© Impetus – The Private Equity Foundation All rights reserved. Schools NE #FutureReady Conference Ready for Work Wednesday 11 th February 2015
Introducing Impetus-PEF 2 Impetus-PEF is committed to transforming the lives of year olds from disadvantaged backgrounds by ensuring they get the support they need to succeed in education, find and keep jobs, and achieve their potential. We find the most promising charities and social enterprises that work with these children and young people We help them become highly effective organisations that transform lives Then we help them expand significantly so as to dramatically increase the number of young people they serve
3 2 nd Chance Catch 22 City Gateway Resurgo ThinkForward Street League WorkingRite Action Tutoring Team Up The Access Project The Brilliant Club IntoUniversity FNP National Unit Place2Be Ripplez Programmes and portfolio organisations serving young people from disadvantaged backgrounds Unlock Helping vulnerable young people to develop the self knowledge, skills and resilience to succeed at school, at home and in work Ready for Work Helping young people move successfully from school to employment, with support to complete their education, develop personal skills and / or experience the world of work UniAccess Helping young people to plan and fulfil their academic potential, gain a university place and thrive in their chosen pathway Attain Helping young people with the subject frameworks, study skills and confidence to succeed at GCSE
School To Work Transitions – the UK’s structural problem 4
Ready For Work - two questions What are the capabilities that young people need to find and keep work? What programmes are out there that are proven to help develop these capabilities?
The six capabilities 6
Catalogue of programmes 7
What does this mean for ‘careers education’? Progression is key – for some the transition from school to work is clear, but not for the majority Work-readiness is key – employers are clear. How can schools respond to this? Transitions are particularly unclear for those uncertain of getting the GCSE standard in English & Maths The wrong FE course can stall progression, and close down avenues Between 14 and 16, young people need help planning their progression What qualifications you can/must pursue from – Plan A and Plan B How the labour market rewards those choices – and how that differs in different areas We’re calling for a senior leader in schools to be accountable for, and resourced to: 1) Commissioning the school’s IAG, and working with staff to ensure linkage to the curriculum 2) Ensuring that every student has five experiences of work or enterprise by the time they complete their GCSEs or equivalent. 3) Ensuring every pupil at 16 has an individual progression plan which sets out their post-16 educational and work experience needs, and their predicted route to their first full-time employment. 4) Building up a network of connections with local employers from all sectors who may provide future work experience and employment for pupils. 8
We’re calling for… 9
Contact us Impetus – The Private Equity Foundation 183 Eversholt St London NW1 1BU impetus-pef.org.uk © Impetus – The Private Equity Foundation All rights reserved.