Introduction to Geography Arthur Getis, Judith Getis, & Jerome D. Fellmann
Urban Geography Chapter 11
Overview The Functions of Urban Areas The Location of Urban Settlements Systems of Urban Settlements Inside the City Suburbanization in the U.S. Central City Change World Urban Diversity
The Functions of Urban Areas Retailing Wholesaling Manufacturing Business Services Entertainment Political & Official Administration Military Defense Needs Social & Religious Service Public Services Education Transportation & Communications Meeting Places Recreation Visitor Services Residential Areas
The Location of Urban Settlements Site Break-in-bulk locations River crossings, head-of-navigation locations, railheads Situation
The Economic Base Basic sector Workers engaged in “export” activities Nonbasic sector Support the urban area, but do not bring in outside money Basic/nonbasic ratio Multiplier effect
Systems of Urban Settlements The Urban Hierarchy Rank-Size Rule Primate cities World cities Urban influence zones Towns in Agricultural Areas Central Place Theory Network cities
Central Place Theory Walter Christaller A model for helping to explain town interdependence Threshold & range A hierarchy exists of numerous small towns offering basic goods and services and fewer large towns offering a wider range of goods
Inside the City Competitive bidding for land determines much of the land use within the city In general, population density & land values decrease as distance from the CBD increases Peak-value intersections Population densities tend to show a hollow center
Models of Urban Land Structure Concentric Zone Model Sector Model Multiple-Nuclei Model
Social Areas of Cities City residents, especially in larger, more complex cities, will often segregate themselves based on: Social status Family status Ethnicity
Institutional Controls Local & national governments pass laws to control urban life Zoning and other nonmarket controls
Suburbanization in the U.S. Metropolitanization & suburbanization after WWII Housing developments served as a pull factor to the suburbs Industries followed the trend Suburbs began to rival the power of the central city Edge Cities
Central City Change Constricted central cities Suburbanization reduced the economic base of the central city and isolated its residents Immigration & gentrification have revived many urban areas Expanding central cities Cities have expanded automobile linkages to keep the suburbs within the sphere of the central city
World Urban Diversity U.S. & Canadian cities West European cities East European cities Cities in the Developing World Latin America Asia Africa