Cupertino Rotary Working on reflecting the Community 1
Why work to reflect the community? That’s where your new members will come from That’s where your new members will come from That’s where your charitable funding will come from That’s where your charitable funding will come from There are many examples of “old white, and male” organizations withering away in Cupertino There are many examples of “old white, and male” organizations withering away in Cupertino 2
What are we trying to reflect? 3
How are we doing? Total Club 4
How are we doing? Last 100 members 5
It didn’t happen by accident It took: Visionary leadership Visionary leadership Outreach on Community projects Outreach on Community projects Outreach on Community Events Outreach on Community Events Outreach through International projects and partnerships Outreach through International projects and partnerships Outreach through programs Outreach through programs Sensitivity to other cultures Sensitivity to other cultures 6
Outreach on Community projects Lunar New Year Unity Parade 7 Rotary Leadership Rotary Leadership Rotary volunteers Rotary volunteers Donation to Rotary Donation to Rotary
Outreach on Community projects Diwali Festival 8 Rotary Leadership Rotary Leadership Rotary volunteers Rotary volunteers Rotary booth Rotary booth
9 Outreach on Community Events – Evolution of a festival- the issues Changing Community mix Changing Community mix Poor Sponsor Friendliness Poor Sponsor Friendliness No Resource leverage No Resource leverage No City support No City support
10 What’s the current model Earth Zone Earth Zone Cultural Fair Cultural Fair Health and Safety Fair Health and Safety Fair Business booths Business booths Partnership with the World Journal Partnership with the World Journal
Outreach through International projects and partnerships 11
12 Evolution of a fundraising event Country Elegance Country Elegance Western Elegance Western Elegance Eastern Elegance Eastern Elegance Global Elegance Global Elegance
Polio plus fundraiser Indian members of the Rotary Club of Cupertino come forward with a proposal: a benefit concert for the eradication of Polio in India. Indian members of the Rotary Club of Cupertino come forward with a proposal: a benefit concert for the eradication of Polio in India.
Results 1600 attendees 1600 attendees $23,000 raised for Polio Plus $23,000 raised for Polio Plus Rotary message delivered through video, slide show and talk by Thariq Thulba, Sri Lanka Partner in service Rotary message delivered through video, slide show and talk by Thariq Thulba, Sri Lanka Partner in service Future connections opened at Google Future connections opened at Google
Outreach through programs Indian Dance Indian Dance Wine sales in China Wine sales in China Indian Economic View Indian Economic View Xian Economic development Xian Economic development And many more And many more 15
Final thoughts Tipping point concept-momemtum counts Tipping point concept-momemtum counts Are you doing things that don’t resonate with other cultures? -songs -prayers Are you doing things that don’t resonate with other cultures? -songs -prayers -food -food 16