Communication competences : –formulate and express ideas and opinions in a logical sequence; –oral or written expression is apt, coherent and cultivated; –listen to what other people are saying; –understand and respond adequately; –take an efficient part in debates; –defend opinions and use appropriate arguments; –comprehend various types of text, record, visual material, commonly used gestures, sounds and other information and means of communication, consider them, respond to them and make creative use of them

Language descriptors in FEP Key Competences 4. Social and Personal competences : contribute to discussions within a small group as well as to debate in the classroom 5. Civil competences : ( no direct linkage to language descriptors) 6. Working competences : ( no direct linkage to language descriptors)

Educational Area: LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION THROUGH LANGUAGE Czech Language and Literature Examples of descriptors a)Key competences b)Communication & Composition c)Language d)Literary education

NB SEP may further specify the educational areas and break them into topics, but it does not necessarily represent a more detailed version of FEP as far as language descriptors are concerned. There is no accurate parallel between the examples of descriptors taken from FEP and SEP. The following examples are not always scaled.

Examples of descriptors (Czech language and literature) Key competences FEP (Framework Education Programme) SEP (School Education Programme) learning competences  ability to work with commonly used terms, signs and symbols  ability to use correct diacritics Problem-solving competence  make use of acquired knowledge to discover various ways to solve problems  ability to find out rules applicable for certain grammar items Communicative competence  understand various types of text  understand literary text appropriate to their age

Examples of descriptors (Czech language and literature) Communication and Composition FEPSEP ISCED 1 write correct messages both in terms of facts and form  use simple narrative skeleton reproduce the content of a text of adequate difficulty and remember substantial facts express the main idea of the text (4-5 th grades) ISCED 2 distinguish between standard and non-standard texts use standard and non-standard language according to the communicative situation create an outline for a narration and develop a short oral or written presentation on its basis while adhering to chronological sequence use narrative skeleton when structuring a text

Examples of descriptors (Czech language and literature) Language FEPSEP ISCED 1  compare and classify words according to generalised meaning – action, thing, circumstance, quality  provide reasons for correct spelling: i/y after hard and soft consonants, and after ambiguous consonants  identify parts of speech and use them in correct grammar patterns in speaking  look for words of similar meaning in a text  justify orthographic choices between i/y after soft and hard consonants (3rd grade ); justify orthographic choices between i/y after ambiguous consonants ( 4 th and 5 th grades )  identify grammatical categories for the forms of verbs and nouns ISCED 2  identify (and document by providing examples in a text) the principles for forming Czech words and the most important ways of enriching vocabulary  identify transferred meanings, particularly in set phrases  form simple semantic maps  use independently resources, such as Rules of Czech Orthography, Dictionary of Standard Czech.

Examples of descriptors (Czech language and literature) Literary Education FEPSEP ISCED 1  distinguish between prose and verse and between fairy-tales and other types of narration  when reading or listening to a text, distinguish facts from opinions and assessments, and verify facts by means of questions or comparison to available information resources  understand the terms: poem, rhyme, strophe ( 3 rd grade)  write a brief synopsis of a simple text  retell a fairy tale or a story (1 st -3 rd grades) ISCED 2  distinguish basic literary types and genres, compare them and their function, name important examples  compare various interpretations of the same topic in literature, drama and film  based on reading experience deduce characteristic features of fantasy literature (6 th grade)  outline a description based on a picture or a photo

All linguistic competences -lexical, grammatical, semantic, phonological, orthographic and orthoepic competence + socio-longuistic and pragmatic competences and communicative language processes are explicitly mentioned in the curricula of the subject Czech Language for ISCED 1 and 2

Examples of descriptors (non-linguistic educational fields and subjects ) ISCED 1 Linguistic competence descriptors Lexical competence Descriptors mostly refer to lexical sets established for semantic purposes FEPSEP  identify, name, model and describe basic two- dimensional figures and simple bodies and find examples from real life  solve and create numerical reasoning exercises in which they apply and model the arithmetic operations acquired ( Mathematics and its application)  read data on different types of clocks (2 nd grade)  convert time units (3rd grade)  solve numerical reasoning exercises requiring one or two arithmetic operations ( 4 th -5 th grades)  expand the pupils´ vocabulary related to the relevant topics, describing observed facts and capturing them in their own presentations, opinions and works ( Humans and the their world)  name parts of human body  describe changes in Nature in the fours seasons  give examples of sources of information on the past; name institutions where these sources are accumulated  define the main bodies of state power ( Humans and society)  understand the terms such as crises centre, hotline, security line

Examples of descriptors (non-linguistic educational fields and subjects ) Orthographic competence  read, write and compare natural numbers ( Mathematics and its application)  read and write numbers over one million (5th grade) Pragmatic competence descriptors Examples of Discourse and Functional competence  tell others their experiences and interesting facts from travelling and trips in a chronological order ( Humans and the their world)  Describe how to ask for help and how to thank ( Humans and the their world)

Examples of descriptors (non-linguistic educational fields and subjects ) ISCED 2 Pragmatic competence descriptors Discourse and Functional competences FEPSEP  knowledgeably apply geographic, topographic and cartographic terminology (Humans and Nature- Geography)  explain the reasons why the world population is unequally distributed (Humans and Nature- Geography)  read timelines and historical maps, order the main historical periods in chronological order ( Humans and Society – History)  using a map describe the situation at the end of World War II ( Humans and Society – History)  identify and describe basic planar figures (bodies) and analyse their properties  ( Mathematics and its applications)  define the sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, functions in a right triangle ( Mathematics and its applications)

Language related descriptors in the education fields and subjects referring to “ exact sciences” ( such as mathematics, chemistry, physics, ICT...) are defined using terms : describe, explain, compare, identify, demonstrate, justify, apply, assess, distinguish, observe, perform, name, give examples, determine, measure, predict, evaluate, identify, study, use a diagram, connect, differentiate, recognise, observe, locate... Language related descriptors in the educational fields referring to subjects such as history, geography and to cross-curricular areas, such as citizenship, are defined using terms : critically assess, demonstrate, describe, explain, be able to read and apply, distinguish, react, associate ……

For non-linguistic subjects at ISCED 1 level - linguistic descriptors mostly refer to communicative language activities and strategies (especially reading skills), to lexical competence (esp. to lexical sets relevant to the topcis), orthographic competence and pragmatic competence For non-linguistic subjects at ISCED 2 level linguistic descriptors mostly refer to pragmatic competence descriptors, especially to discourse and functional competence

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