STAKEHOLDER CONSULTATON OCTOBER 2 & 3, 2008 Mark Pezarro & David Currie Earthvoice Strategies
Who are we? Earthvoice Strategies from Vancouver, British Columbia Mark Pezarro and David Currie What are we doing for the City ? Developing a strategy for a sustainable local economy It is a 3 part study: 1. Review City’s current state 2. Outline the City’s desired outcomes 3. Develop a roadmap for these outcomes Why we are here today? Ask you to help us outline the way forward for Santa Monica Introductions
A Snapshot: Santa Monica’s Local Economy 1968: Closure of the City’s largest employer, McDonald-Douglas, costing the City thousands of jobs 1970’s: City redevelops McDonald-Douglas lands into office park in an effort to revitalize the economy 1984: New General Plan approved emphasizing commercial growth; very successful in creating a vibrant jobs economy 1980 – 2007: Unbalanced allocation of land results in a tripling of office space versus very modest growth in commercial retail, industrial and housing spaces 1994 : Sustainable City Program adopted by City Council 2003 : Sustainable City Plan (update of the 1994 Program) adopted by City Council 1998 – 2007 : Market allowable rents increased by an average of over 80% 2003 – 2007: Development of the Land Use and Circulation Element (LUCE) Strategy Framework shifts from a strong commercial emphasis to a balanced policy emphasizing a diverse growth mix and affordable housing
Progress In The 3 Sustainability Pillars Economic Diverse and strong economy relative to California and elsewhere in the U.S. By early 2000s, over 15,000 businesses with gross annual income of $8.5 Bn Focus on small business with 99% having less than 100 employees Consistently high community participation rates e.g. 680 people participated in the Sustainable Works Community Greening Program Over 30 businesses were recognized for their sustainability commitment through the Green Business Certification Program Environmental 85% of municipal fleet using alternative fuel Goal of becoming a net zero energy community by 68% landfill diversion rate in 2006 (from base year of 1995) 245 acres of state beach and an additional 26 community parks Social Low unemployment Strong education system $7.6 million in Community Development Grants Program supporting local family, disability, employment and homeless services In 2007, City delivered 118 units of affordable housing and another 389 units are in development
LUCE - Community Vision Main Theme Maintain SM’s “beach town” character while enhancing liveability Supporting Themes Focus on diversity and inclusiveness Promote full range of affordable and workforce housing Reduce automobile dependency through promotion of walking, cycling and transit Preserve feel of neighbourhoods and promoting a sense of place through design of open, green spaces Protect existing local economy and support small business
Phase 1 Findings Fundamentally, SM wants to maintain its prosperity while aligning itself with sustainability principles Maintaining the City’s prosperity is not immediately threatened. Threats to SM’s economic sustainability appear in longer range scenarios. The reason is SM faces a series of interrelated sustainability pressures
Sustainability Pressures Traffic congestion Land scarcity –Focus on commercial development Housing scarcity –Job growth versus housing growth Challenges to diversity and inclusiveness
Focus Of Our Study How can the City make existing business more sustainable? How can the City attract and retain sustainable business? How can the City maximize re-investment by businesses and residents in the local economy?
Definitions What is a green business? What is a sustainable business? What is a local business?
Your Thoughts Brainstorming: No idea is a bad idea!
What does sustainable business look like in Santa Monica? Who are successful green business leaders? Who are successful sustainable business leaders? Who are successful local business leaders?
How do we make businesses already in Santa Monica more sustainable? How do we get their buy-in? What are their incentives to become sustainable? What resources do they need to become more sustainable?
Santa Monica’s Green Business Programs Sustainable Works Business Greening –15 businesses/year receive free consultation for integrating green practices –Greening existing businesses Green Business Certification –Certification program for green businesses –22 business currently enrolled Sustainable Quality Awards –Recognizing sustainable businesses
Santa Monica’s Green Business Programs (cont’d) What are these programs doing well? How could they improve? How can the City increase participation in these programs? What other programs would you like to see?
What sustainable businesses would you like to see in Santa Monica? Super green? Socially responsible/ community minded? Commitment to local economic development?
How can the City attract a full spectrum of sustainable businesses? Branding –E.g. intellectual capital, proximity to large markets, etc. Tax breaks Other financial incentives City process incentives –E.g. accelerated planning approval Quality of life
How do we maximize re-investment in the local economy? What resources are there for helping businesses buying locally? –Shortening supply chains –Local economic dollars –Favorable terms for business-to-business transactions in Santa Monica