Learning Community Care Together - An experiment of shared learning between the students of nursing and social work Salla Seppänen MNSc, Senior Lecturer, Project co-ordinator Oulu Polytechnic, School of Health and Social Care
International and Interdisciplinary Community Care 20 cu (800hrs) Module developed in Leonardo da Vinci curriculum project ” Community Care - Developing an International Degree programme for Nurse Education” together with: Finland, The Netherlands and United Kingdom
Aims of Community Care pilot project was to develop a curriculum for a degree programme of Community Care for nurse education at bachelor level to develop a curriculum for a continuing education of Community Care in multiprofessional studies
Project partners Oulu Polytechnic, Oulainen School of Health Care (co-ordinator), FIN Oulu Polytechnic, School of Social Work, FIN University of Oulu, Department of Nursing and Health Administartion, FIN Haagland College, NL University of Central England in Birmingham, UK
Co-operation with placements NbC Health Trust ( UK ) London Borough of Redbridge ( UK ) Medical Health College ( H ) Taukokangas Rehabilitation Centre (for War Veterans) ( FIN ) Oulaskangas Hospital, Rehabilitation unit ( FIN )
Philosophy of community care defined in the project Community care is about people and the kind of services they need to enable them to live as independent a life as possible in their own communities. Central to the philosophy is notion of a person in their communities. This includes their relationships with family, neighbours, volunteers and paid workers; it also includes any relation they may have with local resources such as places of worship and educational provision. The client is defined as an individual, a family, a group of people or a whole community. There may be many professionals involved in contributing to provide services in an integrated and constructive way, so that all are clear about how various contributions can work to the best advantage for a person using services. For each country this philosophy will be affected by physical, technical. cultural, political, legal and economical factors on which the society is built.
1. Philosophy of Community Care Individual Family Community Well-being Health Community Care Physical Technical factors Economical factors Cultural factors Political Legal factors Copyright Leonardo da Vinci Pilot Project No 33150, Community Care
Client an individual a family a group of people a community
The aim of community care is to meet the needs of the people living in communities
The principles of community care holistic and client-centred service provision continuing of care - seamless services independence of a client
The central values of community care holism equality partnership
Qualification of community nurse the ability to work in multicultural societies and communities with people at different ages and in different life situations
Co-operation with client and carers institutional and non- institutional sector health care and social welfare local authorities and voluntary sector / third sector
Vocational studies For students of second or third year Included Introduction (90 hrs) partly in home institution and partly in host institution 12 weeks practical training period in abroad with tutoring (420 hrs) Post seminars in home institution (90 hrs) Self directed studies by portfolio (200 hrs)
The aims of studies To get familiar with community care activities in an other European country. To gain an understanding of the meaning of health and the possibilities for health promotion in different cultures. Develop the ability to understand the meaning of the historical, physical, technical, cultural, political and legal factors of a community, which influence the individual’s, family’s life and well-being. To gain understanding of the interdisciplinary teamwork in community care.
The student could choose their view/ orientation into the studies An individual or a family as a client A community as a client
Learning outcomes of the pre-studies Understand debates and theoretical frameworks of community care Be familiar with epidemiological sources and how they effect to the health and well-being of an individual / a family and a community. Be familiar with health and social policy and legal and economical factors in her/his own country Be familiar with community care and system in his / her country Be familiar with cultural based care and have basic skills to communicate with people from different culture. Have experience of care management and understand the key elements of care management Be familiar with research methods needed in community care
Specified learning outcomes of the pre-studies Be familiar with assessment of the needs of an individual and a family or Be familiar with community analysis method and measurements
Practical training Individual/ family as a client in a community (content of studies) Analysing the social and health needs of an individual and a family Analysing existing resources of a client, a family and a community to establish a supporting network for a client Planning and implementing a personal care plan together with an individual and a family as well as with other professionals in the field of social and health care Familiarise with interdisciplinary teamwork and care management Co-ordinating help and support according to a client´s needs
Practical training Community as a client (content of the studies) Define concept of community care at national and international level Explore the concept of care and health promotion on a collective level Identify demographic and epidemiological trends which influence health and welfare provision in a defined area Be aware of history and physical, technical, cultural, political and legal changes in a defined area.
Portfolio working To analyse community care practice To re-construct perception of community care To integrate theory into community care practice Portfolio had two parts 1. Reflective diary 2. Conceptual map
1. Reflective diary Focusing on the personal learning experience Ventilator for feelings like frustration, stress, succession
2. Conceptual map Description of students´s ideas of community care in the form of picture Includes all relevant concepts of community care Concepts are structured hierarchically Connections between concepts are described by lines -”link words” The analysis of conceptual map integrates theory - Meaning of the concepts in this special context
Conceptual map 1. Make list of the key concepts 2. Choose the key concepts 3. Structures the concepts hierarchically 4. Show the relations and connections between concepts 5. Define the content of concepts by theory and research 6. Integrate the concepts contextually in client´s case 7. Write summary of the key concepts, their content and their relations to each other
Post studies Reflective seminars and theory sessions to deep students understanding of debates and theoretical frameworks of community connections of two different definitions of client in community care “an individual / a family as a client” and “a community as a client” care management and interprofessional teamwork in community care possibilities to develop community care practice by research
Conclusions The students experience of shared learning were positive The pre and post seminars facilitated interdisciplinary discussions The students reported that shared area between social work and nursing is now easier to understand The own client cases integrated practice and theory
Conceptual map was a guide for practical training Guided student´s personal learning objectives Organised client´s care Helped tutor/mentor to supervise a student Helped student to integrate theory and practice Gave material for the seminars to further conceptualisation of elements of community care Made learning visible - evaluation of the learning during the practice was possible