Various NHP’s Dr Ubaid N P, JR Community Medicine, Pariyaram Medical College
National Guinea worm Eradication Programme ▪ Launched in 1984 with assistance from WHO ▪ Has well defined strategies, efficient information & evaluation system, inter-sectoral coordination at all levels and close collaboration with WHO & UNICEF ▪ Reported zero cases since August 1996 ▪ In February 2000, the International Commission for the Certification of Dracunculiasis Eradication recommended that India be certified free of dracunculiasis transmission
▪ Activities still continuing as per recommendations of International Commission for the Certification of Dracunculiasis Eradication are, a.Health education activities with special emphasis on school children & women in rural areas b.Rumour registration & rumour investigation c.Maintenance of guinea worm disease on list notifiable disease & continuing surveillance in previously infected areas d.Careful supervision of the functioning of hand pumps & other sources of safe drinking water
Yaws Eradication Programme ▪ Was reported in tribal communities living in hilly forest & other difficult to reach areas in 49 districts of 10 states ▪ National Institute of Communicable Diseases is the nodal agency for planning, guidance, coordination, monitoring & evaluation of the programme ▪ Programme is implemented in collaboration with department of tribal welfare & other related institutions ▪ The no. of reported cases has comedown from 3500 to NIL during the period from 1996 to 2004 & still continuing
National Programme for Control & Treatment of Occupational Diseases ▪ Launched in 1998 by GOI ▪ National Institute of Occupational Health (Ahmadabad) is the nodal agency ▪ Research projects proposed for this programme are, a.Prevention, control & treatment of silicosis & silico-tuberculosis in agate industry b.Occupational health problems of tobacco harvesters and their prevention
c. Hazardous process & chemicals, database generation, documentation & information dissemination d. Capacity building to promote research, education, training at National Institute of Occupation Diseases e. Health risk assessment & development of intervention programmes with high risk of silicosis f. Prevention & control of occupational health hazards among salt workers in Gujarat & Western Rajasthan
Minimum Needs Programme ▪ Introduced in first year of fifth five year plan( ) ▪ Objective is to provide certain basic minimum needs & thereby improve the living standards of the people ▪ 2 basic principles to be observed in the implementation of MNP are, a)The facilities under MNP are to be provided to those areas which are at present underserved, so as to remove disparities between different areas b)The facilities under MNP should be provided as a package to an area through inter-sectoral area projects to have a greater impact
Programme includes the following components: ▪ Rural health ▪ Rural water supply ▪ Rural electrification ▪ Elementary education ▪ Adult education ▪ Nutrition ▪ Environmental improvement of urban slums ▪ Houses for landless labourers
▪ In ‘Rural health’ field, objectives to be achieved by the end of 8 th five year plan under MNP were; One PHC for population in plains & population in tribal & hilly areas One Sub-centre for 5000 people in plains & 3000 population in tribal & hilly areas One CHC for a population of 1 lakh population by the year 2000 Upgradation of PHCs, construction of buildings are all included in the State sector of MNP
▪ In the field of ‘Nutrition’, the objectives are; To extend nutrition support to 11 million eligible persons To expand ‘special nutrition programme’ to all ICDS projects To consolidate the mid day meal programme and link it to health, potable water & sanitation
20 Point Programme ▪ It’s described as an agenda for national action to promote social justice & economic growth ▪ Launched in 1975 & restructured in 1986 ▪ Its objective are spelt by GOI as ‘eradication of poverty, raising productivity, reducing inequalities, removing social & economic disparities & improving quality of life’ ▪ 20 point programme has been described as ‘the cutting edge of the plan for the poor’
▪ At least 8 of the 20 points are related directly or indirectly to health. They are, Point 1 – Attack on rural poverty Point 7 – Clean drinking water Point 8 – Health for all Point 9 – Two child norm Point 10 – Expansion of education Point 14 – Housing for the people Point 15 – Improvement of slums Point 17 – Protection of the environment
National Family Welfare Programme ▪ Launched Family Planning Programme – 1952 ▪ Department of Family Planning under Ministry of Health – 1966 ▪ Medical Termination of Pregnancy(MTP) Act – 1972 ▪ First National Population Policy – 1976 ▪ Renaming into Ministry of Family Welfare
▪ UIP, ORS and other various programmes under MCH implemented ▪ Integration into Child Survival & Safe Motherhood Programme (CSSM) ▪ Reproductive & Child Health Programme (RCH) ▪ National Population Policy – 2000
National Mental Health Programme ▪ Launched in 1982 ▪ Views to ensure Mental Health Care Service for all, to encourage application of mental health knowledge in general health care & social development ▪ Programme covers 94 districts at present
▪ Objectives of the programme are: a)To ensure availability & accessibility of minimum mental health care for all, particularly to the most vulnerable & underprivileged sections of population b)To encourage application of mental health knowledge in general health care & in the social development c)To promote community participation in the mental health services development, & to stimulate efforts towards self help in the community
▪ The programme strategies are: a)Integration of mental health with primary health care b)Provision of tertiary care institutions for treatment of mental disorders c)Eradication stigmatization of mentally ill patient & protecting their rights through regulatory institutions like Central Mental Health Authority & State Mental Health Authority
▪ District Mental Health Programme components are: a)Training programmes of all workers in mental health team at the nodal institute in the state b)Public education in mental health to increase the awareness and decrease the stigma c)For early detection and treatment, OPD and indoor services are provided d)Providing valuable data and experience at the level of community to state & centre for future planning, improvement in service & research
District mental health programme has now incorporated promotive & preventive activities for positive mental health, which includes; School mental health services – Life skills education in schools, counseling services College counseling services – Through trained teachers/councellors Work place stress management – formal & informal sectors, including farmers, women etc Suicide prevention services – Counseling centre at district level, sensitization workshops, IEC, help lines etc
Integrated Disease Surveillance Project
National Water Supply & Sanitation Programme ▪ Initiated in 1954 ▪ Objective of providing safe water supply & adequate sanitation facilities for the entire urban & rural population of the country ▪ Accelerated Rural Water Supply Programme – 1972 ▪ Problem Village – one where no source of water is available within a distance of 1.6Km or where water is available at a depth of more than 15 meters or where water source has excess salinity, iron, fluoride or other toxic elements or where water is exposed to the risk of cholera’
▪ The stipulated norm of water supply is 40 litres of safe drinking water per capita per day, and at least one hand pump/spot –source for every 250 persons ▪ Information, education and communication to adopt proper environmental sanitation practices
Swajaldhara: ▪ Launched in 2002 ▪ Community led participatory programme, which aims at providing safe drinking water at rural areas ▪ Full ownership of the community ▪ Building awareness among the village community on the management of drinking water projects ▪ Which includes better hygiene practices & encouraging water conservation practices along with rain water harvesting ▪ Swajaldhara I – Gram panchyath/Block level, Swajaldhara II – District level