Candidate Teaching Summit Presentation April 25, 2012 Website:


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Presentation transcript:

Candidate Teaching Summit Presentation April 25, Website: Quote: Education is like a seed, it will help knowledge bloom Education is the beacon to let knowledge shine

Description of Self and Placement

Roles Wife, Mother, Daughter and Sister Background Career Corporate/Business Hilton Hotel Corporation Walt Disney World Self Employed Experience Working With Children Parent and Youth Minister Education Background High School East Lyme High School East Lyme, Connecticut College Associate Degree in Liberal Arts Mohegan Community College, Connecticut Now know as Three Rivers Community College Also studied Early Childhood Education and Nursing at Mohegan Education Major at Reinhardt Early Childhood Education Major at Reinhardt University for Grades K-5 Who is Cynthia Wynn ?

Cartersville Elementary School Old Alabama Road Cartersville, GA 3012 School District Cartersville City School System Picture credit:  Located in Bartow County, Northwest section of the state  Cartersville has a population of approximately 19,700 residents.  According to the school system website, Cartersville in ranked 44 th according to its population size. Data collected from Cartersville Schools website

School System Profile  Four Schools: High School, Middle, Elementary and Primary  Title One School  Charter School System  Approximately 4,184 students in the school system  Diversity Profile: 55.8% Caucasian, 22.7% African American, 15.4 % Hispanic 5.9 % All other ethnic groups. All data quoted from the Cartersville School System Website. retrieved on April 9, 2012 Cartersville Elementary School  Third – Fifth Grade  Student Population: Under 1,000 students-984 Students  Title One School

Fifth Grade Reading Writing Language Arts

* 27 Students * 28 Students Student Diversity Girls 26 Boys 29 Caucasian: 29 53% African American: 15 27% Hispanic: 11 20% Academic Diversity ESOL 4 Gifted: 5 RTI: 11 SST: 3 Individual diversity: 55 Class, Size, Diversity of Students

7:45: Welcome Students 8:00-9:00: Writers Workshop 9:00-10:00: Readers Workshop 10:00-11:00: Special Area Instruction for Students 11:00-11:30: English Language Arts Skills 11:30-12:30: Readers Workshop 12:35-1:05: Lunch 1:05-1:25: Bathroom, Recess 1:30-2:00-English Language Arts Skills 2:00-3:00-Writers Workshop 3:00: Ready for Dismissal

Candidate Teaching Thoughts and Feelings, Fears, Strengths and Weaknesses Prior to this wonderful experience Thoughts and Feelings: Excitement Fears: Will I be able to learn how to be the best teacher possible for all the students Strengths: I had the desire to do my best and make a difference for the students Weakness: Lack of experience working in the classroom every day.

Checks & Infractions

* Small Groups * Individual Desks such as in rows * Individual work areas Differentiated

DOMAIN I: PLANNING FOR DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION & ASSESSMENT  Lesson One: Independent and Dependent ClausesIndependent and Dependent Clauses  Pre-Assessment : Independent and Dependent Clauses Independent and Dependent Clauses  Lesson Two: Reading-Plot and Plot StructureReading-Plot and Plot Structure  Pre-Assessment: Reading Plot and Structure Reading Plot and Structure  Lesson Three: Types of SentencesTypes of Sentences  Pre-Assessment: Types of Sentences Types of Sentences  Lesson Four: What is a Vertebrate? -Information Reading Lesson.What is a Vertebrate  Pre-Assessment: Vertebrates Vertebrates

DOMAIN II: PROVIDING DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION & ASSESSMENT In each lesson various differentiated instruction was provided such as grouping, visuals, kinesthetic movement, auditory and assessments. Here are some of the examples. Brain Pop Small Groups/Kinesthetic Activities Whole Group/interactive Computer technology Videos Various assessments levels offered to the students

Created a skit for Number of the Stars Novel Students created artwork to communicate a story and plot Used manipulative such as games and index cards Hand gestures and movements Created Multiple Choice Assessments, for a student, to match other assessments provided. Assisted student to type written responses. Power Points Videos-Brain Pop Pictures, charts, graphs Models-Train, game board and other objects Books Instruction Style 1)Individual 2)Pairs 3)Small Groups 4)Whole Groups Verbal directions Written directions Modeled directions=provided visual examples for reference Repeat directions Used CD players: audio tapes and recordings Discussions in various styles and sizes of groups

DOMAIN III: IMPACTING STUDENT LEARNING  Proficiency 3.0: The teacher candidate uses systematic formal/informal assessment as an ongoing diagnostic activity to measure student growth and to guide, differentiate, and adjust instruction.  Reflective Analysis: I used several tools to help me achieve this: Notes, record keeping, student work examples were some of the tools used. However, I also used charts and graphs to demonstrate student knowledge growth levels. 100-Class Percentage 90-Class Percentage 76%24% Post Assessment Results 100%: A- 19 students 90%: A- 6 students Number of Students Skills demonstr ated successful ly througho ut the lesson Knowled ge Growth

