MATHEMATICS By the Ahmadiyya Muslim Womens’ Student Association
Mathematics is used throughout the world as an essential tool in fields such as Natural Science, Engineering, Medicine and many more. It is an exact language for description, calculation, deduction, modelling, and prediction. Mathematics is a language for writing contracts with Nature that Nature accepts as legally binding. Mathematically educated people are stem cells of a technologically advanced society. “ “
A- LEVEL SUBJECTS Must have studied Mathematics at GCSE and achieved a Grade B. It is necessary to study Mathematics at A-Level if you wish to study Mathematics or any other related subjects at University.
G RADE REQUIREMENTS The main requirements for the grades are: Most likely GCSE: - B A-Levels: - A*A*A – A*AB Rare Mathematics Grade B achieved at GCE level and minimum 320 UCAS points
T OP 5 UNIVERSITIES (F ROM I NDEPENDENT UK) Cambridge Oxford Imperial College London Warwick Bath
E NTRY EXAMS Oxford: Mathematics Aptitude Test (MAT) Cambridge, Warwick: Sixth Term Examination Papers(STEP)
D URATION S TRUCTURE Mathematics: 3 years Mathematics with a specialization: 3 years Typical example of modules that are taught in a Mathematics degree, these may vary depending on what specialized maths course has been chosen: Basic Statistics Computing with Applications Financial Markets Logic/Set Theory Mathematical Techniques 1 Groups and Vector spaces Professional Teaching Skills Differential equations Programming Statistics
W ORK EXPERIENCE / E XTRA - CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Teaching/Tutoring, help teach younger people Mathematics Banking Take part in Mathematics challenges Take part in the nrich problems that are given monthly, see website: Or try the problems on the PSJ (Problem Solving Journal) Read popular Mathematics books (ie. Fermat’s Last theorem) It might also be very helpful to become familiar with one or two programming languages, to start off try C++ or Java
C AREER OPPORTUNITIES Scientific Research through Further Studies Economics Actuarial Services Teaching Financial Consultant/ Accountancy Many others
W AYS TO SERVE THE J AMA ’ AT Teaching Research
P ERSONAL S TATEMENT E XAMPLES WE CAN HELP!! Contact AMWSA at Please include the following details: Name & Majlis The subject your interested in.
C ONTACTS To contact Ahmadi, female Mathematics graduates and gain further advice contact Please include the following details: Name & Majlis The subject your interested in.
A DDITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Studying Mathematics is hard but very rewarding! Go to open days where possible! Keep in mind that mathematics is an area of study with its own language, if you gain proficiency and are able to speak it you will most probably have mastered half of your course Remember to send a letter to Beloved Huzur-e-Aqdas (aba) on a regular basis to seek his invaluable prayers and guidance.
S OME HELPFUL WEBSITES ! com/ This website gives very brief definitions and descriptions on most keywords and theorems in maths. Therefore it is a very useful site when studying science. This site uses very specialized notation and descriptions. Keep that in mind but do not shy away from using it just because of that, rather learn to understand the language. A website to read a large range of preprint scientific papers, which includes all areas of science as well as mathematical papers relating to research currently being carried out. A very useful website for those intending to go into the field of research. A website concerning the history of maths and biographies of mathematician. It also has a separate section for female mathematicians.
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