Artificial Intelligence & Cognitive Science By: Andrea Pope, Cindy Burdine, and Kazumi Inoue
What is Artificial Intelligence? Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the attempt for computers to perform intelligent actions. According to John McCarthy, AI is science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs. SDR - 3X--- can dance with music from Sony
Brief History of AI 1950s – The Beginning of AI * “Simon” by Edmund Berkeley created * ”Computing Machinery & Intelligence” by Alan Turing * John McCarthy coined the term “Artificial Intelligence” * First running AI program at CMU * McCarthy creates LISP
History continued… 1960s and 1970s * Danny Bobrow shows that computers can understand natural language enough to solve algebra word problems * Joseph Weizenbaum builds ELIZA * Shakey, a robot is created, which combines locomotion, perception, and problem solving * The first computer-controlled vehicle was built
History continued… 1980s and Early 1990s * Danny Hills co-founds Thinking Machines * The drawing program, Aaron, was created * Major advances in all areas of AI, such as machine learnng, intelligent tutoring, case-based reasoning, multi-agent planning, scheduling, virtual reality, etc.
History continued… Late 1990s and Today * IBM computer Deep Blue beats the World Champion chess player * Web crawlers and other AI-based information extraction programs became Web essentials * Interactive robot pets become commercially available
People That Have Influenced AI Herbert Simon * Father of modern research in AI * Developed first AI software *Computers stimulate human thinking Allen Newell Herbert Simon *Unified Systems of Cognition *SOAR *Human problem solving
People continued… John McCarthy * Coined the term “Artificial Intelligence” * Invented LISP John McCarthy Marvin Minsky *The Society of the Mind *Computers and human commonsense reasoning
People continued… Alan Turing * “Computing Machinery and Intelligence” * The Turing Test -- John Searle Alan Turing * Critique of computationalism and Strong AI * Theory of intentionality * Formed a naturalized theory of consciousness
Differences between Strong AI and Weak AI Strong AI --Claims that computers can be made to think on a level (at least) equal to humans and possibly even be conscious of themselves Weak AI --States that some “thinking-like” features can be added to computers to make them more useful tools
Aspects of AI Fuzzy Logic --Expresses operational laws of a system in linguistic terms instead of mathematical equations Moore’s Law --The pace of microchip technology change is such that the amount of data storage that a microchip can hold doubles every year or at least every 18 months
Other Aspects of AI Neural Networks -- Systems that attempt to allow learning and to adapt to different tasks that they are presented with Robotics --This field attempts to create robots that act intelligently Games -- Good example of “Strong AI”
AI and Today Machines doing the jobs of humans and animals. Artificial Intelligence and the future. --AI and American Idol Palm Pilot Maron-1: a phone controlled robot for the home Asimo--- can work fast and smooth like human from Honda.
References es/AI.html
References ml