Howard Gardner By: Whitney Edmonds Class- Early Childhood Education I
The Life of Gardner Professor of Cognition and Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Adjunct Professor of Psychology at Harvard University and Senior Director of Harvard Project Zero. Gardner is best known in educational circles for his theory of multiple intelligences
Linguistic Learns best through hearing and listening activities. This type of child will enjoy the following: -storytelling -listening to or making a short play -debating
Logical/mathematical Learns by analyzing a challenge, using calculators, charts, codes, computers, creating number patterns, and solving problems. May enjoy the following activities: -solving math problems -creating new games - Finding patterns
Visual/Spatial Learns by vision and touch. May enjoy activities such as: -Drawing -Making a photo album -Graphing -Creating art structures
Musical Learns by incorporating music. May like the following activities: -Singing songs related to lessons -Use an instrument -Compare and contrast sounds
Bodily Kinesthetic Learns through physical movement and gestures. May enjoy the following acivities: -C-Creating dances -S-Sports -A-Acting out characters
Interpersonal Learns best when around others. May enjoy: -group work -Social time -Helping others -Practice giving and receiving feedback
Intrapersonal Learns best when working alone. May enjoy: - setting and pursuing goals -Assessing their own work -Collecting meaningful pictures and stories
Naturalistic Learns best in an outdoor environment. May show interest in the following: - caring for pets -D-Drawing natural objects -U-Using binoculars or magnifying glasses -D-Describing changes in the environment
Importance of Gardner’s Theory Gardener’s theory helps us as early childhood professionals because all children learn differently and must be taught differently
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