St. Matthew the Apostle Parish 1 st Eucharist Parent Meeting January 25, 2015
Agenda OVERVIEW OF PROGRAM Important Dates Parent Preparation Reminders 1 st Eucharist Day Information
Overview of First Eucharist Program *DATES TO REMEMBER* Sat. 4/25/15 – 3:00 – 5:00 PM – Parent/Child Retreat Day – (one parent must attend with child) ◦Return 1 st Eucharist Banner for Pew (Name/date label provided – affix to back of banner before returning) ◦5:00 PM Mass - Bauer Hall Parent-Child Liturgy of Explanation
1 st Eucharist/Rehearsal Schedule 1 st Eucharist CelebrationRehearsal DateRehearsal Time Sun. May 10 th 10:00 AMWed. 05/06/156:00 PM – 7:00 PM Sun. May 10 th 12:00 PMWed. 05/06/157:00 PM – 8:00 PM Sun. May 17 th 10:00 AMWed. 05/13/156:00 PM – 7:00 PM Sun. May 17 th 12:00 PMWed. 05/13/157:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Special Occasions Sun. 05/03, 10:00 AM May Crowning Liturgy Sun. 06/07, 9:30 AM Feast of the Body & Blood of Christ ◦Liturgy & Procession ◦Presentation to Parish ◦Reception in Heritage Hall Need volunteers to coordinate ◦Children invited to wear 1 st Eucharist clothing for both occasions
1 st Eucharist Dress Guidelines ◦Special occasion = special clothing ◦PLEASE Focus on WHY new clothes/family heirloom White – reminder of Baptism ◦ cleanse from original sin ◦ 1 st Sacrament of initiation Eucharist is the 2 nd Sacrament of initiation Confirmation is the 3 rd Sacrament of initiation
Special day but AVOID over elaborate dress detracts from the main event First Eucharist – celebration of joining the “Table of the Lord” for the first time It is NOT a wedding Clothing - a symbol/sign - special because it’s their FIRST – One of Many times to receive Eucharist for the rest of their lives
Notes for Girls Girls white dresses-no length restrictions age appropriate and comfortable. Veils or flowers in hair - optional Shoes should be FLAT – age appropriate – no heels Items of choice NOT to be used in church: ◦Gloves ◦Flowers/corsage (even wristlets) ◦Purses ◦Prayer books & Rosaries ◦Bracelets Distractions for the children Save for after the celebration
Notes for Boys Dress shirts, belt, tie, dress shoes ◦may wear suit Color is your choice. Symbolic white can be incorporated by white tie or jacket vs. suit being white Items of choice NOT to be used in church: ◦Boutonnieres ◦Prayer Books & Rosaries Distractions for the children Save for after the celebration
Gluten Free Host – inform us if child/family member needs God’s Gift parent/child workbook: complete with child Banner Kits – first name on banner– name label on back Parish Photo Board: child’s picture for parish photo board ◦3 x 4 in. or smaller ◦To be displayed in gathering Space (pics not identified) ◦St. Matthew’s parishioners celebrate with your family. ◦Volunteer needed – assemble photo board Return Number in Family Form: ◦Each family will have a pew reserved for them. The “family” consists of all members who live in the same house. Translation: If the person resides at another address, they are invited to sit in any pew EXCEPT those reserved for the First Communicants and their family. Practice receiving Eucharist ◦wine at home ◦at rehearsal we will practice receiving with an unconsecrated host but not practice with wine. Things to do before 1 st Eucharist:
SUNDAY MASS Attend Sunday Mass with your child Avoid mixed message Already doing? Keep it going! Not so much? Now-a good starting point! When FF in session: ◦LWWC 10 am & 12 noon Mass Non-FF Sundays: ◦10 am Mass is Children’s Liturgy
Special notes for 1 st Eucharist Mass: NO pictures or videos during 1 st Eucharist Mass ◦fellow parishioner will video each Mass ◦DVD will be available – sign up to reserve Suggested donation $5-10 ◦Please share information with your relatives/guests Family pew reserved ◦Family members in pew to bring child to altar to receive 1 st Eucharist Includes parent who may not be Catholic
Eucharist Celebration-Seating 1 st Eucharist Date: ___________________Mass Time: ________________ Child’s Name: ___________________________________________________ ____Number of people in your immediate family (only those who live in your house) who will attend Mass (including the First Communicant). ____Please remember my deceased family member in the Prayer of the Faithful. __________________________________________ Family members who may wish to serve as Eucharistic Minister, Lectors, Altar Servers. Name:Ministry: __________________________________________________________
Closing Prayer We bless you, God of Seed and Harvest, Provider of our daily bread. And we bless each other, that the beauty of this world and the love that created it, might be expressed through our lives and be a blessing to others, now and always. Amen. By John Birch Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
“SEEDS ” by Kathy Mattea U3SG7A U3SG7A Closing Song