Pastel Fruit Paintings
Objectives To collect and assemble objects for a still life. To analyze the composition of a still life set-up using the elements of art and principles of design. To study and analyze still life paintings by other artists. To further painting and color-mixing skills.
Questions to ask yourself… What is a still life? An artwork showing an arrangement of object that cannot move on their own, such as fruit. Why would artists want to paint a still life? It is convenient The arrangement can remain in exactly the same position for long periods of time It is easy to rearrange and modify the subject How can an artist organize a still life to prevent it from being chaotic? Select objects with a theme in mind Choose one or two colors which appear on most of the objects Limit the area selected for the final painting by cropping out a good composition. Use a variety of the same objects.
ART TERMS Balance- The arrangement of the parts of an artwork to give a sense of overall equality in visual weight. Balance can be symmetrical, asymmetrical, or radial. Contrast- The difference between two unlike things, such as a light color and a dark color. Emphasis – Importance given to certain objects or areas in an artwork. Color, texture, space, shape, placement, and size can be used to create dominance, contrast, or a focal point. Gesture Drawing- A quick drawing that captures the energy and movement of the subject. Movement- The path the viewer’s eye follows throughout an artwork. Texture – The way something feels to the touch (actual texture) or how it may look (visual texture). Unity – The quality of seeming whole and complete, when all the parts of an artwork look right together. Variety – The use or combination of elements of art to provide interest in an artwork.
Paul Cezanne 1839-1906 French artist and Post-Impressionist painter Known for his repetitive, exploratory brushstrokes
Cezanne’s Fruit Paintings
Materials Still life Fruit Large pieces of drawing paper Viewfinders Pencils Watercolors Brushes Water containers Watercolor paper Chalk pastels Oil pastels
Procedures PRACTICE WITH DIFFERENT MEDIA FIRST! Choose a fruit to draw and paint. Must be the same fruit for all drawings and paintings. Split a large sheet of drawing paper into 4 rectangles. In the upper left hand corner of your paper, you will use gesture lines and contour lines. In the upper right hand corner you will use pencil to show value. In the lower left hand corner, you will practice using chalk pastel to demonstrate value and color. In the lower right hand corner, you will practice using oil pastels.
Chalk pastel painting
Oil pastel painting
Procedures for Final Painting Using a viewfinder, draw three separate preliminary thumbnail sketches of the still life in your sketchbook. Choose one of the compositions, and draw the still life on a large sheet of watercolor or a large sheet of drawing paper using gestures and contour lines. DO NOT shade in using pencil!!! Paint the wall and table using watercolor washes (not thick paint). Let dry. Choose either chalk pastels or oil pastels as your second medium. Color in the fruit and surrounding objects. Make sure you add value and shadows.