State Agency for Child Protection
ICDPC To 1000 children on years, in children lived in ICDPC, and in 2006 the figure was 4,12 children, taking account of the demographic tendencies, the reduction is about 22 %.
State Agency for Child Protection IMRCYP and ICYPPD To 1000 children on years, in ,4 children lived in IMRCYP and ICYPPD, and in 2006 the figure was 1,04 children, taking account of the demographic tendencies, the reduction is about 26 %.
State Agency for Child Protection IMSCC To 1000 children on years, in ,6 children lived in IMSCC, and in 2006 the figure was 9,9 children, taking account of the demographic tendencies, the reduction is about 27 %.
State Agency for Child Protection HOW DID WE ACHIEVE THAT TOOLS AND APPROACHES Adoption of plan for reducing the number of children, placed in specialised institutions ; 2004 – Conducting an assessment of the specialised institutions; Development and adoption of Mechanism for closure, reforming and restructuring of the specialised institutions for children; Establishment of methods for drafting of institutional projects; Training on the methods of the regional teams in all regions;
. Plan for reducing the number of children, placed in specialised institutions Major objectives To decentralise the institutions and to increase the quality of the child care in them; To develop local network of community based services.
Plan for reducing the number of children, placed in specialised institutions General goals and tasks Development of alternative forms of care and social Community based services; Narrowing of the entrance to institutions; Increasing the quality of the institutional care; Regulation of the exit of institutions and reducing the number of children who pass from one institution to another; Restructuring of the specialised institutions and allocation of part of their resources to alternative services provision in the community for the children and their families. The Plan contains also a line of urgent measures related to development of the child protection departments’ capacity, which should perform activities directly connected to reducing the number of children in institutions as: prevention of abandonment and reintegration of children in their biologic families, provision of foster care services, etc.
Assessment of the specialised institutions 2004 Objective: Assessment of the technical-material and human resource of the institutions and quality of the child care they provide; Tools: “Assessment card for the specialised institutions for children”, prepared by SACP experts and approved by the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education and Science and Social Assistance Agency; Additional methods for collection of information used by the commissions were reviews of the papers kept in the institutions, interviews of the directors and members the staff, talks with the children, as well as complete monitoring and inspection of the technical material equipment. The assessment was conducted by interinstitutional commissions chaired by experts from SACP and representatives of the Regional Social Assistance Directorate, Social Assistance Directorate, Regional Inspectorate on Education, Regional Healthcare Centres and municipal administrations;
Assessment of the specialised institutions 2004 Reports were prepared for the status of each of the assessed institutions in which the institution location, access to social and health services, technical material equipment, quality of the child care, number, qualification of the staff as well as the opinion of the staff regarding institution reformation were given in details; Conclusions and recommendations were drawn regarding care quality improvement and possibilities for reforming and restructuring; Summary reports for the status of the three types of institutions were prepared; The reports were presented to the attention of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria, Minister of Health and Minister of Education and Science, as well as to the Minister of Labour and Social Policy; Important part of the assessment were the conclusions about the quality of the care, problems in them, and concrete recommendations on the improvement of the quality of the child care.
Development of Mechanism for closure, reforming and restructuring Basic steps: Assessment of the institutions for children by interinstitutional commissions; The interinstitutional commissions at sub national level apply the criteria for closure, reforming and restructuring of the specialised institutions for children for every institution on territory of the region; The commission should make a proposal for closure of the institutions which were assessed with less than the minimum admissible number of points; A development plan should be prepared together with the staff of the institutions assessed with number of points exceeding the minimum admissible number of points;
ASSESSMENT OF THE INSTITUTIONS BY APPLIYNG THE ASSESSMENT OF THE INSTITUTIONS BY APPLIYNG THE MECHANISM FOR CLOSURE, REFORMING AND RESTRUCTURING Apart from the qualitative dimension, the assessment had also quantitative dimension through developed and put into practise points system. The first criteria direction - institutions location and access to them – might be assessed with maximum of 30 points; the second dimension – technical and material equipment might be assessed with maximum of 25 points and the third dimension - quality of the child care might be assessed with maximum 45 points. The criteria were initially approbated and it was approved that the minimum admissible number of points for the institutions was 40. Institutions assessed with less than 40 points total should be proposed for closure.
CRITERIA FOR CLOSURE, REFORMING AND RESTRUCTURING Institutions location and access to them Number of population – maximum 5 points. Infrastructure – maximum 10 points. Transport and communications – maximum 15 points. Technical material equipment Enough number and room of the premises – maximum 8 points. Condition of the building – maximum 12 points. Quality of the equipment/furniture – maximum 5 points. Quality of the child care Health care – maximum 9 points. Response to education and training needs – maximum 9 points. Individual child care – maximum 9 points. Opportunities for social integration and adaptation of the children – maximum 9 points. Activities to rebuild and keep in touch with the parents – maximum 9 points.
