Eine Arbeitsmarkt- offensive für und mit Migrantinnen und Migranten Living intercultural strengths together! ALBuM: working - learning – consulting with and for migrant people network ALBuM - to open up new vistas to intercultural work and labour inclusion in Hannover
Overview personal and organisational information situation in Hannover important information about ALBuM network ALBuM - a essential basis for intercultural work fields of work and the products results and experience final remarks
Personal and organisational information Christina Bötel Hannover City Council Network-management and coordination ALBuM ALBuM stand for the german version of working - learning – consulting with and for migrant people Hannover
situation in Hannover population of about half a million in business matters, Hannover is an all-rounder: the capital of Lower Saxony an industrial location a services centre a market-place and hosts the biggest trade fairs in the world “Open for the world” and day-to-day lives are also intercultural experiences: a quarter of the population have an immigration background (120,000 people from over 100 different cultures) jobless rate: 9,1 %; foreigner: 20,5 % (12/2010) we’ve a long way to go on equality of access to education and the job market 2008 local plan for integration in Hannover was passed
network ALBuM Living intercultural strengths together! Ethnic minority organizations educational institutions Hannover City Council
coordination ALBuM coordination promotion for application consulting for partners public relation, for exemple newsletter handouts events project management interface to the city council and other stakeholder city council Hannover department for education and qualification coordination ALBuM
ALBuM-products long-term qualification for labour inclusion of migrant people range on schools for orientation at the labour market modular courses for intercultural competence in administration, in schools and consulting low-threshold offers in different urban district political education and political dialogue courses for “German in practice at the labour market”
Results in the last five years near people reached about 55 % women about 70 % migrant people about 130 enterprises and their staff reached 3 Mio. Euro more for intercultural projects in Hannover
features in courses for migrant people courses oriented at customers needs (closely dialogue with employment agency and economy), for example care service logistic service quality by project-tandem, for example corporate responsibility: ethnic minority organization and education institution – from design to implementation tandem-teaching „German“ as integral part in every courses, for example dialogue by group work in practice at the labour market individual success by individual mentoring, for example identify formal and informal skills reduce personal obstacles coaching to find a job or during vocational training
features in trainings for multiplier intercultural competence in administration, in employment agency and consulting cultural diversity – knowledge and reflection learning in intercultural dialogue quality by project-tandem, for example corporate responsibility: ethnic minority organization and education institution – from design to implementation tandem-teaching Assistance for work, for example assessment of demand modular trainings
experience ALBuM – from project to continuity start 2005 as a project (EU-programm EQUAL) Now … fixed and solid structure long-term and reliable cooperation good experience in practice dynamic projects and development developable network … z.B.
experience ALBuM offer … active diversity and equal participation of the partners intercultural work to participate all people living in Hannover a network with new prospects for intercultural work with a link between education and integration varied access and acceptance in the target group and important stakeholder in Hannover a process with individual promotion and diversity management intensive (multilingual) dialogue openness for new ideas and new partners
Eine Arbeitsmarkt- offensive für und mit Migrantinnen und Migranten city council Hannover department for education and qualification coordination ALBuM Christina Bötel Tel.: – Thank you for your attention