1.First Lesson PlanFirst Lesson Plan 2.Pre-AssessmentPre-Assessment 3.Presentation Power PointPresentation Power Point 4.Small Group Activity OneSmall Group Activity One 5.Post AssessmentPost Assessment 6.Impact on Learning ReportImpact on Learning Report First Lesson- Language Arts- Clauses- Independent & Dependent Name__________________________________ Directions: Circle below ONLY the DEPENDENT CLAUSES 1.Until school ends 2.On the weekend I can sleep late in the morning 3.Although it was cold 4.The birds flew in the air with grace and ease 5.The party was fun 6.While I was at the park 7.After the show 8.Before I go to the game 9.Since Jack turned in his project 10.Jack’s school project was completed by the due date Manipulative: Toy Train Technology Tools Small Group Activity & Ongoing Assessment Post Assessment Pre Assessment

Rubric A10-9 questions correct B8 questions correct C7 questions correct D5 questions correct F4 or less questions correct Impact on Learning Results and Tools Used Pre-Assessment Errors 0 out of 3: 1 O out of 4: 9 1 out of 3: 1 1 out of 4: 1 3 out of 4: 1 4 out of 4: 9 Post Assessment Results 100%: A- 19 students 90%: A- 6 students Impact on Learning Report 100-Class Percentage 90-Class Percentage 76%24%

Before the lesson Planned and taught important terms and skills necessary for the upcoming lesson Continue building on new knowledge Sentence Structures

1.Second Lesson PlanSecond Lesson Plan 2.Pre-AssessmentPre-Assessment 3.Presentation Power PointPresentation Power Point 4.Small Group-Activity Lesson OneSmall Group-Activity Lesson One 5.Activity Lesson TwoActivity Lesson Two 6.Post AssessmentPost Assessment 7.Impact on Learning ReportImpact on Learning Report Assessment Individual and Pair Activity Technology Teaching Tools

IMPACT ON LEARNING AND THE TOOLS USED Pre-Assessment Error Results 0=9 1=2 3=4 4=3 5=2 7=1 100% correct response 27 students Class Percentage 100% Number of Students Skills demonstrated successfully throughout the lesson Knowledge Growth Post Assessment Results Error Results 100% zero errors Impact on Learning Report

Impact on Learning Results and how they were used in other lessons

1.Third Lesson PlanThird Lesson Plan 2.Pre-AssessmentPre-Assessment 3.Presentation Power PointPresentation Power Point 4.Small Group ActivitySmall Group Activity 5.Post Assessment Level APost Assessment Level A 6.Post Assessment Level BPost Assessment Level B 7.Impact on Learning ReportImpact on Learning Report Name: ______________________________________________ Word Bank: Declarative, Imperative, Interrogative, Exclamatory Directions: Use the word bank and determine what kind each sentence is. You will need to write the appropriate punctuation ending at the end of the sentence. Then write the type of sentence on the line which is tilted “type” Stop, don’t cross the street _____________ Type: _____________________ Please pick up a pizza on your way home_________ Type: _______________ Do you like pepperoni on your pizza ______________ Type: ________________ I like to read____________________ Type__________________________________ Individual and Pair Activity Technology Tools Assessments B Pre & A Ongoing

Pre-Assessment Post Assessments A Pre-Written Sentences Student Created IMPACT ON LEARNING AND THE TOOLS USED Ongoing Assessment Tool Pre- Assessment Error Results 0=10 1=4 2=5 3=1 4=1 5=1 6=1 7=1 8=0 9=0 10=1 11=0 12=0 13=0 14=0 15=0 Sentences: Declara tive Interroga tive ImperativeExclamatory Number of Students Who made an error with the following types of sentences Sentences:DeclarativeInterrogativeImperativeExclamatory Number of Students 0000 B Post Assessment A Post Assessment B Overall Performance: 92% of the students made an 80% or higher on their post assessment scores. The student with the score of 6/15 although had errors, the student demonstrate growth from the pre-assessment. I also met with one student and on an individual one-on-one was able to review results and student verbalized their understanding for this topic Impact on Learning Report

DOMAIN IV: PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES IN SUPPORT OF DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION & ASSESSMENT  Proficiency 4.0: The teacher candidate displays a professional commitment to the teaching philosophy of differentiated instruction to support students’ diverse learning needs and to maximize learning.

PAGE-Profession Association of Georgia Educators GAE- Georgia Association of Educators

America’s Choice Training for English Language Arts Pearson- Georgia Common Core Standards ELA-Training at Cartersville Elementary School Writers Workshop CRCT Training LDS Training After School Literacy Tutoring Program Work Books

IEP RTI Parent Meetings Staff Meetings

1.Masters Degree in Education 2.Certification: all subject areas for Middle School Grades 3.Certification: Special Education 4.Certification: Reading Endorsement 5.Certification: ESOL 6.Certification: Technology

Before  My thoughts were limited regarding how a classroom should look like and be managed.  I was limited to how I thought was a perfect method of teaching.  I had many classroom rules  Creativity was based on activities, it didn’t refer to my teaching style Teaching Philosophy After  Be flexible  Be Creative with my teaching style.  Differentiation is not just important its essential  Learning can take place at all times, never miss an opportunity to help students learn and reach the greatest potential  Have fewer classroom rules, and use acronyms to help students learn them.

A Special Thank You I would like to thank all my teachers who have made my dream of becoming a teacher possible. Cynthia Wynn

Resources Cartersville City School System Website, Ed helper Photo Credits Microsoft office Clipart