REFORMING Reforming should be understand as improving the quality of the institutional care and opening of the institution for provision of alternative social child care services.
REFORMING Criteria, which institutions must meet: Necessity of the services provided (institutional care and alternative services); Necessity of the services provided (institutional care and alternative services); Access to the location site and availability of appropriate transport and communications; Access to the location site and availability of appropriate transport and communications; Well developed health and education services in the region and municipality; Well developed health and education services in the region and municipality; Enough specialists for work with children available; Enough specialists for work with children available; Tendency to reducing the number of the children in the institution; Tendency to reducing the number of the children in the institution; Good interaction between CPD and the institution; concept for future development of the institution, included in the municipal strategy; Good interaction between CPD and the institution; concept for future development of the institution, included in the municipal strategy; Technical-material equipment to allow development of social services; Technical-material equipment to allow development of social services; Positive attitude and readiness for reforms of the staff in compliance with the modern standards. Positive attitude and readiness for reforms of the staff in compliance with the modern standards.
RESTRUCTURING Restructuring should be understand as allocation of the available resource to provision of alternative community based social child care services.
RESTRUCTURING Criteria: Access to the location site and availability of appropriate transport and communications; Access to the location site and availability of appropriate transport and communications; Necessity of the alternative services provided and willingness of the society to develop such services; Necessity of the alternative services provided and willingness of the society to develop such services; Availability of specific human resources (social workers, speech therapists, psychologists), as well as qualified specialists; Availability of specific human resources (social workers, speech therapists, psychologists), as well as qualified specialists; Permanent tendency to reducing the number of children, placed in the institution and opportunity for reintegration and placing the children with foster families; Permanent tendency to reducing the number of children, placed in the institution and opportunity for reintegration and placing the children with foster families; Technical-material equipment to allow development of alternative services. Technical-material equipment to allow development of alternative services.
CLOSURE should be understand as Closure should be understand as final termination of the activities of the concerned institution.
CLOSURE Criteria: Remoteness and isolation of the location site, lack of communications and infrastructure; Remoteness and isolation of the location site, lack of communications and infrastructure; Lack of enough health and education services; Lack of enough health and education services; Lack of qualified staff in the institution, location site and the region; Lack of qualified staff in the institution, location site and the region; Poor technical-material equipment; Poor technical-material equipment; Unsatisfactory level of the care quality. Unsatisfactory level of the care quality.
CLOSURE Closure Plan, containing clear terms should be elaborated for institutions which should be closed; Closure Plan, containing clear terms should be elaborated for institutions which should be closed; The objectives, measures and activities are in two basic directions: regarding the children and regarding the staff; The objectives, measures and activities are in two basic directions: regarding the children and regarding the staff; CPD produces proper assessment and elaborates action plan for each child; CPD produces proper assessment and elaborates action plan for each child; The institution shall be closed when appropriate alternative for every child is found; The institution shall be closed when appropriate alternative for every child is found;
RESULTS FROM THE ASSESSMENT OF THE INSTITUTIONS BY APPLIYNG OF THE September – October 2006 RESULTS FROM THE ASSESSMENT OF THE INSTITUTIONS BY APPLIYNG OF THE CRITERIA September – October institutions for children assessed; 144 institutions for children assessed; 6 institutions proposed for closure - 5 ICDPC and 1 IMRCYP; 6 institutions proposed for closure - 5 ICDPC and 1 IMRCYP; 118 institutions proposed for reforming - 65 ICDPC; 22 IMRCYP; 31 IMSCC; 118 institutions proposed for reforming - 65 ICDPC; 22 IMRCYP; 31 IMSCC; 20 institutions proposed for restructuring - 16 ICDPC; 3 IMRCYP; 1 IMSCC. 20 institutions proposed for restructuring - 16 ICDPC; 3 IMRCYP; 1 IMSCC.
REGIONAL TRAININGS “MONITORING OF THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD” drafting of institutional projects for development of the institutions for children in the whole country April - May 2007 How was the process structured and implemented? Results, conclusions, proposals.
Preparatory stage and creation of supportive environment for process implementation Drafting of Instructions for closure, reforming and restructuring of the specialised institutions for children. Drafting of joint project of SACP, SAA and UNICEF on the deinstutionalisation. Training of experts from SACP and outdoor experts on application of the methods for drafting of institutional projects. Regional trainings. Organisation of the process and gathering of regional team to RDSA to prepare and manage institutional projects. Consultation, provision of expert support and assistance.
Major objectives To describe the logic of the process of drafting institutional projects, to outline the project framework and mechanisms for monitoring and evaluation. To describe the logic of the process of drafting institutional projects, to outline the project framework and mechanisms for monitoring and evaluation. To achieve common understanding on concepts such as “reforming”, “restructuring” and “closure”. To achieve common understanding on concepts such as “reforming”, “restructuring” and “closure”. To assess the needs of the community to develop various services for children and families. To assess the needs of the community to develop various services for children and families. To identify the major interested parties and partners in the process. To identify the major interested parties and partners in the process.
