Background Children and Families Act received Royal Assent – April 2014 Key elements of the act Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) reform.


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Presentation transcript:

SEN and Disability Reform: Update and advice for Early Years Settings, Schools and FE Colleges

Background Children and Families Act received Royal Assent – April 2014 Key elements of the act Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) reform New Code of Practice for Special Educational Needs

Key changes Children and young people with SEND may be eligible for an SEN support plan (SSP) or an education health and care (EHC) plan. This will replace the current system of statements and learning difficulty assessments. EHC plan from birth until the age of 25 Children and young people who are eligible for an EHC plan will be offered the option of a personal budget Each council must develop a ‘local offer’ – in Leicestershire, this will be a new website containing information about all the care and support services available. Help will be coordinated across education, health and social care

Key milestones

Local Offer A website containing information about education, health and social care services – available to children and young people with SEND From 1 Sept a basic local offer will be available – this will be further developed over the coming months

Settings have been asked to complete a template outlining their local offer It is also expected that settings will be key to the ongoing development and review of the local offer – to get involved email Schools are required to comply with the School Information Regulations 2014 [insert link]

Education, health and care plans A co-ordinated approach For children and young people aged 0 -25 in full time education An EHC plan must include: Interests, aspirations and views of parents and child Desired outcomes across education, health and social care – focus on being prepared for adulthood Specify how services will work together to achieve outcomes

Education, health and care plans A co-ordinated approach For children and young people aged 0 -25 in full time education An EHC plan must include: Interests, aspirations and views of parents and child Desired outcomes across education, health and social care – focus on being prepared for adulthood Specify how services will work together to achieve outcomes

SEND Support Plan For children and young people who do not have complex special educational needs that require an EHC plan Co-produced by family, young person and school – will feed into an EHC plan if required in future

Transition arrangement Existing statements and learning difficulties assessments will be converted between 2014 and 2018. This will happen as part of a child’s annual review and is likely to be when your child reaches the end of a key stage in their education. A letter will be sent to you detailing the specific date of your child’s transition before it happens. No ‘new’ statements or learning difficulties assessments will be issued after the 1 September 2014.

Joint commissioning From 1 September local authorities, NHS England and Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG’s) will develop joint commissioning arrangements We will be working together to provide a more coordinated offer of support for children and young people with SEND – this will help to improve the quality of provision and promote well-being

Personal budgets From 1 September personal budgets will be available to those children and young people who have an EHC plan and are eligible for the disabled children direct payment ( More personal budget payment options and the range of services you can purchase will increase over the coming months

What schools need to do.. be ready in September 2014: Initiate a review of your school’s SEN Policy engaging governors and staff, parents and young people. Publish information on your SEN provision as set out in the SEND Information Regulations 2014. Tell parents about the reforms and explain to them how the transition will happen, make staff aware of the reforms and start essential training needs.

What schools need to do.. be ready in September 2014: Engage with LAs in relation to the requirements, in particular the development of the local offer and their process for transferring from statements to EHC plans. Ensure the SENCO has the right qualifications and explore how the SENCO fits into strategic management of the school. Have arrangements in place to support pupils with medical conditions.

What schools need to do.. ..from September 2014: Review and refresh the school’s process for the early identification and assessment of SEND to follow the graduated approach. Review pupils currently on SA/SA+, engaging the child and parent in decision making and planning and being clear about the extra support that they need, what impact you expect support to have and by when.

What schools need to do.. ..from September 2014: Review and refresh the schools procedures for effective engagement to ensure children, young people and parents are involved in decision making and planning. Review how the schools support pupils with SEN with their transition to post-16 education and preparing for adult life.

Keep informed For training, information, advice and support please visit: Our website Email Telephone 0116 305 6545