Diversity and change, national and local our experience of using the 2011 census results Ludi Simpson Cathie Marsh Centre for Census and Survey Research (CCSR) University of Manchester ONS census analysis day Manchester, July 18 th 2013
My involvement with the Census Census – the best yet
Census Briefings How has ethnic diversity grown? More segregation or more mixing? Does Britain have plural cities? How can we count immigration and integration? Has neighbourhood ethnic segregation decreased? Who feels British? National identity Available at Funded by CoDE and JRF Twitter:
1991 (9 categories) 2001 (5 headings, 16 categories) 2011 (5 headings, 18 categories) WhiteWhite: British CaribbeanWhite: Irish AfricanWhite: OtherWhite: Gypsy or Irish Traveller Other BlackMixed: White-CaribbeanWhite: Other IndianMixed: White-AfricanMixed: White-Caribbean PakistaniMixed: White-AsianMixed: White-African BangladeshiMixed: OtherMixed: White-Asian ChineseAsian: IndianMixed: Other OtherAsian: PakistaniAsian: Indian Asian: BangladeshiAsian: Pakistani Asian: OtherAsian: Bangladeshi Black: CaribbeanAsian: Chinese Black: AfricanAsian: Other Black: OtherBlack: Caribbean Chinese or other: ChineseBlack: African Chinese or other: OtherBlack: Other Other: Arab Other: Other
Growth of ethnic minorities in England and Wales,
Increased ethnic diversity in England & Wales,
Extreme diversity in England & Wales, 2011
Area profiler
Geographical spreading of ethnic minorities
Growth of minority populations Young adults to inner city areas Diverse area grows from immigration and from age momentum City boundary Migration from city suburbs and to more rural areas, of White and minorities Consequences : Lower %White in ethnically diverse areas White flight nor Self-segregation Immigration Movement to the suburbs
Decreased urban segregation
Growth of multiple ethnic group households
Who feels British? Not the White British! National Identity in England
Those not feeling ‘UK’ are likely to be mostly recent migrants
Some of the older Irish population has emigrated Age at 2011
Contrasting measures of ‘minorities’
Forthcoming Briefings: Employment inequalities Occupational class Educational attainment Health inequalities Housing disadvantage and overcrowding Household composition Caring Dynamic of Diversity: Evidence from the 2011 Census
Unemployment inequalities have decreased and are still large Aged 25-49, unemployment
Make use of census evidence Language – most highly prioritised by refugees for integration –English language need is not only for recent immigrants The census allows tailoring services and solutions, enabling local provision to respond to local needs –Diversity in cities and outside cities –From cradle to grave
BUT... these valuable small area data are under threat... Evidence for briefings like these cannot be produced without data for small areas. The ONS Beyond 2011 programme will consult from September 2013 on alternatives to the census. If a case is not made to retain production of small area statistics, the alternatives to the census will not include them.
Access to Census analysis ONS ‘What the Census tells us’ – method/census/analysis/index.htmlhttp:// method/census/analysis/index.html Local authority sites for their areas – atistics_and_census/438/public_intelligence/5http:// atistics_and_census/438/public_intelligence/5 University of Manchester census ‘ethnicity and diversity briefings’, area profiles (LAs) – A growing number of other sites
The best access route to Census data depends on the user One-off needs –ONS Neighbourhood Statistics –Local authority systems Bulk data, for analysts and providers of data to other users –NOMIS / SASPAC / InFuse –ONS method/census/2011/census-data/2011-census-data- catalogue/census-data-quick-view/index.htmlhttp:// method/census/2011/census-data/2011-census-data- catalogue/census-data-quick-view/index.html
What I’d like To say thank you to ONS, NRS, NISRA Ethnic group in 18 categories, always Local authorities, as high priority Stop saying migration when you mean immigration API (summer has started) Cell numbers in each table Even more stress on possible comparisons with 2001