Learning Goals and Critical Question for Today Students will understand the purpose and goals of the Second Vatican Council. Students will relate the council to modern Christianity and modern issues. Critical Question: Does the Second Vatican Council make a difference to our modern world? What is the impact and why is it important?
The Second Vatican Council The Second Vatican Council was the 21 st general ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic Church. The Second Vatican Council took place between October 11, 1962 to December 8, The council took place in 4 separate sessions in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. It was called by Pope John XXIII(23 rd ). He died after the first session and his successor Paul VI(6 th ) was left to finish it.
The Second Vatican Council The council was the largest ecumenical council, with a total of 2,600 bishops from all over the world and a total of over 3,000 participants (including theologians and other experts). First council called in 100 years. Extensive media coverage from all over the world to depict conflict, compromise and ideas of the council. This demonstrated real concerns and ideas of the church.
Reaction to Current Society The Church was reacting to the current society. Cultural changes in the aftermath of World War II enforced the need to reconsider church practices. World War 2 led to 73 million people dead, wounded or missing. Atomic bomb = mass destruction very quickly and in a large area. Holocaust :Massive death and destruction. Christian nations engaging in massive destruction. 1960’s had relative peace, but mounting cold war stress. African nations achieved independence and Non-European colonial powers. 1960’s was a time of profound political, economic and cultural shift.
The Purpose of the Council Engage in and with the modern world. Modernize and shape the Roman Catholic Church to fit the society and its people. Create new dialogue between the Catholic Church and modern world. Called to promote reconciliation, peace and ease discord. Its approach was pastoral and positive. It sought to reach out in dialogue to all people of good will. Reforms to church doctrine and matters of faith.
Pope John XXIII and His Ideas for the Council Aggiornamento Updating the church, bringing it up to date. Throwing open the windows and letting in the fresh air. The Church had to be formed by bringing it up to date by asking the questions: Where are we ? Where do we need to be? What needs to be done?
Pope John XXIII and His Ideas For the Council Ressourcement Resourcing Going back to the sources Hughes uses the Latin equivalent “Ad Fontes”, return to the spring, where everything is fresher. Minding and using our tradition which can help us. Use of scriptures, music, literature to help us be the most effective church and faith in the present. In order to be updated look at and use the best of what the Church has.
What Comes Out Of It The Council issues sixteen Documents, all of which were significant for the life of the Church. The documents addressed, advanced and promoted the Church’s relationship to her own people and to her attitude towards Christian and non-Christian religions and towards the secular world.
The Results of the Second Vatican Council 1. The Declaration that “the Church” includes ALL “People of God”, not simply the hierarchy of the church. 2. Hierarchy of truths- not all official Church teachings are equally binding on all Catholics or essentially to the integrity of the Catholic faith. 3. The mass was altered and the language of delivery changed from Latin to the vernacular. 4. Produced the most and widest changes in the Roman Catholic Church since the Council of Trent during the Reformation.
We Will Be Looking At 1. Sacrosanctum Concilium, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy 2. Lumen Gentium, Dogmatic Constitution On the Church, Nostra Aetate, Declaration On the Relation Of the Church to Non- Christian Religions, Dei Verbum, Dogmatic Constitution On Divine Revelation, Gaudium et Spes, Pastoral Constitution On the Church In the Modern World,1965. Connecting to the people and modern world. Preferential option for the poor. Supporting and relationships with other religions, and Non- Christian faiths. Social justice (Inequality issues within society). Taking part in the world and engaging in it. Second Vatican Council Documents Modern Christianity
What To Do: Become Your Own Council In small groups with the peers around you, look at one of the documents from Vatican 2. You will become your own council. You will identify the main points of the document. Discuss ideas. You will discuss with your group whether or not you have seen these changes implemented today by the church. If so, discuss where and what? If not, discuss why. Record your findings.
What To Do: Become Your Own Council 2 nd Part Groups will then read an article about a modern issue or a modern Christianity issue(s). Ask yourself, is this issue upholding the beliefs of Catholic Church and Vatican 2 ideas? Or is it failing to live up to it? Is the modern issue being helped or hindered? *Why or why not? How can we help to address the modern issue? Can we make it better? What can the church do to further the issue for the better? Any suggestions? Discuss ideas; address any conflict between different views, and compromise on your answer with your group. You will be presenting this information to the class. Split the work equally, and decide who will be presenting what. You do not have to just use the articles provided or all of them. Pick which ever issue(s) or article(s) you like the best and can explain the best from the options. Feel free to think of your own modern issues to explain. You may use your electronic devices to do so.