Produce Marketing Essentials March 2014 Anne Arundel County Public Schools
Jodi Risse MS,RD,LDN Supervisor Food and Nutrition Services Anne Arundel County Public Schools
Supervisor of Food and Nutrition for 6 years Registered/Licensed Dietitian 24 years of experience Undergraduate Degree in Dietetics Masters Degree in Marketing I’m a Mom of two elementary school age children
Risse Girls
Anne Arundel County Public Schools School Sites – 118 Student Enrollment – 79,000 Free and Reduced-Price Eligibility – 31.84% Projected Revenue – 26 million dollars Breakfast ADP – 12,660 Lunch ADP – 27,167 Afterschool Meals FY13 – 63,769 Summer Meals FY13 – 86,692
AACPS History Offered traditional fruits and vegetables, mostly canned, never fried 2007 wrote local produce into the produce bid 2008 began Tasting of the Rainbow 2008 Participated in the first farm to school week 2009 first Tasting of the Greens 2010 expanded to Tasting of the Reds and currently even the Blues
AACPS Produce Bid Add new language to include local produce Add new fruits and vegetables Increase the amount of fruits and vegetables offered Develop a plan to incorporate local produce
AACPS Local Language 2.12 Local Produce Program ● Anne Arundel County Public Schools intends to offer locally grown produce as often as price, availability and quality are acceptable. The Bid Work Sheet provides for pricing for locally grown produce that is not otherwise specified in the Bid Specifications. Bidders shall state their cost over the price paid per case by the Bidder. Successful Bidder shall be required to provide their invoice as proof of their purchase price. ● Locally grown produce is defined as produce that is grown within a one hundred – fifty (150) mile radius of Anne Arundel County. Items purchased by AACPS shall be determined by availability and school menus.
Local Produce Offer Local Produce beginning in 2008 Expand offerings each year 2008/2009 – 38,074 lbs. 2009/2010 – 46,225 lbs. 2010/2011 – 55,859 lbs. 2011/2012 – 93,009 lbs. 2012/2013 –136,211 lbs. Participate in State Celebrations
AACPS Tasting of the Rainbow Offer a new fruit or vegetable every month Try produce not currently on the menu Promote to parents and community on menu Include Registered Dietitians from the Department of Health in selection of items
Tasting of the Rainbow Offerings Yellow Pepper Purple Cauliflower Pumpkin Rainbow Radish Sugar Snap Peas Chickpeas
AACPS Farm to School Hebron-Harman Elementary
AACPS Farm to School Southgate Elementary
AACPS Farm to School Southern Middle
AACPS Tasting Parties Developed with Department of Health Transitioned to parent sponsored event Addition of colors each year Offer to Elementary Schools with some Middle Schools Maintain a tool kit for parents and community members
AACPS Tasting Party Annapolis Elementary
AACPS Tasting Party Bates Middle
AACPS Tasting Party Tasting Event Planning Guide
Parent Involvement Healthy Celebrations Tasting Event Healthy Fundraising Role Modeling Ask your child this question: What fruit and/or vegetable did you have at school lunch today?
AACPS Unlimited F&V Focus on Fruits and Vegetables Add fresh produce to the menu to include 8 items a day offered on the salad bar Develop a standard for line setup and offerings Begin to offer roasted vegetables Enhance the roasted vegetables offered
AACPS Picture of Lunch
Nutrition Break Offered in all schools Provide prior to exams Include fruit, grain and protein Began five years ago Communicate the importance of healthy food choices Develop good eating habits with starting the day with breakfast
AACPS Student Thank You
Thank You