Results from the trainings Distribution of the representatives from institutions and organizations, involved in the training 26,3% 31,6% 3,9% 7,2% 12,3% 18,7% DSA / CPDChild HomesRCHRDSPNGOMunicipalities
Results from the trainings Practical results Framework models were elaborated and basic stages of the institutional projects for different types of institutions were marked. Framework models were elaborated and basic stages of the institutional projects for different types of institutions were marked. Framework model was elaborated and basic arrangements and activities of the closure plan were marked. Framework model was elaborated and basic arrangements and activities of the closure plan were marked. Motivated regional teams were formed to prepare and manage the projects. Motivated regional teams were formed to prepare and manage the projects. Local teams were structured on the territory of 86 municipalities. Local teams were structured on the territory of 86 municipalities. Analysis models for children at risk and their needs were elaborated in the municipalities. Analysis models for children at risk and their needs were elaborated in the municipalities. Schedule plan model for the work of the regional and local teams were drafted. Schedule plan model for the work of the regional and local teams were drafted. Future activities were defined. Future activities were defined.
Results from the trainings Effectiveness of the trainings Harmonisation of the information and understanding regarding the national priorities and strategic goals of the work with children at risk. Harmonisation of the information and understanding regarding the national priorities and strategic goals of the work with children at risk. Accelerating the process of reforming and restructuring of the institutions. Accelerating the process of reforming and restructuring of the institutions. Updating municipal policies for provision of services to children and families in the community on the basis of assessment of the local services and children at risk on the territory of the municipality. Updating municipal policies for provision of services to children and families in the community on the basis of assessment of the local services and children at risk on the territory of the municipality. Enriching and development of the capacity of the participants in the child protection system. Enriching and development of the capacity of the participants in the child protection system.
Results from the trainings Effectiveness of the trainings Achieving clarity on many issues related to projects organisation and differentiating the role of various authorities, as a precondition for good planning and implementation of the projects. Achieving clarity on many issues related to projects organisation and differentiating the role of various authorities, as a precondition for good planning and implementation of the projects. Improved interinstitutional cooperation on regional level through extended exchange of information between experts from different institutions working in the field of child care. Improved interinstitutional cooperation on regional level through extended exchange of information between experts from different institutions working in the field of child care. Reducing the stress and the strain of the people working with children at risk. Reducing the stress and the strain of the people working with children at risk.
EFFECTIVENESS OF THE CHILD PROTECTION SYSTEM For 2006 the CPD social workers have worked over cases of prevention of placement in institution from the cases were successfully completed. For 2006 the CPD social workers have worked over cases of prevention of placement in institution from the cases were successfully completed. The social workers have worked over cases of reintegration children were successfully reintegrated in their biologic families and 634 children – were adopted. The social workers have worked over cases of reintegration children were successfully reintegrated in their biologic families and 634 children – were adopted.
EFFECTIVENESS OF THE CHILD PROTECTION SYSTEM For 2006 the number of children placed with families of their relatives or friends is or with 200 more in comparison to the previous year. For 2006 the number of children placed with families of their relatives or friends is or with 200 more in comparison to the previous year. Total number of children placed with families of their relatives or friends in Bulgaria is until 31/12/2006. Total number of children placed with families of their relatives or friends in Bulgaria is until 31/12/2006.
Day centres to institutions There are day centres for children with disabilities to 18 IMSCC. There are day centres for children with disabilities to 18 IMSCC. Of total number of 28 IMRCYP in the country, day centres were opened to 4 of them. Their capacity is 80 places. Of total number of 28 IMRCYP in the country, day centres were opened to 4 of them. Their capacity is 80 places. Since 1/1/2007 IMRCYP “Viara, Nadezhda i Lyubov" in Pazardzhik was restructured in day centre for children with disabilities. Since 1/1/2007 IMRCYP “Viara, Nadezhda i Lyubov" in Pazardzhik was restructured in day centre for children with disabilities.
Week and day care – services, provided in institutions Up to 31/12/2006 in IMSCC there were 30 children directed to week care and 267 children directed to day care; Up to 31/12/2006 in IMSCC there were 30 children directed to week care and 267 children directed to day care; Up to 31/12/2006 in ICDPC there were 296 children directed to week care and 112 children directed to day care; Up to 31/12/2006 in ICDPC there were 296 children directed to week care and 112 children directed to day care; Up to 31/12/2006 in institutions for children with disabilities there were 30 children directed to week care and 42 children directed to day care; Up to 31/12/2006 in institutions for children with disabilities there were 30 children directed to week care and 42 children directed to day care;