Sign In Initial next to your name on the schedule Arrive 15 minutes early The schedule is located in the room on the left hand side of the vestibule
Getting Ready Pick an alb that goes below your ankles
Fasten the snaps
Pick a cincture that is an appropriate length.
1) Fold the rope in half 2) Put it around your waist
3) Put your hand through the looped end (keep hold of the other end as well) of the cincture and pull the slack in the rope away from you with your other hand Grab rope here Hand between these two ropes 4) (Keep hold of the end of the cincture with the knots by pinning it against your body with your arm) Now with the hand holding the loop reach between the cincture, grab the other side and pull it back through. It should look like this
5 ) P ut the ends of the cincture through the hole 6) P ull tight to your body
7) Put the knot on the right side of your body corresponding with the break on your alb
Make sure your cross matches your partner’s
When you have finished dressing you should look like this
If candles are already lit skip this slide and proceed immediately to the next slide When lighting candles »Extend the wick about one inch and bend it down »Then use matches to light the wick, always being careful with matches and flames. Light Candles if necessary
Before mass begins proceed to the back of the church down the side aisles with your candle and welcome parishioners.
Entrance Procession The Cross Altar Servers
Diagram of Entrance Procession
End of Entrance Procession At the steps, face forward and spread out on either side of the altar about 3 feet from each side of the altar.
Holding Book at beginning of Mass + If shorter hold book while standing in front of Father but if taller stand to the side and hold book with arm outstretched. + Other Altar Server remains at the chairs while one holds the book.
Chairs where you sit are located on the left side of the church as you face the altar
Sit attentively through the First and Second Readings
Stand during the Gospel
Hold Father’s binder during the Prayers of the Faithful
Set the altar while collection is taken.
Take stand that holds Gospel book and put it on credence table
Picture of pacificator Cruet Purificator Sacramentar y Corporal Chalice Cup What you need to set the altar
Setting the altar sacramentary corporal chalice purificator cruet cups (1-3)
After the table is set, proceed with your candles down the center aisle to the back of the church. If there are two collections wait until the second collection has begun.
Once in the back of the church wait until the gift bearers are ready and lead them to the front of the church PEWS
Gift Procession Remember to stand facing each other when delivering the gifts. Spread apart to allow room for the gift bearers
After Welcoming the Gift Bearers *Put your candles away. *Take the cruet and flagon from the priest and put them on the credence table. Credence table Altar Altar Server chairs
*Return to the priest with one altar server carrying the bowl and one the towel. Let the priest wash his hands and return the items to their places
During Consecration Kneel on the stairs near the credence table while the congregation kneels
Our Father After the church sings “Amen” proceed to either side of the Presider and hold his hands for the Our Father.
After the Our Father Stay with Father and shake his hand during sign of peace (also shake your fellow altar server’s hand) Put the Sacramentary on Father’s book stand Bring purificators and patens to the altar
Altar Set up at Sign of Peace Cups (1-3) PurificatorsChalice Corporal Patens
Communion Receive with Eucharistic ministers Clear table –fold up corporal » leave ciborium holding extra hosts from the tabernacle on the altar (if there) Stand while everyone else receives communion, until Father sits down
Announcements Sit during the announcements
Closing Prayer One Altar Server holds book and one stays at the chairs
Recessional Take your candles and stand facing the altar the same way you did when you came in (face forward) –Follow the Cross out
Extinguish Candles You may blow out the candles carefully or use a candle extinguisher located inside of the small room next to the sacristy Altar Server Chairs Doors Sacristy Rack where candle extinguishes are kept. Candle Extinguishers
Putting things back When you put your alb on the hanger make sure to fasten the snaps that way it doesn’t come off the hanger Hang up cincture and necklace
Hang up the robes in order of height and leave everything as you found it. Pick up your jacket or coat.
You have completed your altar serving duties for the Sunday liturgy, Thank You! (created by Caroline Wilcox)