Worcester Public Schools Superintendent’s Entry Plan Report and Update Worcester Public Schools Melinda J. Boone, Ed.D., Superintendent December 9, 2009 This presentation will probably involve audience discussion, which will create action items. Use PowerPoint to keep track of these action items during your presentation In Slide Show, click on the right mouse button Select “Meeting Minder” Select the “Action Items” tab Type in action items as they come up Click OK to dismiss this box This will automatically create an Action Item slide at the end of your presentation with your points entered.
Worcester Public Schools Why an Entry Plan? Executive leadership transition is a critical function for every organization, including the superintendency Enables Superintendent to: –Accelerate learning about the school district and community –Create connections and establish a strong community presence –Assess the district’s strengths and challenges –Build on district’s history and successes while making necessary adjustments
Worcester Public Schools A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Lao-tzu
Worcester Public Schools Pre-Entry Activities (Listening and Learning Tour) Facilitated readiness for the actual entry activities See July 16, 2009 presentation for details
Worcester Public Schools Entry Activities Met with District and Community Stakeholders –MA Congressional Delegation –Local Legislative Delegation –Editorial Board of the Telegram & Gazette –Police, Fire, & Emergency Management Personnel –Union Leadership –Private Special Education Providers –College and University Partners
Worcester Public Schools Entry Activities Met with District and Community Stakeholders –City Councilors –City Manager and City Staff –Medical Community –Arts Community –Parent Groups –Groups Representing City’s Rich Cultural Diversity –Members of the Faith Community
Worcester Public Schools Entry Activities –Reviewing Practices, Programs, and Resource Alignment through Communications, Operational, and Instructional Audits –Building Leadership Capacity through Leadership Retreats and Institutes –Analyzing Patterns in Student Achievement Data Between Various Student Populations to Determine Appropriate Course of Action for Improvement of Teaching & Learning
Worcester Public Schools Entry Activities –Assessing Support and Goals for District’s Priority Schools –Analyzing and Aligning Functions within the District –Staffed Key Administrative Vacancies (Chief Academic Officer, Principals) –Establishing Governance Practices and Expectations with School Committee –Developing District Communication Plan
Worcester Public Schools Entry Activities –Engaging in Budget and Resource Planning for FY 11 and FY 12 –Establishing Accountability Department –Initiate Program Evaluations –Continue Fostering Strong Governance Team with School Committee
Worcester Public Schools WPS Current State 19/44 schools have been designated as underperforming based on 2009 MCAS results 39/44 failed to meet AYP benchmarks for 2009 Dropout rate for rose to 5.1% from 4.7% in % of students met average growth targets on MCAS in 2009
Worcester Public Schools 3 Year MCAS Comparison Grade 3 ELA Above Proficient Needs Improve- ment Warning
Worcester Public Schools 3 Year MCAS Comparison Grade 3 Math Above Proficient Needs Improve- ment Warning
Worcester Public Schools 3 Year MCAS Comparison Grade 4 ELA Above Proficient Needs Improve- ment Warning
Worcester Public Schools 3 Year MCAS Comparison Grade 4 Math Above Proficient Needs Improve- ment Warning
Worcester Public Schools 3 Year MCAS Comparison Grade 7 ELA Above Proficient Needs Improve- ment Warning
Worcester Public Schools 3 Year MCAS Comparison Grade 7 Math Above Proficient Needs Improve- ment Warning
Worcester Public Schools 3 Year MCAS Comparison Grade 8 ELA Above Proficient Needs Improve- ment Warning
Worcester Public Schools 3 Year MCAS Comparison Grade 8 Math Above Proficient Needs Improve- ment Warning
Worcester Public Schools 3 Year MCAS Comparison Grade 10 ELA Above Proficient Needs Improve- ment Warning
Worcester Public Schools 3 Year MCAS Comparison Grade 10 Math Above Proficient Needs Improve- ment Warning
Worcester Public Schools Moving from a Compliance System to a Performance Based/Results System
Worcester Public Schools Goal Develop and Ensure Effective District Governance through Positive School Committee-Superintendent Relations –Objective: To establish the Committee and Superintendent as a cohesive leadership team with a student-centered agenda and begin to build positive working relationship with School Committee members –Activities/Highlights: Held summer retreat to initiate dialogue around clear understandings of roles, expectations, communications protocols, systems for accountability Initiated one to one meetings and conversations with school committee members to understand areas of concern and district strengths
Worcester Public Schools Goal Increase Organizational Effectiveness and Efficiency –Objective: To align the district’s human capital to achieve focus on supporting schools to improve student achievement –Activities/Highlights Implemented an organizational realignment that focuses human capital on teaching and learning, research and accountability, human resources, finance and operations (September 2009) Staffed the Chief Academic Officer position Focus on leadership development within departments
Worcester Public Schools Goal Increase Student Achievement for All Students While Simultaneously Closing the Achievement Gap –Objective: To continue to focus on a common framework for improvement –Activities/Highlights:
Worcester Public Schools Goal Improve Public Trust, Commitment, and Confidence through Open, Honest Communication and Responsive Corrective Action to Identified Obstacles to Improving Student Achievement and the Conditions of Teaching and Learning –Objective: To establish collaborative relationships and partnerships to garner understanding of and support for district efforts to improve student achievement
Worcester Public Schools Goal (cont.) Improve Public Trust, Commitment, and Confidence through Open, Honest Communication and Responsive Corrective Action to Identified Obstacles to Improving Student Achievement and the Conditions of Teaching and Learning –Activities/Highlights: Established vehicle for regular and on-going meetings with various stakeholder groups in the city include elected officials (local and state), parent groups, community agencies to share and listen about district needs and goals Posting key reports on the WPS website for ready public access
Worcester Public Schools Goal Establish a Supportive, Positive, and Effective District Climate and Culture Singularly Focused on the Improvement of Student Achievement, Using a Continuous Improvement Model –Objective: To design a comprehensive accountability system for WPS linking all district practices to student achievement
Worcester Public Schools Goal (cont.) Establish a Supportive, Positive, and Effective District Climate and Culture Singularly Focused on the Improvement of Student Achievement, Using a Continuous Improvement Model –Activities/Highlights: Initiated contract with the Leadership and Learning Center for development of the WPS accountability system
Worcester Public Schools The Worcester Public Schools Compact Delivering on High Expectations and Outstanding Results for All Students –100 percent of students will be guaranteed a rigorous core curriculum resulting in measurable gains in student learning
Worcester Public Schools The Worcester Public Schools Compact Delivering on High Expectations and Outstanding Results for All Students –By % of students will be proficient in reading and math by Grade 3 80% of students will be proficient in ELA and math by Grade 8 By % of graduates will successfully complete high school coursework that prepares them for both college and career
Worcester Public Schools Action Plan Development – By June 2010 –Engage District in Development of Accountability/Strategic Plan including Various Stakeholder Groups –Establish Benchmarks for Student Achievement –Continue building effective relationships with the School Committee –Complete Communications Plan –Conduct Instructional and Operational Audits
Worcester Public Schools Action Plan Development (cont.) Complete establishment of accountability department Develop a budget that reflects the district’s alignment to a focus on student achievement and serves to address both quality teaching and learning along with the community’s values in education
Worcester Public Schools We’ve taken the first steps on this journey. Focus, will and courage will lead our steps for the rest of the journey to become a GREAT school system! Melinda J. Boone