True or False ? 1.Catholics go to mass every Sunday because that was the Jewish day of rest. 2.At mass,there are many times in the mass when we can tell God we are sorry and ask for his forgiveness 3.The readings during mass are taken only from the New Testament. 4.The word “Eucharist” means “sacrifice” in greek. 5.The offering of gifts symbolises the sacrifice of the people only 6.The sign of peace is a symbol of welcome to other worshippers. 7.The Mass repeats the words of Jesus at the Last Supper, before he was arrested and crucified. 8.The mass role-plays Jesus’ sacrifice 9.Any consecrated hosts that are left over must be eaten by the priest after the Mass.
The Mass in Catholic life K : the main divisions of the Mass U: the significance of the parts of the Mass The Mass = Liturgy of the Word + Liturgy of the Eucharist The Eucharist = the consecrated host, is both Sacrament and Sacrifice, in which Jesus Christ is truly present under the form of bread and wine.
Mass Readings: 1 st, Psalm, 2 nd, reading,Gospel Homily Final blessing & dismissal Welcome Penitential Rite (Lord, have mercy x3) Bidding Prayers Eucharistic Prayers Our Father & Sign of Peace Rite of Communion (receiving the REAL PRESENCE) Offertory/ Preparation of gifts Profession of faith (creed) Liturgy of the Eucharist or Liturgy of the Word ? Classify them, then number the events in order. Give 3 reasons why the mass should have this order.
Activity For each box on the sheet, write the name for what is being described on the back. Order the events by numbering them. Test a classmate: tell them the description, they must give you the name.
Check your answers! PreparationPurification from sin before the Eucharist Greeting and Penitential Rite Gathered in Jesus’ name Ask for God’s forgiveness Liturgy of the Word Readings from the Bible (1 st, 2 nd, Psalm, Gospel) Old and New Testaments 3 year cycle Homily Apostle’s Creed and Prayers Beliefs recited: the faith of the church Prayers of intercession, incl. for sick and dying OffertoryBread and wine brought to the altar Symbolises sacrifice of the people to God, and God’s sacrifice of himself Eucharistic Prayers Said by the priest to join the sacrifice of God and the people Prayer of consecration repeating the words at Last Supper Our Father Sign of Peace Asks for spiritual and material food as well as forgiveness Sign of peace is shared CommunionEaten by priest, and distributed to the people Final Blessing/ Dismissal “Go in peace to love and serve the Lord”