An approach to Self Evaluation Aims: Know how to evidence impact of Christian Distinctiveness Be able to benchmark school against grade descriptors
Worship Worship files Worship leaders- adults and pupils Monitoring Evidence of Trinity Festivals- Pentecost, Advent, Saints days Use of Liturgy Attitudes. School Environment Symbols and signs Corridor display Class display Outdoor area Area of reflection Hall Website Prospectus Church School status Mission Statement Values, RE, Worship Policies RE, SRE, Worship, SMSC, SEN,PSHE Behaviour Last inspection report How have the key areas for action been addressed? Extended Curriculum Worship, Fundraising Prayer in the day Clubs; Breakfast Club, after school clubs, Trips Playground: peer mediators, buddies Leadership and management Foundation Governors, Governor visits, meetings Role of HT, subject leader,School Plan : RE and worship CHRISTIAN VALUES Clearly Articulated Bible verse, Role Models Church Links Role of priest.. Other church members Other denominations? Visits,Messy Church RE Subject leader file RE budget, resources Release time for subject leader Book scrutiny, observations Assessment Lesson plans DATA Progress Closing gaps for vulnerable groups
Fundraising Links with sponsor school/ child Mission Statement What doestheWebsite say about your school? Remember to include: Previous SIAMS Inspection Values and biblicallinks When does collective worshiptake place? School Prayer RE Photos of activities andevents Gove Clerg Praye rnors and Foundation Governors y rs thechildren may have written Whole school RE sessions Church link
Worship Worship files Worship leaders- adults and pupils Monitoring Evidence of Trinity Festivals- Pentecost, Advent, Saints days Use of Liturgy Attitudes. School Environment Symbols and signs Corridor display Class display Outdoor area Area of reflection Hall Website Prospectus Church School status Mission Statement Values, RE, Worship Policies RE, SRE, Worship, SMSC, SEN,PSHE Behaviour Last inspection report How have the key areas for action been addressed? Extended Curriculum Worship, Fundraising Prayer in the day Clubs; Breakfast Club, after school clubs, Trips Playground: peer mediators, buddies Leadership and management Foundation Governors, Governor visits, meetings Role of HT, subject leader,School Plan : RE and worship CHRISTIAN VALUES Clearly Articulated Bible verse, Role Models Church Links Role of priest.. Other church members Other denominations? Visits,Messy Church RE Subject leader file RE budget, resources Release time for subject leader Book scrutiny, observations Assessment Lesson plans DATA Progress Closing gaps for vulnerable groups
Pupils can explain how Bible stories demonstrate this value. Understa ing and compassion for our multi cultural society Charitable fundraising for local,national and international charities such as xxxxx Relationships between pupils Use of peer mediation Playground buddies Buddies for new pupils Year 6 read to younger pupils Discussion at scho ol council Loveyour neighbour At School Council pupils say they are happy in school. Positive classroom behaviour. Conflict resolved quickly. Few playground incidents. New pupils settle in quickly. Respect shown for diversity in our school community. Relationships amongst staff Supportive staff. Staff professional development. Rector supports staff needs. Staff Eucharist How do you measure the impact of distinctive Christian Values?
Writing the SEF Start with SSED Look at the evaluation framework Use these statements to help write the summary of impact Look also at previous examples of SIAMS Write the impact statement with the results/ context of your school Which value supports this? Go to your mind map – where is the evidence found?