“SO WHAT” FOR RELIGIOUS EDUCATORS IN CATHOLIC SCHOOLS? A three-stage process for educating in ritual in the school community: 1.Develop a climate of ritual.


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Presentation transcript:

“SO WHAT” FOR RELIGIOUS EDUCATORS IN CATHOLIC SCHOOLS? A three-stage process for educating in ritual in the school community: 1.Develop a climate of ritual in the classroom and school 2.Critically analyse existing rituals 3.Create rituals for celebration with the class and school community. Harris (1992, p.5)

1.Develop a climate of ritual in the classroom and school Be aware of the diversity of opportunities to ritualise – “Anything can be ritualised. Any value the educator wishes to pass on can be expressed in ritual” (Harris, 1992, p.11) Be on the look out for chances to use ritual – but whatever occasion, it must have significance for the learners

2. Critically analyse existing rituals Analyse and question the values expressed in rituals

3. Create rituals for celebration with the class and school community Make ‘self-generated’ ritual a planned part of religious education in a Catholic school Avoid ritual MANIPULATING students

ONCE THE FOCUS / OCCASION FOR RITUAL HAS BEEN CHOSEN: Start with the meaning – value Then consider specific details Don’t let the tail wag the dog!

STRUCTURE FOR NON- EUCHARISTIC RITUALS Come! (Gather and Prepare) Listen! (Listen and Respond) Do! (Share and Give Thanks) Go! (Go and Tell)

PREPARING A CLASS RITUAL Useful to develop a simple checklist Can guide discussions about rituals

IN REGARD TO SYMBOL / ACTION: Keep it simple - choose one dominant symbol that will stand out in the ritual Keep it sensory – choose a symbol that has a strong appeal to the senses Keep it straightforward – choose a symbol that has meaning for all participants The action with the symbol should involve all of the participants

WHAT IF IT’S A MASS? Sacrament of Eucharist –“the source and summit of the Christian life” (Vatican II, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, 1, 10) –gathers the whole community –language is aimed primarily at an adult level

WHAT IF IT’S A MASS? Directory of Masses With Children (DMC) – 1973 –We may cause ‘spiritual harm’ to children “if they repeatedly experience in the church things that are scarcely comprehensible to them” (DMC, 2) –DMC provides guidance for the adaptation of the liturgy to engage young people –DMC recognises that liturgy must be supported by explicit teaching on the Mass within the Religion program

THE RITUAL STRUCTURE OF EUCHARIST Helpful to think of Eucharist as a whole movement with a series of rituals or rites within Four main parts: –Gathering –Liturgy of the Word –Liturgy of the Eucharist –Dismissal

RESOURCES FOR CELEBRATING EUCHARIST IN A CATHOLIC SCHOOL Lectionary for Masses with Children – 1993 Directory for Masses with Children – 1973 The Liturgy Documents – A Parish Resource

THEOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES UNDERPINNING SACRAMENTS AND OTHER RELIGIOUS RITUALS 1.Religious rituals are celebrations of lived experience. 2.Religious rituals are communal. 3.Religious rituals tell a shared story. 4.Religious rituals are symbolic actions. 5.Religious rituals have an effect.

RESOURCES FOR CELEBRATING EUCHARIST IN A CATHOLIC SCHOOL Healy, H., Hyde, B. & Rymarz, R. (2004). Making Our Way Through Primary R.E.: A handbook for religious educators. Tuggerah, NSW: Social Science Press. (Appendix B Preparing the Eucharistic Liturgy for Children, p. 197) Modules: Barry, G., Elliot, M., Lavercombe, P., Rush, K., Sunter, G. & Wedge, E. (2005). Sacramental celebrations: Origins and practices (pp ). Brisbane: Catholic Education Archdiocese of Brisbane. Rush, K., Lavercombe, P. & Wintour, R. (2004). Making meaning through prayer and ritual (pp. 8 – 13). Brisbane: Catholic Education Archdiocese of Brisbane.