Paschal Mystery The theme of every liturgy 1
2 Let us look at the source of the phrase We know the phrase in English as “Paschal Mystery”
3 Prior to Vatican II, when all of the Church did everything in Latin, the phrase was, “Mysterium Paschale” The Latin phrase blends Greek and Hebrew sources.
PASCHAL MYSTERY Latin: Mysterium Paschale Hebrew – Greek – Pesah / Pasch = to pass over Mysterion = a secret thing, revealed to chosen people 4 PASSOVER SECRET
At the Passover in Egypt God, with his agent Moses, revealed to his chosen people his secret plan of salvation. The Passover/Exodus event was God’s earthly demonstration of his ultimate plan of salvation fulfilled with Jesus. 5
Many similarities can be seen between the mission of Moses and the mission of Jesus. In both missions God fulfills His covenant promises. 6
7 M OSES was sent by God to free his people from slavery in Egypt, open the way through the Red Sea, and lead them to the Promised Land. J ESUS was sent by God to free his people from the slavery of sin and its effects, break through the boundary of death, and open the way to the New Promised Land of Heaven. G OD fulfills his covenant promises.
Passover Secret God’s Secret Plan of Salvation Passover Salvation Moses : sent by God to free the people From Slavery in Egypt Angel of Death (physical death) Blood of Lamb on doorposts Cross boundary of Red Sea Entry into the Promised Land Exodus 11—14, 34 Jesus : sent by God to free the people From The slavery of Sin Spiritual death (condemnation) Lamb of God shed blood on cross Cross boundary of death Entry into New Promised Land (Heaven)
Every liturgy is a celebration of the Paschal Mystery. Every liturgy is a celebration of God’s plan of Salvation. Through WORD and EUCHARIST we remember what God has done, and we look forward to what he will do for his people. For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 9
Liturgical Year Recalls and celebrates Salvation History Covenant History “Within the cycle of a year the Church unfolds the whole mystery of Christ, from his incarnation and birth until his ascension, the day of Pentecost, and the expectation of blessed hope, and of the Lord’s return” (csl #102) Advent Christmas Ordinary Time Lent Easter Ordinary Time 10
11 At every celebration of the Eucharist we recall and celebrate God’s gift of salvation. Save us, Savior of the world, for by your Cross and Resurrection you have set us free.